
Biden the laughing stock in the world. Every European leader is laughing behind his back

 How long can they keep covering up the health and mental capacity of Biden? Biden is literally getting worse by the day and how could they still think he is capable of providing leadership to the sinking USA Titanic?

And those moronic leaders of Europe are just pretending like the characters in Hans Christian Anderson's folktale about 'The Emperor's New Clothes' saying nothing about the nakedness of their Emperor.

Never have I seen a leader being the laughingstock of the whole world day in and day out. They made fun of him at home. The Italians made fun of him. The Australians made fun of him. We have lots of fun regarding him in Red Dot, LOL. And the whole USA Government just swallow all this without a tinge of shame? This is outrageous. Only in the USA can this ever be allowed to happen and is also happening around the world.

Never has the world seen more of the USA's reputation gone down to the sewers than over the last two decades of USA history. Perhaps it is time for the USA to just fade quietly into the shadows rather than suffering more shame and indignity. 



  1. Euthanisia is their only solution.

  2. For Joe Biden, I will suggest 'mercy killing' rather than a 'painless killing' using euthanasia.

    The man is a pain to watch, subjected to elderly abuse and made to suffer indignities and shame. It is perhaps fortunate that he is suffering from dementia, able to forget what he hears or say, and is thus able to bear with all that shaming. This could only happen in the USA, the so-called beacon of democracy that it wants the world to follow.

    Word has discreetly been thrown up, in unofficial circles that is, that the Democrats are now panicking and finding ways to pull Biden out of the Presidential race. At this late stage, it is quite impossible for any aspiring candidate to rise up. Will Obama be back to take on Trump. Otherwise, Trump will just sleepwalk into the White House. Good or bad, we shall see.

    Suffice to say, the one that takes over the White House will have a mountain of trouble awaiting. Two wars to support, another war brewing, mounting debts, more decoupling and derisking failures, more loss of the China market and having to deal with a rising BRICS and its de-dollarization momentum.

    1. All that is self inflicted. Most apt to say the sickest country on earth is suicidal. Karma.
