
Foreign talent galore - What is wrong with it?

 In principle and in theory, having more foreign talents to boost the economy is sound, just like any political theory. In practice, there are many shortcomings and political considerations that cannot be ignored simply for economic priorities and convenience. The huge influx of foreign talents, fake talents or half baked talents, must be carefully administered to protect the interests of Singaporeans. Singaporeans are the citizens, the people that voted the govt to power to look after their interests, not to look after the interests of foreigners, not to look after the interests of residents, not the interests of locals, but the interests of CITIZENS. Compromising the interests of citizens in favour of foreigners, locals, residents etc etc is a betrayal. Period. Even treating foreigners, locals and residents on equal terms with Singaporeans is unfair and unacceptable. Singaporeans must demand to be treated with priority as citizens, as first among equals, ...and definitely not to be treated as equals among unequal foreigners. This is the birth right of being a citizen, being a Singaporean.

Many well educated and well qualified Singaporeans are finding it difficult to land a decent job in their own country while many foreigners, with funny or questionable qualifications could easily find a permanent job here, thus making more citizens unemployed or underemployed. Do not snigger at Singaporeans being unhappy about being underemployed. It is bad, very bad for the general well being of Singaporeans. They put in great effort to get the needed qualifications, their parents vomited their life savings to ensure their children get a good education in our world best universities, just to get a decent permanent job, not to become gig workers, part time workers, food deliverers or Uber drivers. Any joker that said a job is a job and having a job is better than being unemployed need to be kicked in the ass.

Singaporeans don't spend 15 years or more and hundreds of thousands of dollars just to get any job. Any Singaporean that is unemployed, underemployed, when a foreigner, including all the farsical locals and residents that are not citizens, is employed, is a case too many and unacceptable...especially when a few hundred thousands of foreigners are employed here, on permanent jobs that Singaporeans need. This is our country, this is our home. Singapore is NOT the country of foreigners, locals and residents, NOT their home. Singaporeans have no where else to go. Even if they do, they are not treated fairly in foreign lands. Singaporeans can only expect and rely on their own country for a good living. Is this too much to ask for? You want Singaporeans to do NS to fight and die for this country? If their own country favours foreigners, locals and residents to citizens, what does it mean to be a Singaporean?

I know, 'Singaporean' is now a dirty word. No politician would want to mention the word Singaporean for political correctness. They would utter words like residents, locals as if these people are citizens and deserved to be treated equally like citizens, if not better.

Until every citizen with respectable qualifications from our expensive world class universities is employed in decent permanent jobs equitably vis a vis a foreigner, local or resident, the foreign talent policy is flawed and anti Singaporeans. It is not just pathetic to see Singaporeans forced to seek employment overseas because Singapore has no decent jobs for them, to see Singaporeans underemployed or unemployed despite their expensive qualifications. And some jokers cynically telling Singaporeans to be happy with whatever crappy jobs while they laughed all the way to the banks.

A Singaporean in such an unsatisfactory state is a Singaporean betrayed. You want Singaporeans to defend and die for this country? What is in it for Singaporeans? To be gig worker, temp worker, underemployed, unemployed, while foreigners are fully employed? What kind of deal is that? Don't take Singaporeans for granted.

PS. To be real and serious, set up a department in MOM just to place unemployed and underemployed Singaporeans before allowing a foreigner in. Losing a few foreigners or foreign companies is better than losing the trust of the people in the govt and in the country.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    Wow! Bravo that's was an Enlightening Speech!

    Be George Galloway of Singapore.

    Do what's is right for all Singaporeans!

    But what's you expect from the MOM with previous Ministers and even now the Current Minister like the Euro Nuts Imbeciles of Anna Buttocks, Olaf Kayu and Stolen Bird and Ursula Born De Liar?

    He can said well Singaporeans don't like these type of jobs so we had to give 99.9% to the Foreigners.

    What's balcony!

    The 1st Generation Leaders of GKS and HSD etc knew how to prioritise the jobs to Singaporeans and knew how to cajole and encouraged all to have these jobs that had them all gainfully employed.

    The Present Lots just Auto Pilot. You don't want these jobs ah? Ok
    Never mind we gave all to the Locusts.

    Wow Good man! Cheaper somore and easy also to intimate and control.

    Before I retired so many openings with the Open Flood Gates of the Laziness Leaders approvals had hundreds of thousands of Mats, Myanmar's, Pinoys, Indians employed as even ordinary clerks and adm. staff which can be fully employed for our own Singaporeans.

    Just notice after the opening of the Pandemic to travel, hundreds of thousands of Mats straight away sojourned home.

    These jobs are meant for Singaporeans.

    You mean to tell me that Singaporeans scorned these types of jobs?

    Poor souls Singaporeans no choice had to be delivery gig gig gila food and parcels Singapore Posts subsidiaries.

    Own been trampled upon when I see them, my heart ached.

    Think the New Pee Ayam can do much?

    Still had one with same mentality and holding a big stick behind him.

  2. RB, fully agree with what you said. Unfortunately we have a gov that only look after it own party member interest. Worst, also to milk the sillyporean dry dry until chao ta. Yet without fail, those daft sillyporean happily allowed themselves to be conned again & again. A lot of our gov linked companies/institution used public money to setup, ended up it become the private atm for papies & it cronies. Don't have any expectation on the new PM, all papies belong to the same kuanyewism religion. Hope to see a new singapore religion before my time is up.

  3. Why they don't have OYK as PM or as DPM?

    That time Son of a Gun NOT even on that list of Candidates for the PM Post.

    Why no OYK?

    Because both Lowran and that Son of a Gun are from the same Stock of Yes Man soft boned type.

    They afraid that OYK become the PM Will have a Revolution in Sinkeland just like happened in China.

    See him only as Minister of Health so many changes and schemes.

    He is the on the Ball Man and is like LKY able to challenge Amy Scoundrels and Charlatans here and aboard for the Safety and Security of Singapore.

    Aiya these two I have no confidence.

    Going to post the difference of Capitalism of Demo Crazy and the Socialism System.

  4. So far no media reports on:

    Did China's Xi send congrats to L Wong ?

    Did Taiwan's Lai send congrats to L Wong ?

    Did India's Modi send congrats to L Wong ? (Note Modi is among firsts to send congrats to Tharman when botak became President)

  5. Modi will send congrats when he cfmed that Wong would sign another ten years of CECA.


  6. Reuters:

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. looked forward to working with Wong "to further strengthen the U.S.-Singapore strategic partnership" aka hegemon-vassal.

    Taiwan's foreign ministry said ties between Taiwan and Singapore are close and friendly, adding it hoped "the two sides will continue to expand their cooperative relations" ( between sovereigns? ).

    Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said: "We look forward to further deepening our partnership in areas of mutual interest, including economic development, education and trade."

  7. The correct protocol, PM greet PM. Premier Li Qiang already sent his congrats message to PM Lawrence Wong.

    Why didn't Anwar send his message but dep PM Hamid?

  8. Malaysia now should be 20M ?

    Sinkeland how many M?

    DPM congrats Tau cheo liao!

  9. Johore alone how many times the size of Singapore?

  10. Anwar see no up ! L Wong will remember him for this !

  11. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/17/anwar-congratulates-wong-on-appointment-as-singapore039s-pm
