
Chief Clown Zelensky told the little clowns present in the Circus, 'Give me more money and I will win the war'

  Photo opportunity with the world's highest paid Clown Zelensky. Photo credit to CNA.


Zelensky is now revealing the truth, the open truth, to the world that Ukraine needs more aid to win the war. In other words, he is admitting that Ukraine is not winning the war now. Over the last two years, Western propaganda had been telling us every other day that Ukraine is winning the war.

What Zelensky is now saying is that all those winning positions were lies that BBC, CNN and others had trotted out, and they had basically hatched a scam to fool the world to fork out more aid as Ukraine was winning big. Despite all the game changing weapons that they had been sending to Ukraine, Russia has not been defeated yet. The most laughable lie was that Russia itself did not collapse at all as gloated by crazy Joe. It has in fact grown stronger. But no use bringing that up as crazy Joe is too mentally inapt to remember.

Now that 'piss summit' in Switzerland is a precursor for more aid to be thrown to the Ukrainian conman. It is obvious that more aid will be pledged after the conning session by Zelensky and will not just stop there. That was the real purpose of that 'shit summit'.

There was already evidence that weapons sent to Ukraine were found in Africa. Financial aid had most probably ended up mostly in the pockets of Zelensky and his cronies, with some kickbacks for those Congressmen and women as thanks for their support in Congress.

When is a 'piss summit' not a 'peace summit' and a farce? Simple - when one party to the conflict is not even there. It is truly ridiculous and a joke. Saudi Arabia, India, South Africa, UAE and Indonesia wants no part of the declaration that the stooges made. Unsurprisingly four of the five are BRICS members, with Indonesia the odd one out. But Indonesia will join BRICS in time to come. Indonesia is just testing which direction the wind blows.

Zelensky is trying very hard to pull China into the fray, telling China to put forward its stand directly to Ukraine. What is he trying to pull off? He is obviously and insidiously trying to pit China against Russia and sour their relationship. China's relationship with Russia is non-negotiable and comprehensive, all-weather co-operation, not 'iron clad' that is capable of being destroyed by rust. China will not be made to sabotage Russia's interest. China already made it very clear over the last two years.


PS. The little clowns were not concerned about the Genocide in Gaza. 

The Swiss-hosted Ukraine ‘peace conference’ has turned out to be an erratic and dysfunctional event whose participants have no clue what they are doing there, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said...except for those under the instruction of the Americans to read out the scripts the Americans prepared for them.

He went on to say that the Swiss “shepherd boys” invited only “trustworthy animals,” including a “crazy puny swine” and his sidekick, as well as “a flock of slow-witted Western Alpine sheep blithely bleating about peace, as well as a pack of European chained dogs to guard the livestock.”


  1. Good morning All

    All these BS aids monies into their pockets of the UAss Senators and Congress Men and Women.

    Main beneficiaries Bidamn and Skky.

    How to know how much these BS scraps costs?

    Whether send or not? and as scraps kalong guni!

    Stupid daft animals included SinkiesLAND goes for the slaughtered.

    Sheep for Haji's slaughters

    Reports in press FAILURE.

    All kena pressed and CON gress ?

  2. Whither Singapore ?

    Malaysia has decided to apply for BRICS membership and will start filing the official paperwork soon, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has said.

    The 77-year-old leader of the Southeast Asian nation mentioned the decision in an interview with the Chinese outlet Guancha published on Sunday.

    This follows the decision by Thailand to join BRICS.

  3. Am wondering how much ang pow sinkie clown give to the richest beggar in the world. Guess no sillyporean will kpkb about giving their money to protect rule if law in fighting the russia.

  4. This stupid Ukraine War was started by the Americans and is the centre piece of their forever war, part of their War is Business. No one can stop this war. Only the Americans can.

    But the Americans are pushing the responsibility to stop this war to everyone else except themselves. Even China is responsible to stop this war.

    How ridiculous is this? The real devil behind this war is the Americans.

  5. When the Ukraine War started, the clowns were claiming that Russia will be isolated and have no friends. Dementia Joe even gloated that the Russian Ruble would turn into rubbles and that Russia will collapse.

    It now looks like dementia Joe will collapse even before Russia does. They Democrats are panicking finding it realistically impossible to continue pushing him as a candidate for the Presidency, with everybody watching every misstep that dementia Joe is displaying every day.

    On 24th February 2022 the Ukraine War started. On 25th February 2022, the very next day, Imran Khan, the former Pakistani President held a meeting with Putin in Moscow. And from the word go, Russia already had a supporter, who showed the USA and the West he is Russia's friend. And we know why Imran Khan was deposed for not keeping to the Russian isolation mantra and showing the world it was just a blatant pack of lies. Ouch!

    More than two years into the war and who are still Russia's friends? China, North Korea, Iran, South Africa, Brazil and even India are still Russia's friends. And not to forget that all those countries joining BRICS are also friends of Russia. Unfriendly countries of Russia will not join BRICS for sure. Their master will forbid them using coercion and threats. And those forbidden to join are basically only the G7 and most other European countries. France's display of interest earlier is only testing the waters and should not be taken as a serious intention. Macron knew France will be rejected.

    Many countries are now queuing up to join BRICS and this cannot be stopped. The avalanche has started and is only a question of vetting who is trustworthy to join and who is not. BRICS must exercise caution as some countries harbor ill intent.

    The Secretary General of NATO, Jans Stoltenburg, talks a lot but devoid of facts. He is sleeping under a rock. Stoltenburg claims that Russia is depending solely on other Dictators for help in fighting the war in Ukraine. He is referring to China and North Korea. India is also helping Russia by buying oil from Russia and is not a Dictatorship. It has often by touted as the biggest democracy in the world. The EU, all democratic countries, are still discreetly buying Russian oil mixed with other oil. Are they not helping Russia in stealth mode? What say you, Jans?

    So, what is wrong with China and North Korea helping Russia when Ukraine is depending on 32 inapt NATO countries to fight the war against Russia and yet not winning. Because the USA and NATO does not allow China and North Korea from helping Russia? Jans Stoltenburg can go back to sleep under his favorite rock.

  6. Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia and a few more on the Q to join BRICS.

    BRICS would not admit American cronies for sure.

  7. Clown country asking Russia to stop the war when America started the war, escalating everyday and refusing to talk peace.
