
American Humpty Dumpty about to fall

 When the USA Humpy Dumpty falls from the top of the wall, all the rest of the G7 cannot put it back together again.

Some will scamper to join BRICS, like France. Some will crawl back to join the BRI, like Italy. And the G7 may be left to become G2, comprising USA and UK. Soon, both will be left to reminisce about their fallen empires.

When the US$ hegemony ends, forever war is no longer affordable. Even maintaining those 800 or more military bases becomes impossible without the ability to continue just printing toilet papers.

The British Empire, the biggest in history, collapsed due to its inability to keep its financial support to maintain its control over its colonies, and it had to relinquish them one by one.

Likewise for the USA with regard to all its military bases, aircraft carriers, submarines and troops around the world. And what about those 'iron clad' promises it gave to its cronies? Those cronies will be left blinking and wondering 'what happened to those 'iron clad' chains. They have not rusted yet!'


1 comment:

  1. The USA, according to a prophecy, was to end under the 45th President, which was Donald Trump.

    Actually, it can be construed that the end of the USA started with Donald Trump and the prophecy may yet be coming true. Trump is coming back for a second bite of the cherry, or should I say, doing the job of completing the tail-end of the prophecy. Will he win in November is the question, but it looks likely with Biden beset with mental and physical problems clearly apparent. Biden is not in a position to have a second term, period!

    Believe it or not, the end of the USA is coming true. BRICS de-dollarization is picking up steam. Saudi Arabia just cut its pricing of oil in US$ and is selling oil in other currencies. You can be sure that other oil producers will do the same. They have to, in order to keep their market share.

    Meanwhile, more and more countries are joining BRICS and bringing with them their contribution by way of energy, resources and agricultural outputs. This augurs well for the setting up of the BRICS 'Energy and Resources Exchange' which will facilitate trade in those commodities among BRICS countries beyond the control of the West in pricing and without the use of the US$. This is a big change in promoting the use of alternative currencies in trade among BRICS countries. If the USA and the West thinks this is just small potato, let it be.

    There is nothing the USA and the West can do about the de-dollarization move. It is not an individual country's action like Iraq or Libya. It is Global South movement, spearheaded by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and now includes many oil producing countries. When Iran and Venezuela eventually join and can trade its oil outside USA and Western sanctions, BRICS will control most of the global oil trade outside of the use of the US$. And countries do not need to keep huge US$ reserves to buy this most important commodity.
