
Why China is not interfering with the USA election?

 That is exactly why China is not interfering with the USA election, even though they are accusing China of doing.

Why would China want better leaders in Washington with better strategies to pull USA forward? Just keep the swamp infested with the same low life, let them keep plotting war, let them concentrate on heaping resources on Ukraine and Israel, conduct subterfuge, assassinations, regime changes and committing economic suicide. Decoupling will hurt the USA as much as China. China still has the Global South market to do business with. The USA cannot compete in that market. The voters in USA will suffer the loss of cheap Chinese products leading to high inflation, due to high tariffs.

On a comparative viewpoint, it is perhaps the same with letting the political leadership in Malaysia remain as it is. Singapore had benefitted much from the less forward-looking leadership in Malaysia for most of the last several decades. Had Malaysia been endowed with more capable leaders, the gap between the two countries would not have widen as much today. 


1 comment:

  1. Why is Singapore also not interested in interfering with Malaysian politics since independence. Oops, sorry, LKY was doing exactly that after joining Malaysia. The Malays got into a frenzy knowing Lee was attracting too much following with his 'Malaysian Malaysia' policy, not 'Malay Malaysia' policy. They kicked him out of Malaysia.

    Looking back, it was really a blessing in disguise for Singapore as history has proven. Had Singapore been still in Malaysia, Singaporean Chinese would be suffering grave injustice like the Malaysian Chinese and Indians in terms of jobs, education, business opportunities and would have stagnated under the stifling racial politics practiced by UMNO. Singapore would be held back in every endeavor, having to cater to the Malay political control.

    Over the decades of UMNO rule in Malaysia, Singapore knew it was best to leave the Malays alone to keep the country backward, as otherwise it would compete with Singapore.

    So, China is not interested in interfering in USA politics, despite accusations that it is doing so. China is waiting for the USA to self-destruct, which is happening today.
