
Americans recolonising the Philippines with the help of Marcos Jr

 And Duterte was considered by the USA as bad for the Philippines because he was advocating chasing the USA military out of the Philippines. A regime change was therefore on the agenda of the USA, and it was only a matter of time.

And how was that going to play out? Duterte himself was unsure whether he will survive the CIA, knowing he will be targeted for assassination sooner or later if his pro-China policies threatened the USA's military bases in the Philippines.

Just imagine the ICC wanting to issue an arrest warrant against him for fighting drugs in the Philippines. How illogical can some people be thinking that fighting drug lords is a crime. And who do we think are supporting those drug lords and benefitting from it?

The West knew from history that drugging a population will weaken them, which is why opium was forcibly forced upon the Chinese during the Opium War. And the Chinese were indeed weakened and trampled upon by the Eight Nations and suffered its century of humiliation. Duterte could see what the country was turning into if drugs were not eliminated.

Now under Marcos Jr, a lame leader, the USA could just dictate whatever it wants, never mind what is to become for the Philippines. The Philippines will continue to be colonized and be the base for the fragmentation of ASEAN. As it is, the Philiipines with its second biggest population among ASEAN countries is not living up to its promise and lagging behind countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore in GDP, and just a shade better than Vietnam and Malaysia. 



  1. https://youtu.be/5KpYERCbrXw?si=E6B3YOdo2XRACuvO

    This video as released by China on the Philippines untrustworthy tactics of scoundrels when they agreed to have made with China on their stupid claim of some Disputes in the South China Seas.

    China played smart and wire taped their agreement and conversations.

    Now they are caught in a bind and kept saying under our damn laws wiretapping is illegal and is not recognised.

    Who cares about your own damn internal laws?

    This is to shown that they are worst untrustworthy than the Indians.

    1. Tell it to the Americunts that wire-taping is illegal and they would laughed dead standing.

      We , the Americunts art the most expurt in wires-taping.

      We spied on All including the Leaders of the World including our own as we are neurotic and insecure in doing so many Evils.

      Asked Mackerel, opps Merkel ex Chancellor of Germany whether we even spied on her.

      We afraid that shd is the most prominent and rebellious one to instigate the Rest of the Nuts to sabo us.

      China wires tape as they knew you Scoundrols shall go back your agreements and words and promises.

      That's why they wiretapped the conversation.

  2. Put to a vote, between a snake, an Indian and a Pinoy, who do we choose? It is now a three-corner fight. In Asia only of course!

  3. Xi Jinping's reception during his visit to Serbia and Hungary must have made the USA and EU vis a vis NATO extremely jealous, nervous and insecure. China is making inroads in Europe and that is not lost on them.

    Xi was overwhelmed by supporters in Serbia, welcomed by cheering crowds by the thousands. He was even given a Military style welcome in Hungary, with mounted calvary and troop marchpast. It was a grand welcome for a foreign leader. Just like his visit to Saudi Arabia where he was even given a ceremonial fly-past salute by the Saudi Arabian air force. Compared to Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia earlier that year, which was a slap on the face that indicate 'You are not welcome'.

    And what were achieved by Serbia and Hungary during Xi's visit? Plenty of economic goodies in trade and development. What was not in Xi's agenda however was about the countering of other countries in the region, though Xi was asked to use his influence to end the Ukraine War. With the USA and NATO fueling the conflict, why would China want to step in? Undoubtedly the USA has the final say in the conflict, and China stepping in is not to their liking for sure.

    Serbia is not a member of the EU nor NATO. Serbia applied to join the EU but had been kept on hold, probably a hostage measure over some issues. It was a blessing in disguise. Hungary is a member of both and is the lone voice against the other EU and NATO members. Both countries are now still dependent on energy supplied by Russia. They will prosper with China's help.

  4. Asean's western educated elites and orang cina bukan cina must be dumbfounded by the reception given to Xi. How can, China is least trusted by the western educated elites and orang cina bukan cina in Asean. Are the European states silly or stupid to give him such high respect and recognition as a world leader?

    It is either the western leaders are silly or stupid, or the western educated elites and orang cina bukan cina are silly and stupid.

    What do you think?

  5. Sinkies Land with majority Chinese don't want to suck up to China and to the White Scoundrels Papuers whose countries are going to the Skunks.

    Decades ago, they should have leaned to China for their technologies and also their high tech manufacturing industries.

    Singaporeans would be permanently gainfully employed with secure good jobs ans high standard of livings.

    The Papies auto pilot lazy thought that present servile industries good enough ah!

    Now most on gig gig gila jobs as delivery food and logistics and also drivers.

    Also property and insurance agents.

    These are for thoss without an economy like Melaka etc.

    Our Young studied for nearly 15 years and do all these types of platform part time and no time jobs.

    Hear their documentary that Hungary and Serbia with China's investments and co-operations in their high tech manufracturing and technologies will uplift the peoples of their countries.

    Sinkieland so near to China don't want to capitalise on China's and prefered the Third World White Technologies that are all dying.

    What's a joke

    1. https://www.youtube.com/live/NbcHDdgDOYA?si=eCR7ozQl5P_664UP

      China Serbia cooperations

  6. Just watch how the USA and the West are destroying themselves trying to destroy others.

    The USA wanted to destroy Russia and ended up destroying Europe. The USA wanted to destroy the Muslims in the Middle East and ended up destroying their own influence and will take Israel down with it. Now the whole Xinjiang demonization exercise is turning into dust, with all the foreign visitors reporting what they actually saw and featuring them on Youtube to counter all the MSM propaganda. Worst still is for those foreigners to discover that they had been lied to by their Government and MSM.

    Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines will be the next sacrificial lambs for the USA.

    Even without resorting to war, decoupling from China is already creating enormous backdraft for the USA and the EU. They are caught between a rock and a hard place. The USA will never be able to lure industries back to the USA even if it tried to with subsidies galore. The conditions are not conducive for that. Domestic hurdles have to be addressed, cost of production will have to come down to make the products competitive and there is China looming, controlling most raw materials and processing facilities, and having the capacity to pose unsolvable problems for such investments.

    Already, dealing with Russia is so difficult to overcome. Biden boasted that sanctions will turn the Russian Ruble into rubble and lead to the collapse of Russia. Really? Some of the EU countries are still buying Russian energy and all that talk about how successful the sanctions are is just bullshitting. Even setting oil price caps did not work. Who are they trying to kid when sanctions against Cuba, North Korea and Iran half a century ago were not working. And expecting the more than 16,000 sanctions against Russia to work? No kidding!

  7. The Pinoys are behaving like the Ukrainians, not doing anything and allowing Mickey Mouse to sell their country to the Americans to be turned into a war zone.
