
Only in America where a President has to take drugs to stay alert

 Biden is not just half dead. He is already a 'walking dead'. Honestly, I think he is even on drugs. Trump probably knows that and is talking about Biden undertaking a drug test before their coming debate. Never in the history of mankind has this kind of request, verbally thrown up on the spur of the moment, ever been raised as a condition for a debate between aspiring politicians. Only in the USA, LOL!

The USA likes to brag about how high their President's IQ were, yet looking at the two candidates today, it baffles the mind about the USA's bragging rights compared to reality.

OK, we know that in the UK long time ago, Winston Churchill was not as bright and known to suffer mistreatment and criticism while in school for being slow in learning. But he did turn into a brilliant War Prime Minister later. That cannot be taken as a precedent anywhere else, right?

Indeed, Trump is comparing himself favorably to Abraham Lincoln, another assassinated USA President. They laughed at the comparison, which tells us the real mental quality of Trump. OK, if he is not smart, how could he be so rich, one can argue. Well, for a start, he inherited most of his wealth from his father, nothing more nothing less.

And that is why the inheritance tax he avoided paying is causing much consternation within the USA. Trump is well known for circumventing tax laws in the USA, thus his run up with the law over non-payment of tax. He even boasted about his cleverness in avoiding payment of tax, even as President. Only in the USA!



  1. The Democrats have probably taken out Trump from running his Presidential race with a guilty charge that is politically motivated. Where they USA ruling elites cannot win, they use underhand tactics, even at home.

    Such tactics is going to escalate the political polarization even more. That is good news for the rest of the world. And is a Nancy Pelosi's favorite drama unfolding. She loves fights and calls them 'a beautiful sight to behold'.

  2. Matter of days or months when their errections to climax comes soon, they with their millions guns and rifles and submachine shall come into the Open and killed one another.

    The Blacks be waiting to loot and shoot at the sidelines.

    Dotard when wins the Presidency shall have all charges null and void.

    That's their damn BS DemoCrazy

    Hopefully become Disunited States and what's beautiful sights.

    Peace to the World

  3. Biden is displaying outward signs of drug addiction. He could hardly keep his eyes open when making a speech. He often could not stay focused on a topic. His incoherent meandering during his speeches are signs of something wrong. His walk is unsteady and needs his handlers to watch his path.

    Watch those drug addicts on the streets in Kensington Ave, Philadelphia and you can see the resemblance between them and Biden. Those drugs that they spotted lying around the White House speaks volumes of who is behind and why drugs could be found in that place of all places. But all that has been forgotten, swept under the carpet. Trump probably knows better.

  4. *Wow..!!! 😱 Open-Heart surgèry with Acupuncture method in China. Amazing!!!* 🫣

    They should do for Bidamn

