
Which is better, Chinese Socialism or American Democracy?

 Who can argue that China's Socialism is bad, when it has managed to lift more than 800 million or more Chinese people out of poverty? Which other democratic country's leader has been able to do that and on that scale? And if Xi is bad for China as a 'Dictator', compare him to any other democratic leader in the world, including the USA, who have outdone him in improving their country under their leadership?

India is the biggest democracy in the world, and India is still mired in poverty and underdevelopment. The USA's poverty situation is going from bad to worse, homelessness is getting out of hand (moving tents out of public sight is no solution), drug infestation is escalating (and they are trying to blame China as well), polarization is an internal cancer spreading like wildfire, and the whole establishment on both sides of the political divide are a big joke.

And yet the USA is trying to spread its democracy to the rest of the world. In Africa, leaders are telling the USA and the West that they can keep their democratic ideals to themselves and not try to coerce them to follow a farcical system that is failing. African leaders know that the USA and the West are still trying hard to flog the dying democratic horse, to make it great again. They are still denying the inevitable.



  1. Good morning All

    Wow eye opener post by an Enligtened Anon.

    So many of their own Whites in praise of China's achievements in their lifting of millions from poverty within 70 to 75 years.

    They asked- "Who can do that with 1.2 to 1.5 Billion People"

    They commented that Europe would take 200 years to do that.

    Also it's NOT a certainty.

  2. https://youtu.be/ouFPqVrTb3g?si=pTZXsjmhjPAwg9E4

    Wolf's Hard Truths to the World and the Silly Americunts and their equally imbecile Euro Nuts.

  3. Sillyporean banana love to have american democracy anytime, even it mean to get screwed by the same party time & time again.

  4. The answer is obvious. China's socialist system is better in reality, but the Western democratic system is also working great in theory and good for propagandizing only. That they no longer tout the narrative that 'democracy will always triumph over socialism' mantra is all clearly laid bare for all to see and is now proven to be a false prophecy.

    If China's socialist system is working badly, there is no need for the USA and the West to resort to desperate measures to prevent China from getting better. When China was dirt poor and struggling in the fifties and sixties, the USA left China alone to fester under socialism, perhaps waiting for China to collapse.

    If the Chinese system is working badly today as well, why not just let it destroy itself, like in the fifties and sixties, right? Why is the USA and the West trying to do China in so openly and glaringly today in the eyes of the world? It only means one thing and that is the fear of socialism outperforming democracy going forward. Nothing more nothing less. Biden is even terrified of China overtaking the USA in GDP under his watch. That tells the whole story.

    Do we honestly believe that Trump taking over will lead USA to do better with more sanctions and trade wars? And he can stop China's rise with his rhetorical slogan of 'Make American Even Greater Again'? Has the trade war he started many years ago killed China? Even Biden escalating on it today is not going to be successful. Rather it is making China even more determined and becoming more self-reliant on everything. The Chinese have lived through isolation for a century and is not going to collapse tomorrow just listening to the fear trumpeting of the USA.

  5. Well said Anon1.04

