
Marcos - Where is my money?

 Lord, lord, I have done everything in your name. I have demonise China. I have given you 5 more military bases. I have compromised Philippines independence to believe in you. I have cast out military and police officers in your name. I have drove innocent and naive fishermen to Chinese islands and risking their lives in case of typhoons or being hit by water cannons. 

Now, where is my money? You promised that if I just believe in you, do your will, your bidding, you will set my money free. And I can go to heaven in Hawaii when I my time is up.

Marcos is only interested in his money, oops, his father's money confiscated by the Americans, not the interest of the Philippines and the Pinoys. He would sacrifice the Philippines for his money.

Would the Americans return him the loot his father hid in the USA? Nay. At most would be a token sum. Returning him all the money would mean that this no principle man that would do anything for his own skin and could simply turn against the Americans. The only hold the Americans have on him is his father's money. Oops, I may be wrong. The Americans may have photos of him smoking or taking drugs, or misbehaving. Marcos can never slip out of the fingers of the Americans.

How can dangerous is the Philippines to have a president in the control of the Americans? Would the Pinoys still think they should support Marcos and not the Dutertes?

As long as Marcos is in power, the Philippines would be a colony of the Americans, controlled by the Americans and do the bidding of the Americans, even to become another Ukraine.

Where is my money? Where is my money?


  1. Wow Short Arse Marcos. Jr.threatened China of War if crossed their Red Line.

    How short is his below five feet Red Line?

    All the doggies crying that SEA and Indo Pacific would be unsafe without the UAssA.

    With the UAsses here, more wars and chaos imbeciles suckers!

    Marcos sets Red Line with Bejing rang the Shits Times.

    Sinkies land purposely had him to speak a keynote speech to spite China.

    As usual this Baah ba sheep hari doggie added fuel to the fires.

  2. All the yapping doggies on heat?

  3. The USA will tell Marco Jr, our money is our money, and your money is also our money.

    After all, that loot was part of the rent for the USA Subic Bay Military Base paid to Marcos Snr during his Dictatorship, and which he stole from the Philippines.

    Do not think the USA will loosen its grip on the money Marcos Jr inherited, as they have seen how easy it was to use it to control him, like a dog.

  4. Did someone also asked the USA - Where is my gold? I want it back!

    1. Oops sorry all your Fools Gold been confiscated and already smelt by US that is UAss you all stupid Asses.

  5. All those whose golds reserves are held for what they thought is the safest places on earth in USA or the West have been conned. They are losing their pants.

    The best place is buying and storing them at home like China. Safe, secure and out of reach of thieves. If they still believe in the USA, that touted 'we lie, we cheat and we steal', too bad. Stupidity has no cure! And fools never learn.
