
United States and the European countries are suffering Karma

The Anglo-Saxons US & UK as well as the European countries have lived a privilege luxurious life for the last few centuries due to exploiting their colonies and other countries to pay for their countries to prosper. and live with ostentation. So much so they became arrogant and considered themselves as the chosen race of God and superior all other races which they looked down upon as inferior and subhuman.

But now the truth has come to roost. The United States and the European countries are suffering Karma for all their evil deeds, genocide and brutal atrocities committed against their defenseless colonies and other countries. Their economies and infrastructures are crumbling and they especially the United States societies are tearing apart with horrible own made debacles of racial problems, poverty for the masses and homeless for millions of their citizens. And instead of trying to solve their own problems they blame other countries like China for causing them all these unsolvable problems.

 Now they think they can solve their debacles by creating wars all over the world. They illogically vent their frustrations on others and never thought that if they start to engineer wars it will actually exacerbate their problems and hasten the demise of their countries.

Lee Shu Hsien


  1. Great article by Lee Shu Hsien

    Karmas indeed worked in mysterious ways.

    It may take a while or long enough but eventually they shall comes and visit you ans claimed their tolls for all your evil deeds.

    One way or another, they shall extract their what's you owed them.

    The Whites been living in their decadence and luxurious lifes have to pay now for their Evil deeds and Sins as inflicted on the Coloured Peoples.

  2. The Anglo-Saxon Whites do not believe in Karma. They believe they have a place reserved for them in Heaven, according to their religious belief, whatever evil they may have committed.

    That is why they have no conscience, morals or need to behave like humans. The are like animals, acting on instinct, killing without remorse and caring little about consequences.

    Just too bad the civilized world has to live with it.

  3. Joe Biden is now saying that Hamas cannot be destroyed, even with the Israeli capture of Rafah. How can Hamas be destroyed, with all the deaths inflicted by the Israelis that is fueling more Palestinians joining its ranks.

    Israel is going to find out that mounting and riding a tiger may appear easy, dismounting is not that easy, and may be extremely dangerous being eaten up by the tiger.
