
'Non Chinese' Chinese Singaporeans aka Orang Cina Bukan Cina

 Recent days this little group of 'ocbc' is getting louder, first with a comment by a Danson Cheong proudly shouting, "Sorry but we're Chinese Singaporeans- not your compatriots " ST.  His post came through as if he was unhappy that the China Chinese endeared to him as a person from the same ancestry. Or was he making an apologetic statement to justify to the West that he is NOT a Chinese but a Singaporean, and has no race and no ancestry like the Chinese in China? Maybe to him Singaporean is a race. And he being looking like another Chinese in every aspect except what is inside his brain makes him a NON Chinese or not a Chinese. A Singaporean Chinese is NOT a Chinese?

Another 'ocbc', Allen Tan Han Loong, commented proudly in the ST column that is a Peranakan, not a Chinese. He is partially right in this sense if one of his parents is not Chinese, or his upstream bloodline may have a non Chinese, meaning his lineage is mixed, not wholly Chinese.

What this Allen Tan said is in a way alarming. He said "It is very dangerous for others to demand Singaporeans' affinity or loyalty based on race." Is he that important a person that others would demand for his affinity or loyalty? The people that called Danson Cheong a compatriot were likely to be the same level of people like him, the common folks on the streets that he met. It is ordinary or normal for people who look alike to feel some forms of affinity for the likeness. Nothing to be offended about. If one can be offended by such a friendly gesture, then he needs to see a shrink.  Or he thinks a Singapore Chinese is more superior to a China Chinese, and he is sikit atas and did not want to be associated to being a Chinese? Is that a need to cry out loud over this friendly gesture?

The Singaporean Chinese over the years have developed a new variant of subculture from the original stock, like the Malaysian Chinese or Indonesian Chinese. Like viruses, the core nucleus is the same. Oops, this may offend some 'ocbc' that have no ancestors to talk about, or think they have a new set of nucleus, not the same as Chinese.

A Singaporean identity is that of a nationality, not a different race. One can easily swap nationality but not race, unless one wants to be another Michael Jackson. Even then, after the bleaching, his race is still the same, his nucleus is still the same other than the superficial changes.

The 'ocbc' is just like duckweed, with little or very short roots. When a storm blew, it would be scattered and lost in the ocean. It is like rootless people without an ancestry anchor to give them a sound ballast.

The Peranakan culture, if it is fit to be called a culture, is at most a subculture of mixed Chinese and Malay origins. The early Peranakan Chinese were the peasants that left China to eke out a living in a foreign land, mostly illiterate. Generally they married the local women, not the Malay aristocracy, likely to be illiterate as well. And they blended whatever little they knew at their peasant levels, into a kind of rojak culture of their own. This subculture did not have the finesse of the Chinese and Malay aristocracy or literati. 

The Peranakan subculture is just a transient phase in Singapore and maybe Malaysia, but would be forgotten, a thing of the past, remain only in the museum or in the memory of some living seniors. The main Chinese and Malay culture will continue to thrive to eternity.


  1. These Western educated people are a disgrace to their ancestors. They have forgotten their roots from eating too much Western fast food and all the brainwashing dished out by the USA and the West.

    As a Chinese, China is their motherland, whether they live elsewhere or like it or not. Their ancestors, no matter how many generations away, came from China and originated from China. Why are they afraid to identify themselves as Chinese? Then they should drop their Chinese surname as well and call themselves 'Danson Trump' or 'Allan Biden' to make them feel better and more identifiable with the West.

    Which Chinese citizen in Singapore did not come from ancestors that left China long ago? Which Chinese were born out of Malay ancestors or barbaric European ancestors? Or descendants of Ah Meng and her male counterpart? It is really a shame to hear them denounce their connections to China. They are smearing shit on their own faces to please the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist clique.

  2. Good afternoon Mr RB and All

    Now China and the PRCs are going to be the Next Century's Dominant Player and all these Westernised Electrocuted Bananas just like the White Barbarians are too afraid that they be doormen and laundry ment to the Chinese especially the PRCs NOT to the scatterbrained overseas Peasants Chinese.

    Overseas Chinese diaspora should be very honor and proud that the Chinese PRCs openly called them compatriots.

    If they were as arrogant and birds brained as the Western Imbeciles who made it rich you think they would even look to you.

    Yes the White Barbarians looked at the Asians with disdain and thought that you are all donkeys to them being the colonisers of you idiots for decades.

