
America throws Europe under the bus


 All the Mickeys think the USA will always be behind them. A slogan claiming 'iron clad' support can get rusty in time. Or when the chips are down. Or even a change in the White House.

That is why NATO is terrified of a Trump victory in November. Trump already demanded EU's contributions towards NATO expenses be increased, while the USA still controls the alliance. Heads the USA wins, tails the EU loses. Not to talk about the massive economic losses already suffered by the EU, resulting from the Ukraine war, which are the countries framing NATO.

The USA left the South Vietnamese in the lurch after they lost their pants and fled. The former 'USA stooge of an Afghan Government' was left to face the Taliban, after the USA also fled, losing their pants in a hurried exit. And that 'USA supported Afghan Government' also fled in the face of small arms wielding farmers.

The Taliban took over a treasure trove of USA weapons left behind in Afghanistan in their hurried exit. They reversed engineered them and are now using some of them - free of charge which would otherwise cost them millions. They are also exposing all the secrets culled from their captured USA equipment.


PS. Europe is a colony of the American Empire and would be coerced to fight and die for the Empire. Now most of them are going bankrupt, unable to buy cheap oil and gas from Russia, not allowed to trade with China and Russia, and have to empty their savings for the war in Ukraine.



  1. The world's top clown, Zelensky, and his circus will be performing in Switzerland and invited paying guests that he thought would be foolish enough to watch his performance. 160 states that Zelensky deemed are stupid enough to want to waste time travelling to Switzerland to see his clown show. So far, only 90 states were said to want to attend, according to Clown Zelensky. The real number could be much lower when these states realised their stupidity and pull out at the last moment.

    For now, some were arm twisted, coerced by the American puppeteers to attend or be seen as against the Americans. The American colonies and cronies have no choice, no freedom to choose not to attend. They have to take orders from the American Emperor. This is American version of freedom to choose but as told by the Americans.

  2. And of course, Asean's number one clown, Bong Bong, would attend in person to support the world's top clown, to be in the company of clowns where he can feel very comfortable.

  3. Oops, oops, Bong Bong chickens out after seeing how silly for him to attend a circus in Switzerland and would be sending a rep instead.

  4. Banana Parrot Voice Over so called Reporter of Shits Times echoing their Masters Voice that China is leaning over to the Russians side by NOT attending this Circus Clown Show.

    Just plagiarisim the same report as the Western BS Media that even Kishore said Singaporeans are so dumb that they cannot even sieve thru the lies and deceits of the Western propaganda.

    Shits Times have journalists meh?

    Another plagiarism that the G strings bikini 7 warned China NOT to supply materials that Putin could use for their military operations.

    Whoa! Still thinking that they are Masters of the Universe ah?

    Only in Hollywood and Bollywood!

    Also regurgiating another Americunt Diplomat that UAss wanted Peace and China Wars.

    Tell it to the Dafts and Imbeciles.

    How many wars the UAssA had killled millions during all these decades?

    Stuffed their mouths with Shits.

  5. Hi Anon 1.01

    In that episode she also asked the Ex Greek FM that China's influence in building ports for the Africans.

    Yanks said what's wrong with that?

    They are building Ports and infrastructures for the Africans for economic progress whilst the Americunts are creating wars and invasions on them.

    These White Barbarians so called idiotic Reporters are so damn stupid to say these type of questions.

    Just thinking of all ways to demonise and belittle China.

    Damn imbeciles.
