
J20 entering Middle East

 The UAE are placing orders for China and the world's most advanced 5th generation fighter aircraft, the Chengdu J20. Having been rejected by the Americans for wanting to buy the dud F35, a blessing in disguise, the UAE is turning to China for the real thing, for their defense needs. 

It is weird to think that the Arab and Muslim states are still in a drunken stupor to clamour for American weapons when the Americans have always treated them as enemies, pariah states, sub humans or even animals. At best, the Americans would only sell them second rate weapons, no weapons that are superior or better than what the Americans would sell to Israel. The Americans would always ensure that Israel will have all the superior weapons over the Arab and Muslim states, to maintain dominance and control of the Arab and Muslim states. Israel is the sheriff of the Middle East. Have no doubt about that. Israel is to rule the Arab and Muslims in the region. Be very frighten of the Greater Israel scheme.

Even if the Americans were forced under exceptional circumstances to sell F35s to any Arab or Muslim state, it would be a watered down version, much inferior to the Israelis' F35s and unable to compete when they have to fight against Israel. Another good example, if the Americans decided to sell F35s to the Indonesians, these F35s would not be on par with the Singapore versions. Further, it is not just the aircraft alone that decides air superiority. There are the avionics and weapons systems. The Americans would only sell what they think is good enough but not a threat to Israel and American allies and cronies. And they could smuggle in software to kill the aircraft in flight if necessary, or stop the supply of parts and weapons. This is elementary.  Even a school can understand. It is surprising that the smart Arabs and Muslims could not see through these American ploys.

The French have offered to sell Rafales to the UAE, and willing to modify the aircraft to carry American weapons. Now, why would the UAE wants French aircraft that can be fitted with American weapons, knowing very well that the Americans would not sell them what they want, and would cut off the supply when they go to war with the Israelis? Are they that stupid?

Let's make it clear once for all. Arab and Muslim states are enemies of the Americans and the Jews and would not get the best weapons from the Americans and the West. Period. If they are suffering from stupidity cannot be cured sickness after centuries under the control of the Americans and the West and refuse to learn, unable to learn, then they deserved to be forever under the domination of the Americans and the West, and Israel.

J20s and Chinese weapons are their best bets if they want the best to take on the Americans, the Jews and the West, to be free from American and western control. Till now, many Arab and Muslim states still have American and western military bases in their soil, to keep them under the control of the white men. A very good example is Saudi Arabia, trying very hard to break out from the American stranglehood as an independent state, but unable to do so. The Americans are still coercing the Saudis from selling oil in other currencies, cannot join BRICS though already accepted as a member by BRICS. Saudi Arabia will not be allowed to be free from American control. This is how the vicious the American terrorists are. 

Indonesia still toying to buy F15 or F35 and did not learn anything? If the Americans did sell them these toys, yes, they would be watered down to be like toys and cannot be used in wars when needed.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/live/3hXoM-vV_VY?si=tTz8OQrpapCzWj-h

    This one BEST Judge Napolitano Judging Freedom On the Russians preparations yo NUKE the UASs if they dared have the Euro Nuts deployed their long range missles on Russia.

    Now the Damn Americunts thought that they are safe from these attacks.

    Also Russia NUKE on the Euro Nuts.

    Whoa enjoy this most block buster drama.

    The Convicts Aussies and the New Zealanders and the doggies skunks of the Asia be whinny their eyes out
    that their White Masters have gone to HELL


  2. The UAE is smart. Buying watered down USA weapons to counter Israel just in case is plain stupidity. And there are strict conditions for such F35 sales that countries have to abide. How about telling the UAE that the F35s cannot be used against Israel, LOL.

    Remember Saudi Arabia using patriot missiles from the USA that even failed to take down cheap Houthi fired rockets. Oops, they failed to work! And the Saudis were reported to discard the defense missiles from the USA and going for the Russian S300 or 400.

    Of course, now that Iran is not supporting the Houthis after the peace deal brokered by China between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the Saudis do not have to worry about the Houthis, unless a false flag ignites the conflict again.

  3. Saudi Arabia has joined BRICS, so Mohammed bin Salman has to watch his back pending an assassination attempt orchestrated by the USA. In the Royal Saudi Arabian Kingdom, there are as many as fifteen Royal houses vying for power, and some may be banking on USA support to do so. Most of the Saudi Royalties have massive investments in the USA and these could be used by the USA to exert pressure on them to create an uprising within the Saudi Kingdon. The same modus operandi that the USA is playing out with Marcos Jr.

    Mohammed bin Salman is probably acutely aware that any step taken to price oil other than in US$ is posing a grave danger to his life. Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi found that out trying to sell oil in Euros and paid the ultimate price. A regime change in the Saudi Kingdom is one way of keeping the pricing of oil in US$ secure, for the time being.

    MBS is trying a new approach by making the Kingdom's economy less reliant on oil and instead migrating into other economic areas of growth like tourism and industrialization. Saudi Arabia is also building nuclear power stations in a country rich in oil reserves. That is an oddity that stumps most people. With all the oil underground, why migrate to nuclear energy? More than that, Saudi Arabia is investing big in solar energy as well. Another oddity but knowing the vast expanse of deserts in the kingdom, it makes some sense though.

    We do not know how MBS will extricate the kingdom from the hold of the Petrodollar, but he is obviously working out some way now that he is in BRICS. Remember that BRICS is forming its own Energy and Resource Exchange, that allows BRICS countries to set commodity prices and trade among themselves in their own currencies beyond the control of the USA and Western nations. This arrangement fits in perfectly with MBS agenda to trade oil outside the US$ that is posing a grave threat if he were to do it unilaterally and directly.

    A similar Materials Exchange is being formed for trade in minerals among BRICS countries, again with the ability to set their own mineral prices and dealings in currencies beyond the control of the USA and the West. The biggest consequence that this will do is that all trade will do away with the US$ completely, which is another nail in the de-dollarization coffin. The USA and the West can downplay all this to their own detriment. But there is little they can do.

  4. Singapore will participate in an upcoming Ukraine peace summit hosted by Switzerland, with Senior Minister of State Sim Ann representing the country.

    Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said on Tuesday (Jun 4) that he appointed Ms Sim as his special envoy to attend the summit, adding that he had informed Swiss President Viola Amherd of his decision.

    Meanwhile, the Russian embassy in Singapore says Zelensky's personal involvement in the Shangri-La Dialogue left Russia with a sense of outrage. "His speech in support of diplomacy was nothing but a mockery. A vivid example of this is the so-called peace conference to be held in Switzerland in mid-June. Zelensky used his participation in the SLD as a last resort to persuade the Global South to take part in this bizarre meeting, the aim of which was to formulate and then impose an ultimatum on Russia."

    The Embassy alleges the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies is allowing a once prominent forum to become a platform for anti-Russian narratives and a tool to force countries in Southeast Asia to support NATO and Ukraine.

    "But we hope that the millennia-old wisdom currently enshrined in the ASEAN-led architecture will prevail and help ASEAN member states make the right choice in support of a new emerging multilateral world order," the Embassy says.

  5. What types of people would want to pay to attend a circus and watching comedians clowning around?

  6. When the American gangster boss said attend, all the doggies would attend.

  7. Laulan wong is rewarding sim-ant for her support by sending her on a paid holiday on switzerland, how wonderful.

  8. He partially pleased the Americans and did not fully offend Russia and China.
