
Anwar Ibrahim is the best PM Malaysia ever produced. He can hold his court in any international forum with wit and decorum

 Thankfully, Malaysia under Anwar Ibrahim is standing up against the West. And that puts ASEAN in a better position to withstand the USA's agenda to loosen the blocs cohesive stance in relations with China. Trade is very important for these ASEAN countries, and China holds the key to their prosperity and continued developments.

ASEAN countries must continue to differentiate what they seek to have and what can the USA seek to offer to counter China. The choice is clear. Of course, there are obstacles that the USA will likely place in their paths using the norms, as demonizing narratives are already surfacing over the RTS link between Malaysia and Singapore. And attempts are being made to demonize Indonesia's HSR links to China.

In ASEAN, we can count on Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and possibly Vietnam and Brunei to take a stand against the USA's agenda to break up the bloc. Indonesia is the defining country in ASEAN holding the reins and playing a pivotal role. The USA could clearly see that and is going all out to rein in Indonesia. 



  1. Are you kidding? Today's not 1 April.

  2. We may dislike Mahathir for his quarrelsome attitude towards Singapore, but we should give him credit for his guts in going against the flow, by refusing IMF aid during the 2008 Financial Crisis. Indonesia on the other hand accepted aid from the IMF and although the consequences were seldom discussed, they were pointed out by not a few analysts. Sectors and banks faced forced closures and massive job losses were reported. Those are conditions for taking IMF loans.

    Whether that IMF aid would have helped Malaysia or not is subject to argument. It certainly is not the root cause of what ails Malaysia today. Something more structural is the cause of what Malaysia is suffering today.

    The New Economic Policy introduced by Mahathir was the straw that broke the camel's back. It was the policy that crippled Malaysia and Mahathir stands as the architect of the decline of Malaysia with his racially biased policies and corruption within the ruling echelon. Every politician in power had their hands in the till.

    The clutch mentality of the common Malays under that NEP has now become so deeply ingrained inside their mindset, that no one can ever change that policy without committing political suicide. It has become the epitome of all the ills befalling the country today. The NEP destroyed the education system, it also destroyed the meritocracy system of allowing the best to do the job of running the country, it was a system that was to create the brain drain that ultimately only the mediocre are left behind to run the country, and in a sense, it destroyed a whole generation.

    And Singapore was the country that largely benefitted from Malaysia's brain drain, to the chagrin of Mahathir. Can we blame him for his attitude towards us?

    Can Anwar Ibrahim change all that decades long destruction by Mahathir. He has a big problem by having UMNO as his coalition partner, which makes his job of fighting corruption that much harder for fairness. His arms are tied in domestic affairs, especially draining the swamp in his backyard without maligning UMNO.

    1. Anwar should now table a Bill that whosoever party had the majority in the GE should form the Government.

      Now must cross what's nonsense some nonsensical figure of 123 or whats?

      Want to buy 4D or 3D ah?

      So no need to form what's nonsense stupid coalition and can pushed their policies easily.

      Joined coalition with all these stupid devils that handicapped your rightful ruling Government.

      For too long, the Malay Leaders needed to have the Majority Malay Votes to stay in Powers.

      So for their self interests they had to pander to the Malay Majority for the votes and had them became too demanding and stupidity to step down on the Rest of their other races.

      Later, they shall demand your liver, your hearts and your testicles.

      No one dares to decry a Malaysian Malaysia by LKY and have all racial groups to be part of the Government in some what's equal numbers.

      They simply scared that the Malay Majority would not vote for them.

      Anyway their Malay MPs and their Ministers don't give a damn aiya lined up our banks and pockets first lah.

      Who cares for the peoples of our same religion and brothers and sisters ah?

      You die your own business.

      What's paths to God and Heavens and don't think of wealth?

      Tell it to the PAS that wants their dafts to wallow on poverty.

      Better had Heavens here to enjoy before I proceed to HELL

      Must let the other races of Chinese and Indians and others of the brilliant ones be part if the government then the country would prospers.

