
USA's Military Industrial Complex is now outdated

 The USA's Military Industrial Complex is now outdated in its thinking and outperformed by China, but still producing extravagantly expensive and outdated stuff like aircraft carriers, submarines and fighter jets.

Despite outspending China in defense, the USA is not moving fast enough in military innovation and strategy. Cheap drones used by the Houthis are now taking out expensive USA made missiles costing tens of millions, or thousands of times more to build as seen in the Persian Gulf.

The real determinant of results in future wars is centered on drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, hypersonic missiles, unmanned underwater drones that will pose the most threat to aircraft carriers, support ships and submarines. Those new weapons are what China has been developing over the last decade, cheaper and better, things which the USA is now starting to realize and is what they are critically short of and trying desperately to produce them in numbers.

Just far behind is the USA in drone technology can be seen in Ukraine and Israel. Both countries have discarded their USA made reaper drones for atrociously much cheaper Chinese drones made for civilian use, that can be bought off the shelves at Walmart, just by reconditioning them for military use. These drones were said to be more reliable and accurate. Just imagine how much more lethal are the military drones used by the Chinese military and you can gauge the gap that China is leaving the USA in drone technology.

The USA may be trying to move in that direction but has already lost the window of opportunity to overwhelm China in military terms. That is why there is little perceived advantage that the USA still holds over China in military terms. China is becoming a peer competitor in the military arena as well, something that was thought impossible.



  1. Biden had already said that war aid such as the billions to Ukraine benefited the US economy as the money never leave the USA but is being paid to American arms manufacturers, and proxy wars also benefit the USA as no American soldier's life is lost. Their next market is the Philippines with Marcos Jr acting as the next Zelensky.

  2. Pinoys like to be war heroes. They forgot that war heroes are either dead heroes or maimed heroes.

    The Americans love this kind of people, like the Ukrainians.

  3. That is provided the weapon sales to Ukraine is going to be paid back at all. Ukraine now even needs the help of the NATO countries, using seized Russian assets, to fund its on-going war with Russia. And we are not even talking about rebuilding infrastructures that have been destroyed by Russia.

    Ukraine can never repay the USA for those weapons or aid. Nothing can be retrieved from a black hole. It is gone forever. Biden is living in dreamland, thinking that repayment can probably come from the US$300 billions of Russian assets, most of which are in Europe. But talking about it is just theoretical hubris if he is going to be out in November. The feel-good ecstasy for the voters is not going to last. Russia will likewise seize the assets of USA companies in Russia, which are also substantial. Who will have the last laugh is still unknown.

    China must also be wary of investing further in the USA or the West. In fact, it is time now for China to accelerate devesting in the USA and Europe, looking at their targeting of Chinese products. The USA is no longer investible, and Europe is highly risky for Chinese companies to invest going forward. The is a blessing in disguise for the Global South, which will benefit from Chinese money investing in their country instead. And why not for China to do that, with lower wages and cost to boot.

    Decoupling is never more important for China. The USA wants it, China could help.

  4. The Angel of Death is still so arrogant over its weapon sales all over the world. The USA would not bat an eyelid that such weapons are causing deaths of millions and destruction of countries all over the world.

  5. That clearly exposed the notion that the USA economy is a war economy, based on death and shedding of blood. It is blood money propping up the USA economy. God help us all.

    Never mind as long as it is other country's soldiers dying by the thousands, as long as no USA soldiers are lost. What a revelation!

  6. Yemen has just shot down another expensive MQ-9 Reaper UAV, bringing the total number to 4, while Hezbollah has struck a $175 million strategic spy balloon belonging to the Israeli air force with an air-to-ground missile launched from a drone

  7. A reaper drone cost about US$32 million each. But Ukrainians and Israelis are staying away from using the reaper drone and instead using cheap recalibrated civilian drones made by DJI and said to cost a thousand times cheaper. These cheaper drones are claimed to be more accurate and reliable. User experience and revelation is never wrong.

    It seems that the real headache for Israel is not Iran, but Hezbollah. And the one now calling the shots in the Middle East is not the USA but Iran.

  8. As in most sectors, China is going to eat the USA Military Industrial Complex for lunch, even in military weapons sale.

    If DJI civilian drones can outperform USA military drones in combat, what can we say about the drones used by the Chinese military? It is an issue the USA is not even realizing, and pro-USA shrills like China Observer and Serpentza are still belittling Chinese military equipment as junk.

    I guess that is good for China. Let not the USA be caught with pants down once again as in EVs, solar panels and wind turbines.
