
Americans claimed their drones were world best when there were no competitors, until when others have better drones....

 What can we say about USA weapons when even Ukraine is refusing to use USA reaper drones and resorting to convert DJI civilian drones for military use? The Ukrainians claim that USA reaper drones are unreliable and inaccurate when compared to DJI civilian drones bought off the shelves of Walmart and others? Imagine DJI civilian drones being more reliable than USA military grade drones is really a devastating blow on the USA's miliary reputation.

This brings into question what kind of drones the PLA are using? Those are undoubtedly military grade drones and could not be inferior to the civilian drones sold on the shelves of Walmart, right?

But pro-USA snake oil salesmen are still promoting the notion that Chinese weapons are junks and that USA weapons are the best of the best. Let them still pretend that their Emperor is wearing his new clothes when he is naked. And do not try to tell them the truth. They refused to listen to the truth and will instead accuse those saying good things about China being CCP funded elements.

Oh, lest I forget, I want to talk about the supposedly landing pier built by the USA purportedly for the landing of humanitarian aid for Gaza, which was broken up by winds and waves. Now it is reported to have been repaired. Those are supposed to be USA military grade logistics, not Chinese built junks, LOL.

Now, we know the secret of why the Israelis allowed such a pier to be built when they were adamantly stopping all aid by land through the Rafah crossing. It does not sound right isn't it. Someone just revealed that that pier had been used by Israel to launch attacks on Gaza. Satan just tried to pull wool over the world's eyes, pretending to be humanistic, but behind that lurks an evil intent. 


1 comment:

  1. When only one competitor is around, and totally a vassal state, the USA could get rid of it by underhand tactics. Alstom of France found that out. Toshiba of Japan also found that out. But what can doggies do? Their government just caved in without a whimper. Like a dog being scolded and retreating quietly into a corner, unable to retaliate.

    The USA tried that same trick on Huawei, intending to put it out of business. It failed because they were dealing with China behind Huawei's back. Huawei fought back and is now a competitor for Apple and also for USA, Japanese and South Korean chip makers. The USA and the West should not have messed with Huawei and are now stuck at 4.5G pretending to be 5G. They claimed to be on 6G now, but we know better.

    But the USA never learn its lesson or refused to. It is now going after Chinese EVs by raising tariffs to as high as 100%. Who are they punishing actually? Tesla and German EV makers in China are worst hit. BYD's export numbers to USA and Europe are minor and not yet dominating. The USA may be trying to nip Chinese EVs in the bud but does not realize it is killing its own EV makers in China. Stupidity has no cure.
