
American weapons are basically junk, but stupid allies dare not talk about them

 Most of those countries wanting to buy top-end USA weapons were denied. Perhaps the USA was afraid of letting the cat out of the bag over their overpriced dud weapons that may even fail to work in too many instances. This will expose the secret that their weapons are basically junk, which they had been trying to keep from being exposed. If more countries used those weapons, the more likely will they expose their shortcomings.

Remember the Saudi experience with Patriot Missiles protecting their oil installations? They failed to work even against crude Houthi rockets and the Saudis were pissed. That was why the Saudis turned to Russia for S300 instead. And what about the highly touted 'Iron Dome' protection cover with rockets provided by the USA. It also failed to protect the two airports that were hit by Iranian missiles.

In return for the Saudis continuing to price oil in Petrodollars, the USA was to give protection to the Saudis against any threat, true or imaginary. Iran was not on good terms with the Saudis then, which is true. Now with the peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia successfully brokered by China, the problem of threat has been solved for MBS and USA protection is not even needed.

But we all know that things really started not working out between USA and Saudi Arabia with Mohammed bin Salman taking over from his father. That was when relations started souring and MBS even snubbing Biden and all other Western leaders that visited the Kingdom, begging for more oil extraction. (Biden stupidly and disrespectfully called MBS a pariah. This is totally unacceptable to Saudi Arabia).

The real slap on Biden's face was the reception that Saudi Arabia gave Xi Jinping during his visit to the Kingdom in December 2022. It was a grand welcome, with jet fly-past as well. It was an indication of how much MBS valued relations with China. 



  1. What can we say about USA weapons when even Ukraine is refusing to use USA reaper drones and resorting to convert DJI civilian drones for military use? The Ukrainians claim that USA reaper drones are unreliable and inaccurate when compared to DJI civilian drones bought off the shelves of Walmart and others? Imagine DJI civilian drones being more reliable than USA military grade drones is really a devastating blow on the USA's miliary reputation.

    This brings into question what kind of drones the PLA are using? Those are undoubtedly military grade drones and could not be inferior to the civilian drones sold on the shelves of Walmart, right?

    But pro-USA snake oil salesmen are still promoting the notion that Chinese weapons are junks and that USA weapons are the best of the best. Let them still pretend that their Emperor is wearing his new clothes when he is naked. And do not try to tell them the truth. They refused to listen to the truth and will instead accuse those saying good things about China being CCP funded elements.

    Oh, lest I forget, I want to talk about the supposedly landing pier built by the USA purportedly for the landing of humanitarian aid for Gaza, which was broken up by winds and waves. Now it is reported to have been repaired. Those are supposed to be USA military grade logistics, not Chinese built junks, LOL.

    Now, we know the secret of why the Israelis allowed such a pier to be built when they were adamantly stopping all aid by land through the Rafah crossing. It does not sound right isn't it. Someone just revealed that that pier had been used by Israel to launch attacks on Gaza. Satan just tried to pull wool over the world's eyes, pretending to be humanistic, but behind that lurks an evil intent.

  2. Biden's attendance at the D-Day Remembrance ceremony in Normandy was another complete disaster of sorts. For no rhyme or reason, he saluted the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, while passing her, who was left wondering what that was all about.

    And that video of Biden obviously pooing or peeing in his pants standing up, generates all the jokes.

    One comment really takes the cake. It read - 'Biden drops his bomb on Normandy, the first after 80 years'. That was hilarious.

  3. Biden is now a nut case, losing his senses. His behavior is so obvious and telling. Democrats are crazy choosing one that flew over the cuckoo's nest.

  4. With Biden elected as the next President, the Jews can continue to rule America by proxy. Blinken would continue to be the de facto President pulling all the strings for Biden to dance.
