
Covid19 - India will not learn

 Even not exposed, it does not come as a surprise. China's vaccine had been demonized by all Western states even though recognized by the WHO. China had all the vaccines to help poor countries in Africa and isolated states. And what did the USA do? It ordered India to counter China's vaccine diplomacy. Mind you, the agenda was not asking India to give a helping hand to those poor countries, but to counter China's vaccine diplomacy. And the stupid Indians complied.

Little did the Indians expect that they would end up being caught with their pants down and unable to have enough vaccines available when the COVID19 spread beyond their expectation, killing hundreds of thousands.

And did the USA rush to India's aid? Even with repeated pleas for help, the USA refused to allow the manufacture of its patented vaccines to be made available for Indian production. Looking after the interest of their big Pharma is more important than saving lives. It was only when other countries started sending vaccines to India that they finally saw themselves being seen as untrustworthy. We only hope that the Indians have learned their lesson.

The point to note is never trust the USA under any circumstances. Those who trust them will live to regret sooner or later. Just look at the Europeans today. What have they gained by following the USA in confronting Russia?



  1. Has India gained anything from confronting China all these years?

    India has still to rely on China's supply chains for the raw materials for its manufacturing, be it electronics, pharmaceuticals, smartphones and computers. This makes India impossible to compete with China in finished products, as its costs will be much higher and quality lower.

    The Chinese are not foolish. India may try preventing Chinese finished products like computers and smartphones from entering the Indian market, but Chinese supply chains know how to go around the system by marking up the raw material prices supplied to Indian manufacturers. Why is there a need to sell finished products to India when more money can be made in supplying raw materials instead?

    Chinese businesses are doing the same in other areas. Where tariffs are erected against Chinese made products by USA, Chinese manufacturers will shift production offshore to escape the tariffs. Joint ventures can be set up in Vietnam or Mexico, using Vietnamese or Mexican manufacturing set ups to manufacture the same Chinese products to enter the USA and EU market to avoid the tariffs.

    Even Russian oil is entering the EU, mixed with oil from other sources, though how it is done is beyond us to know the technicalities involved.

  2. The answer is yes. The Indians mandated compulsory buying of 51% of all Chinese mobile phone manufacturers in India. This shows how stupid the Chinese are. Still want to invest in India? Just make in China and sell across the border. Why the need to throw good money into India to be cheated and robbed?

    After so many bad experiences still refused to learn. Stupidity has no cure.

  3. Just one question, why is India still far behind China if they are that smart? They both started from the same point, right?

    India is still buying much more from China than the other way round. India can take over mobile phone manufacturers to assume majority control as with other investors from the West, but still have to depend on supply chains in China, making all the money now. China is still chalking up a huge trade surplus in trade with India. Who is the stupid one?
