
Peeling American fakery, layer by layer, piece by piece

 American lies and fakeries are being exposed and made to look silly day by day. No matter how they lied, how long they lied, the followup actions would reveal the truth. One good indicator is follow the money. The Americans would pour in huge money to create a hoax, a lie, but after awhile, the fund would stop when they find that it is a total waste of public fund.

The best example is the moon landing hoax. After the repeated hoaxes of numerous trips to the moon, they eventually gave up as money dried up. They wasted 3 decades to try to turn their moon landing hoaxes into reality by investing billions to try to make it to the moon, but failed and failed. All the trips to the moon did not happen and their subsequent effort failed miserably. Finally they gave up totally to want to make their lies a reality. The funds for NASA to build a rocket to the moon were totally cut off to a trickle to keep NASA in ICU. And the only thing NASA could fake were photos of distant planets, pics that could be taken by telescope or digitally produced, not by so called probes or rovers on Mars etc etc.

If NASA was doing a good job, the funds would not be cut off. The Americans can print all the money they want to support forever wars, why not NASA. Obviously NASA has turned out to be a dud agency. Not even given the funds to develop rockets to the International Space Station and needed to hitch a ride fro Russian rockets and now from Elon Musk's rockets. Only after China successfully sent rovers to the moon that some funds were allocated to compete with China. But then, the funds were still inadequate, and a waste of money as NASA just cannot deliver.

The Americans claimed to have brought back 300 kg of moon rocks earlier but are now desperately begging China for some soil sample from the moon. Why? Is it because the 300 kg moon rock actually did not come from the moon? For several decades, the Americans have all the time to study and test the moon rock, but discovered nothing of scientific value or useful. So they quietly stop talking about their useless 'moon rocks'. Can we make out something from these useless 'moon rocks'? The 'moon rocks' were only useful as souvenirs for a while. Today, nobody wants them any more. Owning a piece of the American 'moon rocks' is a self admission that one is a sucker of American fakes.

The next big dud is the F22. Who would ever believe that the Americans would cut off funds to continue producing this aircraft if it is that good, the best American aircraft to maintain air superiority over China and Russia? Obviously this aircraft is another dud that is under performing, unable to live up to all the hypes and paper specs. So this aircraft must go. And it is being shelved at a critical time when America needs a superior aircraft to show off or to brag or to lie that it is better than China's J20. The Americans simply gave up bluffing. The lie is just too costly to keep paying. Follow the money.

No need to waste time on the F35. The American Army refused to take delivery of more than 150 F35s, now lying on the tarmac. Though the Americans have lately regurgitated a lot of fake info on how superior the F35 is, calling it a monster or a beast, to con the suckers that bought into this dud. A dud is a dud. And still calling it a 5G stealth aircraft when it is not stealth. What a joke.

Then there is the top rated most modern aircraft carrier named Gerald Ford, complete with the most advanced catapult delivery system that still cannot function after more than 10 years of trying. China's latest Fujian aircraft carrier already has an operationally readied catapult system more superior to the Gerald Ford. By the way, the company that was responsible for the Gerald Ford catapult system has gone bust. Looks like Gerald Ford has to go back to the ski jump system. And why did that company go bust? Where is the money? Why no money to pay the company for a superior leading edge system?

What about 1960s Minuteman III ICBM? Still functioning or good as museum pieces? If there is no workable rockets to send American astronauts to the ISS, then there is no workable rockets to replace the antique Minuteman III. Period.

Still bragging about 99% kill rate for Patriot Missiles? Any suckers still dying to buy the Patriot Missile System?

PS. The lying Americans are still spreading lies that China stole their tech when the Americans did not have them. The Americans have no 5G, no 6G, no tech to take them to the moon, fake stealth fighters like F22/F35 unlike real stealth J20. If the J20 looks like F22/F35, then Donald Trump must look like Biden. The Americans have no quality drones and accused DJI of stealing their tech when American military chose to use DJI drones over poor quality American drones. American military chose to use Beidou instead of low definition GPS. No high speed trains, no satellite communication with mobile phones, no solar panels, no EV batteries, no port cranes, no high speed trains, but have plenty of fentanyl and zombies on the streets. Still cannot perfect electromagnetic catapult launch system when China already perfected it. Still testing hypersonic missiles when China already flying them all over the USA.

Who is lying, who is stealing, who is cheating?


  1. It honestly is good that they just keep pretending that they are always the best and believing in that makes sure they do not see the woods for the trees. They think countries do not and cannot progress without being given permission by them to participate. Like Space Station research, hypersonic missiles, rail guns, unmanned drones, EVs and now semiconductors.

    Which of the above innovation is the USA now ahead? They probably still have a little edge in semiconductors, with all the help from companies like TSMC and Samsung among others. But that edge is eroding faster than they think. Those chip manufacturing facilities frantically being built in Arizona will turn into white elephants within three years from now, when China goes into mass production of 3 nm chips. The USA's Chip Alliance members will be unable to compete globally. Not only that, but the whole Chinese market is beyond their reach as domestic supplies will take away all the years of hard work foreign semiconductor manufacturers have forged inside China to gain market share.

    The very fact that they are still using the more than two decades old and outdated International Space Station abandoned by the Russians tells us how far behind they are in that field alone. Laughable indeed that they had earlier banned China from participating in research on the ISS when it was supposed to be an international project. You do not have to guess who was behind that ban. Karma works in mysterious ways indeed!

    When the ISS begins breaking up within short, which it definitely will, the USA would have no space station to brag about. But shamelessly they may reapply to take part in the research on the Tiangong Space Station, which China denied them earlier. Having no sense of shame, you can expect them to crawl back to China begging for a second chance. Or if rejected again, they will demonize and cry loudly that China is too dominant in that sector and must be asked to curb its progress in space research. I think nothing will change in the USA playbook.

  2. https://youtu.be/3TRPk3N8FyQ?si=ZxOt8lQefJURcxnQ

    UAss Scoundrels stated that they wanted Urukiane to pay back by giving their resources of trillions to them back.

    Dotard Trump not even as President stated that whatsoever UAss send them their Weapons are Loans.

    Not free
