
China's philosophy of thrift and economy rising over American's extravagance and unrestrained inflation of cost

 The Global South will keep expanding. The G7 had already shrank from G8 after they evicted Russia. Trying to keep the G7 bloc exclusive to the Whites and fake Whites is not to the liking of the rest of the world, the Global South. It is an assumption that no other country can reach the economic status of those in the G7. How wrong they were!

China already proved its point, becoming the second biggest economy in the world. The most surprising outcome of China's rise centers on the fact that China is a socialist state and was thought incapable of rising to the level of the G7 countries. China proved them wrong and attained its position in a much shorter time than anticipated. Russia, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia are perfectly capable of rising to give countries like the UK, France, Italy and Canada a run for their money to be among the so-called elites.

China just took 30 years to zoom past all except the USA, which it is causing alarm even to the USA itself. With China's help in infrastructures, transportation systems and other facilities, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia will probably take a shorter time to be among the top ten biggest economy. China and Russia's economy are already among the top tier of the so-called elites. 


1 comment:

  1. Vietnam is another socialist country doing good. Whatever political system a country adopts, it can thrive with good leaders and good people willing to work hard, learn and innovate.

    Even a country under Dictatorial rule can do just as well as one under a fake democracy on the surface. A Dictator that works for the good of its people, eradicating poverty, uplifting people's livelihood is better than an elected leader doing nothing for his people and the country as a whole.

    The mantra that democracy is good for a country is only providing opportunities for the further enrichment of the top 1% to the detriment of those at the bottom. The USA and other democracies have now not only destroyed the lower class but also the middle class as well. Only the top 1% are doing better than ever.

    Everyday boasting about a US$3 trillionaire and overtaking another trillionaire is not helping those who are struggling to pay their rent, electricity and put food on the table. The owners of the biggest companies in the world may dwarf companies in other countries, but they are not helping those at the bottom of the food chain. They in fact are cannibalizing the bottom of the food chain, just looking for higher profits to enhance their wealth and standing.

    Life is short and it is a mirage talking about astronomical wealth. Just take Steve Jobs as an example, with all his accumulated wealth having to succumb to cancer at his peak. What a painful loss. Then there are those who took their own lives despite being super rich. Why?

    Some may not believe that such poor people in Bhutan are said to be happy people. They think happiness can only equate to wealth. The truth is that without super rich people in their midst, everyone is seen to be equal. There is no envy, no comparison needed, no queuing for iPhones, no disappointment of not keeping up with the Joneses. Just plain simple lifestyle free and without debts and no ego to upkeep.

    Of course, now we know how they published those list of the World's happiest people. They must be White countries and certainly not China for goodness' sake. China reached the status of the happiest country in the world, but was not allowed to hold that position, and its data deleted. Now Finland is top. It is all a farce. Now I also understand why there are no Nobel prizes for mainland Chinese, no anything Chinese for that matter.
