
Mercy for Joe Biden

 For Joe Biden, I will suggest 'mercy killing' rather than a 'painless killing' using euthanasia.

The man is a pain to watch, subjected to elderly abuse and made to suffer indignities and shame. It is perhaps fortunate that he is suffering from dementia, able to forget what he hears or say, and is thus able to bear with all that shaming. This could only happen in the USA, the so-called beacon of democracy that it wants the world to follow.

Word has discreetly been thrown up, in unofficial circles that is, that the Democrats are now panicking and finding ways to pull Biden out of the Presidential race. At this late stage, it is quite impossible for any aspiring candidate to rise up. Will Obama be back to take on Trump. Otherwise, Trump will just sleepwalk into the White House. Good or bad, we shall see.

Suffice to say, the one that takes over the White House will have a mountain of trouble awaiting. Two wars to support, another war brewing, mounting debts, more decoupling and derisking failures, more loss of the China market and having to deal with a rising BRICS and its de-dollarization momentum.



  1. The White House is now claiming that all those videos of Biden's tumbling and fumbling are deepfakes. Everybody is making deepfakes is what they are claiming. But why are those deepfakes from different sources revealing the same malfunctioning Joe Biden. Cannot be true, isn't it?

    The USA propaganda machine is now in the hands of the Democrats and Biden is the one they are pushing to be the President. Is this a clear admittance that the USA propaganda machine has lost its bite fighting against minor media outlets accusing them of inventing deepfakes of Biden's gaffes and missteps? The Democrats have to do better than that to convince the ground.

  2. Good morning All

    Does their damn UAssA's Constitution allowed a past 2 term ex President to stand for Election again for another term?

    Oh, they could just simply changed their damn BS one!

    If that Black aka hearted Obama were to be elected again, another few millions innocents going to be slaugtered again.

    Oops forget that any damn UAssA President whether White or Black, many innocent coloured peoples going to be killed by them for their luxurious decandance lifes.

    1. 🔊🌎‼️The Chinese Embassy has published a list of states that were bombed by the United States of America after World War II:

      • Japan 6.08 and 9.08 1945
      • Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War)
      • Guatemala 1954
      • Indonesia (1958)
      • Cuba (1959-1961)
      • Guatemala (1960)
      • Congo (1964)
      • Laos (1964-1973)
      • Vietnam (1961-1973)
      • Cambodia (1969-1970)
      • Guatemala (1967-1969)
      • Grenada (1983)
      • Lebanon (1983, 1984) (hitting targets in the territories of Lebanon and Syria)
      • Libya (1986)
      • Salvador (1980)
      • Nicaragua (1980)
      • Iran (1987)
      • Panama (1989)
      • Iraq (1991) (Gulf War)
      • Kuwait (1991)
      • Somalia (1993)
      • Bosnia (1994, 1995)
      • Sudan (1998)
      • Afghanistan (1998)
      • Yugoslavia (1999)
      • Yemen (2002)
      • Iraq (1991-2003) (joint US & British troops)
      • Iraq (2003-2015)
      • Afghanistan (2001-2015)
      • Pakistan (2007-2015)
      • Somalia (2007-2008, 2011)
      • Yemen (2009, 2011)
      • Libya (2011, 2015)
      • Syria (2014-2015)

      There are more than 20 states on the list.
      China urged "never forget who is the real threat to the world."

      Were there outrages from the Western community regarding the United States?

      Were there loud accusatory cries?
      Were there sanctions against the United States at least once?

      This whole hypocritical world caudle sits quietly with its tongue in one place, when the USA nightmares countries like a real bandit.
      Not an exclamation, not a shadow of reproach, not a glimmer of indignation.
      Cowardly, shameless, hypocritical creatures!
      I would spit on everyone in his hypocritical mug and would poke his nose into this list.

      This list should be broadcast on all possible channels 24 hours a day, continuously.
      Make videos that would gouge all this Western riff-raff, would not let them sleep peacefully!
      Pound them and peck, remind every fact of the US crime against other countries.

  3. Obama was presented with a Nobel Peace Prize for killing millions by dropping millions of bombs. This is classic American formula for peace. They did that to the native Red Indians, killed them all and there will be permanent peace.

    And the Americans are teaching the Israelis to do the same to the Palestinians and Arabs.

    Nethanyahu and Blinken would also be presented with Nobel Peace Prizes for bringing peace to the Middle East, after they wiped out the Palestinians and the Arabs there.

  4. Zelensky was favored to receive the 2022 Nobel Piss Prize but was snubbed. They claimed it was a shock. To whom I wonder? The Nobel committee knew they were strongly demonized for Obama's choice and lost much credibility.

    Netanyahu may be next in line for the Nobel Piss Prize. That will make the Nobel Piss Prize a real farce, like the Piss summit in Switzerland. Why are all the world bodies falling in credibility like dominoes? The world really needs more credible entities, real neutral entities to lead.

  5. Wang Yi should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing about the peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran last year. That was a game changer in the Middle East, a feat that only Wang Yi can pull off.

    But no way. Wang Yi will not qualify, perhaps by inventing the reason that he is a member of the CCP, just like the TikTok issue. The deed does not matter, the race and political association is a more important criterion. To qualify, one must be a dissident of a country that the USA does not like or is against. And that person must be chosen by lackey entities of the USA, approved by them, and submitted to the Nobel Prize Committee.

    Just like assessing the happiness ranking of a country, the farce must be there. It must be a European or White ruled country. Socialist countries, like China cannot qualify as the happiest country in the world, even though the metrics tell us so, because it will make democratic countries look shamefully inadequate, even though it is the truth that China should be number 1 on the list.

    China cannot be No. 1 in anything. Militarily, economically, innovatively, even happiness wise, and anything under the sun. Chinese must be propagandized as ignorant, poor, living in poverty, suffering under socialism and can at best only be cooks and laundrymen, not even chefs, LOL. Those positions are reserved for the Whites, particularly the USA.

    I rest my case.
