
China on Russia's side. What is wrong with that? Why can't China be supporting Russia?

 China is leaning over to the Russian side. Are they kidding? Realistically China is already on the Russian side. There is no need to talk about that. China is also leaning towards North Korea and Iran. What is wrong with that? Must China follow the USA and not allowed to choose its friends? China is not a doggie, nor a vassal state or a colony of the USA like Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.

And what is wrong with China being on the side of Russia? Must China follow the dictates of the USA just like the European doggies? And the West had the cheek to accuse China of not following their script in economic matters.

China's expanding influence in Africa has also been questioned by one pro-USA journalist, harassing ex-Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis that she does not support China's popular status in Africa. She was asked in return by Yanis Varoufakis who retorted directly to her with the question - 'What is wrong with that?' China has a right to have influence just like the USA, and China has been more humanistic in its relationship with African countries. That journalist was stumped, sheepishly accepting the status quo and feigning ignorance. 



  1. Remember the saying - 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

    The USA wants to make more enemies so that it can continue to have forever wars. And the main enemies of the USA are now closing ranks to take on the USA. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are more than a handful for the USA to deal with. Three of them are nuclear powers, with Iran already on its way. The West including Israel had pushed Iran to change its stance about not going nuclear due to religious constraints. Iran does not lack the expertise to become a nuclear power. It is now changing its stand and the West and Israel are worried.

    Russia and China were at one point engaged in a cold war, but the USA pushed Russia towards a warming relationship with China. This can realistically be said to be a blessing in disguise for both countries, now co-operating on all fronts. It is becoming the biggest political blunder and regret of the USA's inapt foreign policy. With all the so-called foreign policy advisers and strategists at its disposal, how could the USA be so wrong.

    Russia is not Iraq or Syria that had been trampled and destroyed for not following the dictates and succumbing to the bullying of the USA. Russia is a nuclear power and will not just be shoved aside at the whims and fancies of the USA. North Korea is smarter than what the West made it out to be and it now refused to be bullied with its nuclear power status, puny it may be. That is why Iran is so eager to have the bomb to deter the bullying by the USA, Israel and the West.

  2. Like olden day gangsters asking China whose side is it with? 329, 24 or 08?
