
Biden Trump Debate - The mother of all debates that would embarrass Biden beyond any imagination


2 min of delusion from Jill Biden and how she was told to face the truth point blank.

How cruel can the Americans be after being the world's number one terrorists, starting wars everywhere, everyday, forever, killing and massacring innocent people all over the world for world dominance and the evil American Empire?

The Biden Trump Debate that they are pushing out beats everything else, is the cruelest thing ever that humans can do to a mentally half gone old man. Biden should be sent to a nursing home for tender loving care than to be propped up and be slaughtered by scoundrel Trump. It is a mismatch both physically and mentally. In his present condition, Biden does not have the mental and physical strength to stay alert for more than 5 minutes, let alone standing and in a serious debate that would sap every little ounce of juice left in his dried brain.

The only plan available, and very dangerous, is to inject him with drugs to make sure he stays awake mentally and his legs would not wobble...and to have triple layers of pampers to hold his uncontrollable urine and poo during the debate. The organisers need to put a lot of highly scented flowers around him to conceal the stench.

Not only that Biden would be sapped of all his mental and physical energy just to stand up and to listen to what Trump is saying, a process that would cause undue stress on him, now he has to face the consequences of being over drugged. The viewers must be prepared to see Biden behaving like a zombie on stage, behaving bizarrely.

Poor chap. How could his handlers be so cruel to him? How can his wife and family members allowed this to happen to husband and father of his children? This is cruelty beyond redemption, beyond forgiveness.


  1. The demented bidet may just get a stroke on stage from the extreme stress! Euthanasia.

  2. Good morning All

    There are many of this Damon aka Devil videos of his lambasting and destroying all the idiots sing songs praises of their Leaders and their Superiorty.

    Wonder why these imbecile put him on the panel and have him blowed them till looked silly and downcasted.


  3. https://youtu.be/4ngJ_MtrdJc?si=hyrjnoaE5dojwwLF

    Just one of his damn one


  4. Biden will enter the debating hall in a daze, doing his moonwalk. He should be tested for drugs. He is undoubtedly on drugs, period.

    After the debate, Biden will have to be carried out on a stretcher, LOL. The strain is going to be too much for him. He will freeze on facts, stammering on questions without prepared answers, citing old grandmother's stories, talking about his dog, asking about dead colleagues, and maybe wetting his pampers as well standing up.

    That is going to be elderly abuse, pure and simple. Whether the debate will be on is questionable. And if it goes on-line, it will surely be full of fun to watch. This is going to give the world an insight of what to expect in a circus.

  5. I expect Gavin Newsome (California governor) to be the replacement Presidential nominee for Nov election

  6. Biden will not be embarrassed. He forgets everything after the event, like a small kid. He is impervious to shame. The shame falls on the USA Democratic voters, becoming the laughingstock of the world by being forced to elect him.

    Talking about scrapping the bottom of the barrel, this election really takes the cake.
