
How to deal with CIA and American terrorists? Shoot and kill on sight

 The USA uses terrorism the same way it uses the CIA, another terrorist organization at its disposal. Nato in Asia will be another terrorist organization it could leverage on when needed.

After the war in Iraq, many still believe that the USA created ISIS to ferment and instigate unrest in Iraq, so that the USA could remain in Iraq to steal its oil on the pretext of fighting ISIS.

In Xinjiang, China knew the USA was using the CIA, and had been nurturing the radicalized Uyghur Muslim terrorists to create unrest in Xinjiang, starting in 2009. That necessitated a crackdown and re-education program by China to counter the spread of terrorism.

The USA had invested much effort and resources to fund the unrest in Xinjiang, and to lose all of that is a hard pill to swallow. Thus, they invented the narrative that China had been mistreating the Uyghur Muslims by sending them to concentration camps, that were basically re-education centers. Foreign visitors today, with freedom to roan in Xinjiang, saw little evidence of such concentration camps ever existing. They realized that they had been lied to all along.

The unrest and bombings in Xinjiang from 2009 onwards were eventually put down by the Chinese Government. In 2019, the CIA was again clearly exposed in funding the unrest in Hong Kong to give China another headache. The USA and the UK were thinking that Hong Kong will be the catalyst for protest to spread to the mainland. It failed to do so. China put down the Hong Kong protest as well, by even going to the roots and digging out all the perpetrators, some of whom are now in the UK. Some would probably be deported to Rwanda soon, LOL.

That was also a huge loss for the USA funded protest in Hong Kong that failed. Today, Hong Kong is prospering, but there is still a need to be vigilant against further attempts to destabilize the peace and prosperity.

If the one Government two system works well for Hong Kong until 2047, it will make the ordinary Taiwanese take a serious look. That is not good for the USA and the Japanese ruling Taiwan.

Just a departure thought, the writeups on Wikipedia are suspect as people believe the CIA had a hand in its content evaluation and is in fact its mouthpiece. It is another propaganda tool that the USA uses to demonize countries not to its liking. Be aware!


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