
The crumbling western myths and the crumbling western dominance

 The Brits have still not learned their lesson, sending its two bathtubs to threaten China and Russia. During WW2, the 'Prince of Wales' and 'Repulse' did not even need to enter the war and were sank by the Japanese upon leaving harbor.

Aircraft carriers and their support ships are now sitting ducks for hypersonic missiles and drones. They may boast about 'submarine killers' that targeted submarines that posed hidden threats to aircraft carriers. They may be able to track such submarines before they get too close, but hypersonic missiles are another matter. Their speed does not give ample time for countermeasures, and it just takes minutes from launch to hit its target.

Of course, the USA has to downplay the incident involving the Eisenhower, and even to deny the reality, but to upload a clip from the distant past to try to fool viewers is a tad too foolish. It is counterproductive. But how to produce a clip with the aircraft carrier showing its wounds? Desperate situations call for desperate response and the only way was to lie about it with a clip that backfired.

Many analysts were also talking about the recent Iranian retaliation against Israeli attack on its embassy in Syria, that caused much more damage to Israel than what we are being told. The Israelis have made great effort to cover it up, as it was a big disaster for the 'Iron Dome' invincibility myth.


1 comment:

  1. What Western myths are also crumbling? The mantra that investing in assets in the USA is the safest bet is crumbling. The mantra that USA treasuries are the safest investment channel on earth is another myth that is crumbling. The mantra that building manufacturing facilities in the USA is the best bet is also crumbling. The gloating and salivation that sanctioning Russia will turn the Ruble into rubble and that Russia will collapse has already crumbled.

    Investing in USA or the West and having assets in USA and Western banks is no longer safe. In fact, it is the riskiest place today as Russia found out, and which the world became acutely aware of. They are asking, who is next? The world should thank Russia for showing them what the USA and the West really are, warts and all.

    Today the USA may consider a country as friendly, tomorrow is a different matter altogether. At their whims and facies, assets and reserves could be confiscated. They are going around using this threat against every country that crossed swords with them. India is reported to be extracting its gold from London. India, always viewed as a friendly country by the USA and Europe, is not feeling that safe anymore either, keeping its gold reserves in London, even with an India PM watching over them, LOL. It is absolutely mindboggling that countries had deemed it safest to put their gold in the hands of thieves who lie, cheat and steal. Stupidity has no cure indeed!

    Countries are also getting nervous about buying more USA treasuries that are basically becoming a hot potato and realistically unsafe. Only the UK, the partner in crime, of the USA is now buying and has become the second biggest holder of USA treasuries today. The UK knows that their holdings can never be seized, right? Birds of a feather must trust each other. Hope the 'iron-clad' chain holding them together does not rust, LOL.

    Many countries attempting to invest in the USA had also been taken to the cleaners, not just Chinese companies. A Chilean investment that Trump allowed to open up a mining venture, a nickel-copper mine, was sabotaged by Biden, resulting in massive losses to the Chilean investor. A Chinese battery manufacturer, CATL, was stopped from opening a battery facility in the USA to supply batteries for EV manufacturers in the USA. Fortunately, CATL had not yet put in funds to start building that facility and suffered no loss. But it shows that even if Biden approves, Trump may not agree if he should take the White House. USA policies are fragile and changeable like the weather, which is why the EU is very nervous of a Trump victory in November.

    The USA had already threatened to seize China's Treasury holdings during the COVID19 outbreak. Now some moron in the USA is revisiting this move of seizing China's assets in the face of the geopolitical face-off regarding Russia. Any move in this direction will really trigger the dumping of USA Treasuries and other assets like a 'fire sale'.
