
Evil terrorist Americans have long placed nuclear weapons all over the world

 Never discount the USA and the West deploying nuclear weapons in ASEAN and the rest of the world at large.

Already, the USA is chanting a new mantra claiming that Russia and China are proliferating nuclear weapons around the world. You can take it that the USA has just discovered an excuse and have been given the justification to do what it intended to do for a long time. Why did Trump unilaterally depart from the treaty with Russia over curbs on nuclear proliferation? That was the first step that they had in mind all along, which was to expand its nuclear footprint.

The USA is intending to open up a can of worms. If the USA goes ahead and place more nuclear missiles in Europe or elsewhere in Ukraine, which Zelensky is salivating to have, Russia will oblige by once again siting nukes in Cuba, as what the USSR did in the 60s, that almost started a nuclear war between USA and the Soviet Union. The USSR did that because the USA had already placed nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey. It was a tit-for-tat move. Who was actually already proliferating nuclear weapons is there for all to see.

Actually, in today's context, there is little difference with placing nuclear missiles in other countries, as that can be dispensed with by having a deterrence based on hypersonic missiles and nuclear enabled submarines. Today's missiles have so much longer range that it can destroy targets thousands of miles away with pin-point accuracy.

Even Iran, more than a thousand miles away from Israel could hit two military bases inside Israel, with the 'Iron Dome' protecting them. So, what is all that narrative about proliferation that holds no water.



  1. Good morning All

    Not to worry, two or three can play the same games.

    Now Russia taking the lead by having their War Ships in Cuba to make them busy and nervy.

    Later China shall have theirs in Serbia and Kazakhstan and others.

    One shoot all shoot.

  2. https://youtu.be/V3DBQjw84Pg?si=WYbGxbGlkgjyDWeQ

    Wow Putin ready played chicken with Bidamn.

    War ships at Cuba Miltary Exercises aiming missles at UAssA.

    Bidamn shits in pants.

  3. https://youtu.be/MzrNMojRUEY?si=ujB8gUD2HMtvyxkS

    Another terrified one


  4. Putin fighter Jets flew over UAssA carrier

    Wow NATO and UASSA in panic