    You should be thankful that now we had a strong China to jack up your arses in the case the Whites and the Japs wanted to colonise you again.

    Stupid Imbeciles.

    That's why even Kishore said that Sinkies are so daft and stupid that they do not understand the World's affairs and able yo ascertain the lies and deceits of the Whites.

    What to do we have also the White Supermacy brains of the now Ruling Government.

    To end I had actual related this incident long ago in Mr RB's earlier post.

    Once in a coffeshop, years long long ago when the PRCS came here in numbers to work in Singapore as Departmental stores staff and also coffee ships assistants.

    One fine lunch time a Sinkie young office gal thinking that she is a White collared AirCond professional maybe with a salary of $1600.00 or so ordered a "tek orr" that means just plain tea with no milk from a PRC coffee shop assistant.

    The poor PRC assistant not well versed with that lingo yet asked her again what's you mean ah?

    She shouted arrogantly you don't know what's is "tek orr" ah?

    All her colleagues started laughing.

    Poor soul so embrassed

    I was there next to them.Shaking my head.

    Hello you all eating at this Heartland Coffeshop in Everton where all your offices half past six nearly the old Gan End Seng School or the old Keepel School.

    The very most just Lian Huat building or Tanjong Pagar Complexes and also so arrogant ah?

    Me old uncle last time all the while at the Shenton Way and Raffles City Towers office and now retired also don't want to show off.

    So that the way the Sinkies never see coffins would never shed tears when timed comes they be sleeping on the sideways and streets.

    Also poor coffeshop assistant don't know what's it's all about by shouting "Car parks lie loh" as instructed by the Sinkies operators to warn those cheap skates cars owners without parking coupons to make a run to drive away or put coupons on their vehicles.

    Seeing them running a hundred metres at 0.8 secs beating OliPig records.

    She was shocked to see so many rats scurrying away without finishing their drinks and food.

    Think that good times are forever ah?

    One fine day hope you don't have to go to China and be their coffeshop assistants.

    PRC ordered Chinese Tea hot and you ask what's that huh?

    Also in the Departmental stores scores of Indians and others complaining loudly that the PRCs cannot speak English.

    Also the ones at NTUC serving them the fresh foods.

    Don't you all have to.go to China and they said you Peasants cannot speak Mandarin.

    Aiya anyway they don't you lah!

    They have enough of their own.

  3. A man who allegedly robbed a woman at knifepoint at a moneylender in Tampines has been charged in court. The crime was committed on June 3 at 1.42pm, at licensed moneylender outlet Accredit at Block 503 Tampines Central 1.

    On June 4, Australian national Jose Manuel Pacheco, 39, was handed one charge of robbery while armed with a deadly weapon. He allegedly robbed a woman of cash amounting to $6,095.

    The prosecutor applied for Pacheco to be granted bail of $20,000, which District Judge Lim Tse Haw granted.

    While armed robbery is a non-bailable offence under Singapore’s laws, the courts have the discretion to offer bail.

    1. Judge also very smart SMART.

      Think Sinkieland Judge very smart SMART.

      If this guy got 20K he no need go and Rob money changer or money lender lah!

      Where he going to get 20K bail ah?

      But Sinkies Top brass very smart one!

      Needed monies for the Treasury lah for coming Elections sweeteners for Sinkies.

      So hope this Smelly Prawn can have his compatriots to help him and then absconded and then can confiscate his 20K and no need feed him in Changi Resorts.

      Wah brilliant idea man!

  4. Wow I thought Sinkie desperate robbed.

    Aiyo Australian ah?

    See Ang Moh catch easily what!

    Never see Korean drama ah? Straightway go to public toilet and change your clothes lah.

    Then Straightway go to Matland lah!

    Now they allowed scans thru can escape man!

    From there to Thai Land for Tigers lah.

    Ooh Thai Girls.

    Tigers will eat you up.

    Then booked flight out to your Convicts Auss Land.

    Daft daft indeed.

  5. Someone you ang moh the Judge allowed bail.

    Wah Australian you not scared jump bail ah?

    Nothing in Singapore to hold him back.

    Sinkie thrown into Changi Resorts too slow also too lan.

  6. Are these un-Chinese Chinese Singaporeans ashamed of their parents being Chinese as well? What unfilial animals have their parents brought into this world.

  7. Singaporean Chinese called them 'baba seow'.
