
USA Presidents are elected for their looniness

 It seems USA Presidents are elected for their looniness. The loonier the better.

John F. Kennedy was addicted to sex, engaging in 'one hole golf' while waiting for his 'swearing in' according to one source. Bill Clinton was playing 'cigar poker' with his intern in the Oval Office, and that was an open book and no misinformation. George W. Bush claimed he talked to God directly and claimed that God asked him to attack Iraq.

Donald Trump, another sex offender with numerous women taking up the cudgel against him, is now in deep trouble in the Stormy Daniels case. He is in the same kind of trouble as what Kennedy and Clinton were doing before, but the latter two got off scot-free. Do you believe the latter two were not involved in hush money payments to keep other women's mouths shut? Talk about the being at the wrong place and the wrong time.



  1. The badge of honour for an American presidential candidate is to be taking drugs, cheating, having affairs, and loony.

    This is the high moral standard of the Americans for their top leader, the President of the USA. There is no shame, nothing to be ashamed of. This is America, land of the free.

  2. One video of one from Judge Napolitano of how Putin could in his Economy Summit spend three and a half hours telling and answering questions from the galley.

    He said Bidamn just five mins will fall asleep.

    He said Americunts now better sell their arses as they do not know how to work as lost all their abilities to work.

    Anyone wants? Cheap cheap.

    Maybe look for the female ones.

  3. Joe Biden at the D-Day celebration did something very out of the ordinary. Some said that he pooped in his pants standing up. His wife was standing next to him and put her hands to cover her mouth, an act of visible distress that she often displayed when Biden had been caught on camera dozing off. This clearly shows there is a physical problem with his health.

    Biden is in no shape to run for another term. Absolutely unable to do so in his state. The Democrats must be really kidding to think that he is the best that they can find.

  4. Poor old Biden. The clowns in Washington are so cruel to him, pushing him out like a piece of cardboard cut out, but making a fool of himself, pooing on stage, in front of the world.

  5. American loony Presidents are spending US$1 trillion a year to manufacture wars while everyone else is using money to manufacture goods and services.

    How much loony can it be? The only thing more loony is that many silly so called educated elites are still yelping that the Americans are peace loving people, to be invited to be the policemen of the world, to protect peace. And China is the aggressive country wanting to invade the whole world.

    To these stupid western educated elites, Americans are the good guys and Russia, China and the Global South are the bad guys.
