
White supremacist Democrazy states can commit genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity... ICC cannot judge them.

 How could George Bush not be a war criminal when he started the war in Iraq, based on 'fabricated' evidence? It was an illegal war because the USA faked all the evidence at the UN to drag in the rest of the 'Coalition of the Willing' to create a justifiable reason to support their evil designs. With the stamp of approval from the UN, they thought that it legalized their action, but using fabricated evidence changes all that assumption. It makes the war illegal!

And why is the USA now loudly saying that Netanyahu is not a war criminal, which is largely also a ploy to protect its own retired leader's reputation and actions in Iraq, and the fear that this will also be creating a precedent to give the ICJ and ICC their justification to extend its long arm to target George Bush, Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld and all the array of army generals that carried out the illegal war.

Of course, we know the USA's mafia style threats on the ICJ and ICC are keeping all these war criminals protected from the two bodies. Therefore, the USA and UK will go all out to protect Netanyahu against being targeted, as much as to protect its own leaders and interest in future. Allowing Netanyahu to be targeted is opening up a can of worms for the USA and UK.

What is even worse is that Netanyahu is stupidly claiming that targeting him is the same as targeting George Bush for war crimes in Iraq. Which means telling the ICJ or ICC that if they succeeded in their action against him, they should go after George Bush and his gang. We are waiting for that to happen, but of course unlikely. Al Capone is not that easy to deal with. If you mess with Al Capone, he will mess with you, LOL.


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