
Trump and Biden both treat the Americans as dumb fools

 Every human with a brain knows that tariffs are a tax on imported goods paid for by the final consumer, be it in the USA or anywhere else. Chinese manufacturers are not paying those tariffs that many have mistakenly thought so during Trump's trade war against China. The tariffs may curb demand, but China is looking more towards the Global South countries for its exports and is building up its relationship within BRICS countries to widen its market instead of relying on the USA and EU.

Like everything else, the USA and EU are forcing China to come up with retaliative moves to thwart their agenda and even make China more self-reliant, for example in semiconductors. And that is bad for the USA and Europe. China will continue to expand its productive capacity to flood the Global South with cheap products and denied the USA and Europe from being able to compete in the Global South. More than that, the West will also lose the huge Chinese market. The Germans and Swedes have realized that scenario coming but are unable to go against their master's wishes.

When I say that China plans for the long term, this is an example. And I believe China is confident enough now to be able to retaliate as and when it finds necessary. And the coming tariffs on Chinese EVs will trigger that retaliation by China. 


1 comment:

  1. If the Democrats and Republicans are treating the USA voters as fools, the voters are indeed fools kept in the dark, still believing that they are the smartest people on earth.

    Sure, the USA and the West have the best universities in the world, but the best education favors mostly foreigners, while the local population are not the brightest. Just look at the people in the scientific world of the USA and they are basically foreigners educated in the USA, choose to remain behind in the USA and contributing to the USA's rise in the past.

    That thinking of the White's superiority complex may hold centuries ago, but the dumbing down has succeeded in raising whole new ignorant generations further down the road, brainwashed by continuous lies that worked very well.

    If we dug deeper into history important facts surfaced. Up until the early 18th century, China and India were the two biggest economy and the two richest countries in the world. Their decline coincided with the rise of the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist Whites. They came, they saw, and they plundered using force and that led to the decline of China and India, to be overtaken by the West. As history tends to show, what goes up must also come down, one way or another.

    The Wheel of Fortune is turning and cannot be stopped. China and India will rise yet again. And after them will be Africa. It cannot be stopped.