      You kept putting all your duds and morons in what's the Hell for?

      Also must let the other races the brilliant ones to further their studies and be a smart smart nation.

      You let that Penny Wong now become Penny Pound to Auss Land to become their Minister and what's you gain?

      They used their brains for the other side to screw you.

      What's stupidity!

    2. Also forget to add ah

      No frogs jumping from one Party to another after been elected as MP.

      Just for a few dollars more.

      What's the hell the voters elected you on the ticket and platform of their party and you jumped to the othe party ah?

      Wow party jumpers? Jump you to Hell then you know.

      Also now the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sawarak should in my opinion break off from this unequal union of Malaysia.

      You as Kingmakers should hold the winning card instead if been suckers to them the West.

  3. No kidding. None of the former Malaysian PMs can hold a candle to Anwar. Mahathir thrived in a land of the blind with his racist agenda to stir hate and fear but no substance. He wasted billions of ringgits sending not very bright students to foreign universities, and many to read religious study instead of science and engineering. And billions and trillions of the Malaysian state revenue were not well utilised and Anwar is asking him to pay back.

    Mahathir is basically politics, racial politics at the expense of the Malaysian economy. Malaysia could be a much richer and well developed country today without Mahathir.

    1. Anwar has no control of his cabinet and the army of little napoleons in the civil service. Race and religious problems are everyday occurrences. Anwar just sits idly and not lift a finger. His fight against corruption started with a bang with investigations but they end there with no further action. He dares not to upset those in power. It's all a big show. There hasn't been a sinhle crook prosecuted. Instead he gallivants all around the world championing the Gaza problem, while Malusia rots.

  4. https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/06/1058876/report-us-imposes-sanctions-malaysian-semiconductor-company-watch

    Now they picked on Anwar.

    With us or against us?

  5. Malaysia can learn something from the wisdom of Deng Xiaoping. Not just about white cat or black cat can catch mouse is good.

    When China sent out its top students to foreign universities in the West, the fear was that many would not return. Deng's reply, we would send more so that more would return. This was based on how many graduates needed to rebuild China. Never mind the wastage, but the number of graduates needed to rebuild China was the key issue.

    Malaysia can send all the bumi students overseas. But it must take into account how many good graduates must return to do the donkey work to turn Malaysia into a developed industrial country. To be a modern industrialised state, real talents from the science and engineering fields are needed. There is no substitute for this, not with average graduates.

    China is today an advanced science and tech nation because it has all the top STEM graduates to fall back on. This is a hard decision China made, taking into account the wastage of non returning graduates. The industries needed them, the country needed them, the top graduates that can do the real work. They are the core talent of a nation.

  6. I know of many Malaysians who studied at local universities having now settled in Singapore, some taking up citizenship as well. They saw the potential of working here while doing their undergraduate studies and do not want to return home to Malaysia. Of course, the salaries they can earn here plays a very big part in their choices. Malaysia cannot retain talents in that environment.

    All are, without saying, Malaysian Chinese, and they know that going back to Malaysia puts them at a great disadvantage as they will not be able to compete with Malays for jobs, even based on their superior educational qualifications.

    Many of our illustrious leaders, notably Dr Goh Keng Swee and Hon Sui Sen were of Malaysian origin. Sadly, Malaysia no longer produces such people with such minds anymore. They either go abroad for studies and stayed away or were lured away by greener pastures like in Singapore.

    Building up another era of well qualified Malaysians needs a total change in its educational system, that had been practically destroyed in one generation. It is almost an impossibility to do that under the present political environment.

  7. In Malaysia, the best may not be given the job. Anwar is the best but under pressure from low thinking ambitious politicians to want to replace him. For Anwar to do a good job, he needs support and time to make Malaysia a success.

    He might not have the chance as the low thinking politicians are conspiring to bring him down. They want extremists like Mahathir to run down Malaysia. It would be a sad day for Malaysia if they replace Anwar with another Mahathir type.
