
The evil Americans and the West are raping the free World and Democracy

 Democracy, human rights and the free world are American catchphrases that lulled the daft coloured people of the world to believe in the terrorist state of the USA. The American terrorists are using their megaphones, their propaganda war machine and their media, Channel News America, and all the main media of American colonies and cronies to spread this lie, that the USA is about democracy, about human rights and about the free world.

How awfully wrong are the daft coloured people of the world to continue to be intoxicated they these American lies. The Americans are raping democracy, human rights and freedom or free world right before their eyes. And the daft coloured people, like true believers, would not want to believe other wise, would not want to know the truth, would not want to see the truth. They are happy to live with the American lies as they have been living with it for too long. To be awaken from their false belief would be too painful, to know that they were fools, allowing themselves to be fooled for so long while calling themselves the elites of their countries, the people that can think rationally.

The Americans are at wars, in endless wars, killings, massacres, genocides, all over the world, in the name of democracy, human rights and the free world. Isn't this bizarre? Not true? Yes, the elites are saying this is not true. The Americans are the most peaceful and peace loving people in the world. All the wars and killings were caused by China and Russia. And they are repeating this daily and drumming them into the numbskull of the elites. And the daft elites are so numb by it that they simply did not want to think and look at the real world. And the whole of the American hillbillies still believe that the evil terrorist Americans are the saviours of the world, the angels that are all over the world, with the army of God, to protect and save the world, by starting and fighting endless wars.

And how dare the ICC prosecute the Americans and leaders of  'democracy leaders' for war crimes, crimes against humanity, for genocides? War crimes, crimes against humanity genocides, are only committed by non democratic leaders. Never would a 'democracy leader' commit such crimes. The ICC must be punished for wanting to punish a 'democracy leader' for such crimes.

There is no genocide in Ukraine or Gaza. The terrorists are the Russians and the Hamas. And the daft elites of the world would say aye aye sir. How can they question the American terrorists who are in their eyes, angels, cannot and will not commit war crimes or crimes against humanity. When they start wars, it was all for peace. When they massacre or genocide the coloured people, it was to put down terrorism and terrorists. This is American democracy, American human rights, and American free world. Their freedom is the nightmare of the people of the coloured world. Their democracy and human rights are meant only for the white people. 

All democratically elected leaders that do not toe the American line must be ousted by force, coup de tat, regime change and replace by dictators that are friendly to the American evil Empire. See how democratic is Zelensky, Nethanyahu, Marcos, etc etc.

Do not think.The Americans would think for you and tell you what is right, what is wrong, what is democracy, what is the meaning of the free world, a rules based order, with rules written by the Americans for the rest of the daft world to obey. The undemocratic ICC, (used to be democratic when under the bidding of the Americans, issuing arrest warrants to coloured leaders, African leaders, never a white leader like George Bush and Tony Blair and their jin gang of murderers), must be executed for wanting to issue warrant of arrest to a 'democracy leader' like Nethanyahu.


  1. The Democracy triumphing Socialism mantra has been consigned to the dust bin, with Socialist China able to rise so fast and furious in overtaking so many democratic countries like Germany and Japan and now on the verge of overwhelming the USA. That fear by the USA of losing to China next is making its leaders lose plenty of sleep and making desperate moves.

    Human rights are another area losing relevance in the West. In the USA, the rise of poverty, the rise of homelessness, the loss of cheap medical care are all rights that the civilian population should be enjoying, but are being deprived off by the top 1%, which the Government only cares about.

    Freedom of this and that is a farce. Trump had been gagged and punished for saying things that the Bidden administration cannot stomach. Entities like TikTok have been demonized for being outside the control of the USA Government for criticizing the Israeli genocide in Gaza. In Germany, one could be arrested for speaking against the Government.

    What about the pro-Palestinian student protest in universities across the USA? There is a perception that the USA Government is complicit in creating a pro-Israel front to counter those peacefully protesting students, at UCLA particularly, with those pro-Israeli terrorist resorting to violence to justify the USA Government to take down those peaceful pro-Palestinian protestors, which the USA Government could not do so earlier without a valid excuse.

    Had this been the case in China, the USA and the West would be howling like rabid dogs, demonizing the Chinese Government for cruelty and human rights abuses. And they would call for sanctions and the rabid dogs will say yeh, yeh, yeh.

  2. Whither Singapore?

    Thailand will apply as soon as this month to join the BRICS bloc of emerging nations, the government said on Tuesday, aiming to team up with other Global South countries in boosting its presence on the global stage.

    The BRICS group is centered on Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

    At a cabinet meeting Tuesday, the Thai government finalized plans to submit the application. If approved, Thailand would become the group's first member from Southeast Asia.

    Joining BRICS will enhance Thailand's role as a leader among developing countries, a government spokesperson said at a press conference after the meeting.

    Some view BRICS as a competing framework in an international order led by developed economies such as the U.S. and Europe. China and Russia have been leading the bloc's expansion, with the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Ethiopia and Egypt joining in January.

  3. Singapore was very hasty to sanction Russia, so now it cannot join BRICS. It is solidly in the US camp, despite claims of neutrality. Not anybody can buy F-35s from US. See what they do, not listen to what they say.

  4. Russia said Singapore is one of the Unfriendly Country.

    Alamak how ah?

    Aiyo yo how's ah?

    Not to worry we had UASSA mountain behind us!

    Mountain landslides how's ah?

    Die together loh!

  5. Singapore sanctioned Russia out of principle, not because of US pressure. The principled one said so.

  6. Principle my foot

  7. Did Singapore sanction Israel base on principle? Principle must apply evenly, right? Not selectively, right?

  8. https://youtu.be/Q3RMl33SqNE?si=KN5ml29tLY7afhGS

    UAssA mentally sick Leaders called for new cold war against China and Regime Change.

    Calling the Chinese peoples to overthrow Xi and the Communist Party and Government.

    Hello Americunts clean your arsholes first.

    Don't make my toes laugh.

    Everywhere Xi goes to any county or state, full strength of their PRCs came out to cheer and greeted him.

    Only your hillbilies and ignorant Americunts adored and worshiped you idiots and nincompoops.

  9. They are mad, believing in whatever lies they generated. Gone case. No cure! Terminal stage.

  10. The USA has a toxic culture of lying. They can lie about anything under the sun.
