
Once the USA has a foothold in a country, it will be impossible to get rid of

 The irony is that once the USA has a foothold in a country, its presence will be impossible to get rid of.

Just look at the Philippines, Japan and South Korea. Duterte tried to put pressure on the USA by threatening the removal of USA miliary bases in the country and knew that that warning has put his survival in jeopardy in the hands of the CIA. He had to stand down. The USA will keep hyping up the Chinese threat towards the Philippines, Japan and South Korea to justify prolonging their stay. Another ploy that they always use from their playbook is creating unrest using the CIA and USA funded NGOs to keep a country they eyed in turmoil, giving them added reasons to stay behind to help put down the opposition.

What happened in Hong Kong failed because Hong Kong was totally under the Chinese control, with no love lost between the USA/the West and China, and no USA military bases in Hong Kong to hinder the Hong Kong Government's crackdown. The instigators of the unrest in Hong Kong had been closely watched, identified and completely taken care of in one fell swoop. The USA and UK were left nursing their wounds over that failure. Their investments in those terrorist elements have gone to waste, like their investment in Navalny in Russia.

In another scenario that is probably what is happening in Myanmar today, the USA, using the CIA, will give support to the rebels to take down the Myanmar Government, in the hope of fermenting a regime change. Using propaganda to demonize the Myanmar Government adds another layer of subterfuge that the USA and the West are trying to sway international opinion against the Military rulers in Myanmar. And attempting to control and using ASEAN to support them.

One development we should keep an eye on is the USA/India relations which is under strain. The USA is keeping up its pressure on India to toe the line, trying to force India to have less trade dealings with Russia, especially in energy and criticizing Modi's persecution of Muslims and Sikhs in the country. India is beginning to understand the agenda of the USA. Boasting about India's ambition to be the next superpower is not a good thing. Keeping quiet and working towards that goal may be more productive. Nevertheless, nothing is certain on the surface, as India is playing Russia against USA, China against USA and the USA is still playing India against China and Russia. 



  1. The USA is like a cancer spreading globally, with its more than 800 military bases around the world.

    Once a cancer takes root, it is very difficult to remove it. It will fester and kill the victim finally. Ukraine has reached the terminal stage of that cancerous growth. The Philippines is still in its first stage cancer infection, progressing towards the second stage.

    And likewise, the EU is fighting the effects of its cancer affliction, and it is killing its industrial base and its energy immunity system.

    Internally the USA is also fighting a cancerous battle. The issues are daunting, the denial unfathomable, the consequence unrealized. The escalating debts, the polarization within the country, the wars that are sapping its military equipment manufacturing, the problems associated with its decoupling with China with its access to raw materials now dominated by China, its inability to compete globally with China in renewable energy are all extracting a toll on its reign as a continuing superpower status.

  2. The Pinoys would not have the intelligence to see that they would end up like Ukraine and are madly rushing in to become another Ukraine.

  3. The world thought no one can be more stupid than Zelensky, and no people can be more stupid than the Ukrainians.

    Then comes Marcos and the Pinoys. Can't believe it.

  4. The Philippines, even religiously speaking, seems not capable of moving forward and is still clinging on to outdated ideas and not discarding outdated ideology.

    That may be due to its history of being stunted by the Spaniards and Yankees exerting total control over the decades. The Philippine still needs someone to hold their hands and tell them what to do, and unfortunately is extending its hands to the wrong party, that does not have their interest at heart. Being used as a pawn is exactly what is happening.

    Under Duterte, the Philippines was just about to see the end of the dark tunnel. But that hope is being extinguished for good. It is really sad.
