
America has 3 Presidents!!!

 America by law has one president in Biden, the elected President. But in practice, America is run by 3 presidents at the same time, not counting the Deep State. Biden is limited by his age and mental as well as physical degeneration, and can just cope with so much, can stay awake for a few hours, and only able to stay lucid in a conversation, discussion or briefing for a few moments. That's it. Most of the time he will spend snoring and dozing off, or having to take a break.

Because of Biden's physical and mental liabilities, someone must carry the burden for him, to do his job when he is taking his siesta. No prizes for guessing who is the de facto president in the White House and making all the decisions for Biden. Biden only needs to nod his head to say yes. Not even has the strength to say no. It would require a lot of effort and mental energy to want to say no. Now you understand why all the policies foul ups and the 100% support for Israel in the Genocide in Gaza, and to a certain extent the genocide of the Ukrainians...Biden signed without knowing what he signed.

Blinken is the de facto President of the USA and calling the shot, making all the policies for Biden. Have no doubt about this. Poor Biden is just so grateful to Blinken for doing all the donkey work and thinking for him, only for him to sign into Presidential decrees. Historians would put all the blame on Biden for the nasty works of Blinken that led to the downfall of the evil American Empire...as well as the genocide of the Palestinians and the Ukrainians. No one would blame Blinken for it when he is the author of all the blunders and failures.

Because of his age and poor health, Biden is very troubled by it and foolishly wanted to prove that he is still young and strong, that he is a man and can make tough decisions. Whenever Trump said something, Biden would want to up the stakes, to be more man than Trump. And Trump knows this. Trump is reading Biden like a book and plotting for Biden to commit mistakes for him to capitalise on. Trump is not against EVs per se. But he openly said he would raise tariff for EVs by 100%. How can Biden lose out on this? Biden has replied, that he would raise EV tariff by 100%. This is a trap Trump set for Biden.

Trump was reported to have made a deal with oil producers to remove all the subsidies for EVs. This would undermine Biden's tariff to protect American EV manufacturers. American EVs would still be killed as they would not be competitive even with 100% tariff but no subsidies.  The oil companies would be all behind Trump.

Trump in a way is the third President of the USA. He is the shadow president working through Biden. What ever he wants Biden to do, he just blares it out and Biden would execute his orders without knowing why. Trump's shadow is so huge that Biden is completely engulfed in it, cannot escape.

Biden, Blinken and Trump are the Holy Trinity of the American Presidency, an elected President, a de facto President and a shadow President all in one.


  1. Biden is a lame duck president that cannot keep his eyes open after 3 minutes in a briefing or discussion on national issues. Everything was done and decided for him by Blinken. Blinken is the chief protagonist in the White House, ie a Jew is running the USA.

  2. Some people believe that Obama is still having a strong hold on Biden, especially in some of his policies. And of course, the Deep State has, as always, been the biggest mover in USA politics, having the biggest say in what USA Presidents should and must not do.

    Blinken may come and go after four years. The Deep State has been around for decades or will be around in eternity. The Pentagon, Big oil, Big Pharma, Wall Street's big banks and businesses and certain families that used to rule the USA are all components of the Deep State. The Deep State is just a collective term used to denote its presence. Its influence is phenomenal and untouchable.

    USA politics is all about which Presidential candidate can come up with the most anti-China or Russia narrative, and the voters will lap up all the 'feel good' speeches. This is one example that is now apparent in what we are seeing in the escalation of tariffs concerning EVs made by China.

    And you can bet it is the Big Oil lobby putting all the pressure on the two duds. Trump is all for big oil, with his favorite fracking moves in his first term being his most ambitious project. That is why he is against the climate change narratives all along. He called the proponents of fighting climate change as just promoting a 'hoax'. And can you figure out why he is so critical of EVs and upping the stakes?

    But never mind, what we are seeing today is going to be who can destroy the USA faster - Biden or Trump. Before that happens, they will probably be destroying each other. They are tearing the USA apart. Deep polarization is never more apparent than during the civil war between the Union (The North) and the Confederacy (The South).

    And it is a blessing for the rest of the world. As I said earlier, the USA is rotting from within and destroying itself on the outside. Keep that in mind.

  3. Truth be said, it will save USA citizens lots of time, if the USA just let Biden and Trump take turns to sit in the White House.

    We all know their foreign policies will be the same, just one copying the other. Oh, all that is all inside the USA playbook. And the songs they sing will be from the same songbook. And the chorus singers, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea, will all be there making up the orchestra of the willing.
