
American govt cheating Americans with high tariffs

 The USA voters are drunk in their deluded thinking that they have so much freedom that they are not aware of the system cannibalizing their rights little by little. When politicians shout anti-China slogans and threaten decoupling from China, they cheer and clap, not realizing they are the ones to suffer.

Tariffs on imported goods into USA are being raised to make them pay more for products on the shelves of supermarkets. They assumed wrongly that such tariffs are punishing China, without realizing it is the Government punishing them.

Tariffs are a tax on the import of products that benefit the Government but have to be paid for by consumers. Consumers will be the ones to foot the price increases due to the tariffs, not Chinese manufacturers. The tariffs will kill off the usual USA importers and supermarket chains, leading to loss of jobs if they cannot sell at such high prices. But the loss of jobs can always be covered up with doctored job statistics. No problem there!

The USA is not the only market available for Chinese products. Sure, China will lose some of the market share inside the USA, but the Global South is an even bigger market that is growing, and even if the USA tries to keep Chinese products out of the USA by raising tariffs to the sky, Chinese manufacturers may opt to sell just more of their tariff free products in the Global South countries. They suffer little loss selling at prices before such tariffs. Both Chinese manufacturers and consumers in the Global South will benefit. 



  1. China leaders are grandmasters in Weiqi strategies.

    The high tariffs that the Americans imposed can only protect the US manufacturers' home ground, but make them more weak when competing against the Chinese in global markets.

    No matter what the Americans do, they can't win against the Chinese, who enjoy large economies of scale in manufacturing and cheaper electricity prices due to discounted oil and gas from the Russians.

  2. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/east-asia/four-american-educators-stabbed-park-northeast-china-united-states-media-officials-beihua-university-jilin-4401156

    Flash news to demonise China

  3. https://youtu.be/P6ERB0HxzeE?si=lRXPbYlewrJsSaVJ

    From their FOUL mouths that the UAssA main Agenda is to have all the Urukiane's Resources.

    This Imbecile Gramham blurted out from his Arse Mouth.

  4. De-dollarization just got turbo-charged !

    Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 50-year petro-dollar deal with the United States, which expired 2 days ago on Sunday, 9 June, 2024.

    This latest development signifies a major shift away from the petrodollar system established in 1972, and is anticipated to hasten the global shift away from the US dollar.

    The crucial decision to not renew the contract enables Saudi Arabia to sell oil and other goods in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars. Additionally, the potential use of digital currencies like Bitcoin may also be considered.

  5. Saudi Arabia's expected decision not to renew the 50-year pact to sell oil only in US$ is indeed a very significant move that will hasten the last nail in the coffin of the US$ hegemony.

    It all started from June 6th, 1974, under a pact where oil had been traded only in US$, benefiting the USA with all countries having to acquire US$ reserves to buy oil. The pact is expected to end on June 9th, 2024. The USA had been very merciless in dealing with leaders of countries trying to trade oil other than in US$. Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi tried to sell oil in Euros and were exterminated and the countries destroyed as an example to others.

    Saudi Arabia knew the consequences and joined BRICS first before taking this step of ending the 50-year pact. How the USA is going to deal with him is surely going to be extremely harsh. Mohammed bin Salman has to be extremely aware and very careful that an assassination attempt on his life is not to be taken lightly.

    The danger to MBS is made more significant with many other Saudi Royals eyeing the throne, and the USA will take advantage of that to ferment a regime change or an assassination attempt. Saudi Royals has huge investments in USA assets and will not be keeping silent amidst the de-dollarization momentum gathering steam with this move by MBS.
