
Americans wanted to continue to freeload on the rest of the world

 When you stir a hornet's nest, expect to be bitten. It is no use for Janet Yellen going around complaining that China is overproducing everything. Instead of taking up the challenge to compete for progress, the USA just wants to pull others down to their level of incompetence. This will benefit nobody.

The USA had, for most of the seven decades after WW2, been thinking that the whole world owed them a living and would have to produce for them to freeload, and all they have to do is keep the printing presses working day and night.

And they soon realized that it worked very well for them by just resorting to freeloading, it also led to their hollowing out of their industrial base, with companies shifting operations to other countries with cheaper costs, and China had all the slaves while the USA companies just have to pay 'slave wages' to produce the goods for their enjoyment.

After enjoying all the benefits for decades, they started the hubris that it was China that stole all their jobs. When they saw countries like India offering even lower slave wages, their companies started moving to India and it was time for them to demonize China using the jobs issue and slave wages hubris. 



  1. Ursula born the Liar is claiming that Russia is using recycled chips from washing machines to be used in making their missiles, drones and other weapons. This is another desperate propaganda piece invented by the West in addition to earlier claims that the Russians have no more weapons and are just fighting with shovels.

    Just recently, they were accusing China of providing chips to Russia to enable the Russians to produce weapons non-stop. If that is so, why would the Russians be using recycled and outdated chips for their weapons? The USA wanted to resort to using this accusation to punish China for helping Russia.

    If the Russians are indeed just fighting with shovels, why is there a need for them to have to recycle washing machine chips to be used for weapons? If Russia can fight and still win with shovels, what is she talking about?

    The clowns in the EU are running short of ammunition to fight Russia and are just resorting to more sanctions against Russia. Did the more than 16,000 sanctions imposed on Russia achieved anything concrete so far? The only achievement so far is that the EU basically committed economic suicide after imposing all those sanctions.

    Ironically, those in the know are aware that the EU is still buying Russian oil mixed with others from India, China and Saudi Arabia. And the latter three are laughing all the way to the bank, marking up cheap Russian oil to be resold to the EU into a highly profitable business.

    Hope they are not placing all those gains in Western banks that may be confiscated when the USA starts claiming those profits violates their sanctions and must be seized.

  2. With Saudi Arabia's move to sell oil outside of the US$, the days of USA freeloading is going to be over for good. This is a very disastrous move by Saudi Arabia against the US$ hegemony. When countries are able to buy oil outside the US$, the usage of the US$ is going to decline very much faster than anticipated. The de-dollarization tsunami is on its way.

    In addition to this, BRICS is setting up its own 'Energy and Commodity Exchange' that will promote energy, mineral and agricultural trade among its members, setting their own prices outside the control of the West and conducting trade outside of the US$. With many BRICS member countries controlling vast energy resources, mineral reserves and agricultural outputs, the implications are immense.

    Russia, Saudi Arabia and UAE controls vast oil and gas reserves. With non-BRICS countries like Venezuela and Iran being themselves also oil rich countries and about to join BRICS, the total trade in energy among BRICS countries is enormous.

    Russia and Brazil are already agricultural giants in global production of grains that will be making another huge dent in the usage of the US$ when trade among members is being carried out outside the US$.

    Global reserves of minerals from Africa are another area that BRICS will control as more African countries join BRICS. China is already the main player controlling the extraction of raw materials in Africa.

    The USA and the West can continue to downplay the effect that this will do to the US$ hegemony. The US$ may still continue to blissfully dominate global trade today, but the tipping point is on the way and a de-dollarization tsunami is close at hand, an event that is not been seen before.

  3. Saudi Arabia under threats by the American gangsters to renew the Petrol Dollar Scam. MBS must be very careful. He is top target for assassination by the Americans.

    Insha allah, pray that he be safe. Have more body guards and security around him wherever he goes. Avoid visiting American controlled countries.

    Air crash, car crash etc etc are on the cards.

  4. Yes Anon 11.59

    Right! Dont ever fly their Boeing Aircraft.

    They can down the plane with their secret mechanism.

    Be safe.

    Like Ibrahim Tagore with armed machine guns body guards.

  5. Just to add that why Kim of North Korea always travelled by rails and really no choice then have the Chinese or Russians planes to fetch him.

