
Distorting the meanings of Terrorism and Freedom Fighters

 What is Terrorism and what is 'Freedom Fighters'? In a very brief definition, Terrorism at state level is the invasion of a foreign force to kill and destroy the people of another state. And Freedom Fighters are the people of the invaded state that are fighting the invading forces to defend their country, their freedom and people.

The American and western version of Terrorism is simply what the American said or labeled a country. The Americans can labelled anyone, organisation or state as a terrorist, terrorist organisation or state at will, and the western media like Channel News American would just parrot these new labels without the need to think, to question if these are real terrorists or actually freedom fighters fighting the invaders of their country and killing their people, fighting the real terrorists. The western educated so called elites would lap up everything in the western media, especially those published in Channel News America as the gospel truth. Can't blame the little boys and girls, wet behind the ears and unthinking. But even ageing tortoises are also gulping up American lies, smears and propaganda as truths.

The Hamas and Hezbollahs are terrorists? How can they be terrorists when they are fighting to free their land and people from the Israelis and American terrorists invading their country, bombing and killing their people, stealing their land, keeping their people as prisoners in their homeland, cut off from the rest of the world, deprived of food, water, medicine and electricity, to be bombed or starved to death, to die of sickness and diseases, to die of thirst? Nay, the so called western educated elites would not want to see these tragic things happening to the oppressed and dying Palestinians. They may even agree with the white butchers that the Palestinians are subhumans, animals and have no qualms in massacring them.

How stupid can the rest of the world and the so called western educated elites be to accept blindly the distorted definitions of Terrorism and Freedom Fighters without question? The Americans and Israelis are conducting genocide in Gaza, Palestine, daily, nonstop, to ethnic cleanse the land from Palestinians, like the Americans ethnic cleansed North America from the native Red Indians to steal their land.

Who are the real Terrorists and who are the real Freedom Fighters? Only dense distorted minds can accept and believe in distorted definitions and ignore the truth.


  1. Maybe it is the right thing to do, to assign unthinking boys and girls to write and report about cats and dogs, about hawkers, about food, disappearing trades and make them experts in the irrelevant.

    This is a vicious cycle, like the bankers and many top jobs in many professions in research, academia etc etc. If they don't give them the opportunity to write serious stuff, if Singaporean bankers are not given the opportunity to learn on the job, they would become more stupid and ignorant by the day. No one has the experience for the top job unless put there to try and work on it. But foreigners are ok even without experience, to be tried and learn on the job.

    Serious news are assigned to foreigners. Top jobs are given to foreigners, some without the experience, to learn on the job. Daft Singaporeans are cast aside, no chance to be tried, to learn in bigger jobs.

    Singaporean reporters are dedicated to write about nothing, to be good in writing about nothing. How are they going to learn to write serious stuff? How are Singaporean bankers and other professionals to climb the corporate ladder to the top jobs if not given the opportunity?

    1. Hi Anon 9.28

      Don't forget "Makan Kakis"

      Sinkies only knew what's to eat and don't know that the skies are falling down with a Greavt Recession akan datang.

      Real Dafts

    2. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/singapore-national-employers-federation-robert-yap-resignation-governance-procedural-lapse-mom-review-4401296

      There you goes!

      Sinkieland no Ahem Ahem?

  2. It is happening very soon, when all the top jobs in GLCs, even ministries, academia, banks, A stars, media etc etc and parks as well, will be headed by foreigners.

    Singaporeans can return to the colonial days to be clerks and admin assistants and calling foreigners as boss or sir or tuan. The luckier ones can be their own bosses, like Grab drivers and hawkers.
