
Biden/Blinken and Nethanyahu share same plan for the Palestinians...to be decimated like the Red Indians

 Biden does not even dare to antagonize Dictator Netanyahu, catering to his every whim and fancy. The only lame response he and Jewish Secretary Blinken did so far is asking irrelevant questions, like 'What is Israel's plan for Palestine'. Does Dictator Netanyahu need to tell Biden his plan, when he is acting like God Almighty - irresponsible, unresponsive to criticism and totally out of control. Sorry to say that, as God Almighty himself would not be so cruel and uncaring.

Netanyahu's plan is basically to annex Palestina and expand Israeli territory to build Israeli settler homes, needing to annihilate all the Palestinians using hunger, missile strikes, destroying hospitals, schools and even refugee centers. The Israelis airstrikes just killed 35 civilians, women and children, and shedding crocodile tears that it was a 'tragic mistake'. And the lame UN was just outraged over the killing of women and children. Did the Israeli Airforce also used an old map, LOL?

Egypt is now starting to get annoyed with what the Israelis are doing in Gaza. Their relationship is into troubled waters going forward. The Israelis are basically trying to force the Palestinian refugees into the hands of the Egyptian Authorities or face genocide. That ia a dilemma facing the Egyptian side. 


1 comment:

  1. If Israel and the USA decimated the Palestinians, they will have no peace to enjoy the loot. This is not the same as decimating the Red Indians, where fighting back by them is beyond their means.

    Hezbollah and the remnants of Hamas will see to it that Israeli settlements in Gaza will have no peace to enjoy.

    Iran and the Houthis will see to it that USA and Western shipping around the Gulf and Red Sea region will not be without problems. It will really be a forever war in the Middles East, a scenario that the USA always wanted. But I do not think this is the place that they want to conduct their forever wars. The advantage is not there.
