
911 was a diabolical plan to destroy seven Arab countries

 911 was a very evil extreme demonic plot by Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and other warmonger officers and generals in the Foreign Office and the Pentagon to provide an excuse and a basis to take down Seven Middle East Arab countries so that US and all the European countries and the Zionist Jews could take possession of the whole Middle East which is rich in oil both on land and the sea around Palestine and the Mediterranean.

The wicked Anglo-Saxons US and UK collude with the American Zionist Jews and other white European countries with plans to liquidate the Arabs from their native lands in the Middle East just as they had genocided almost entirely all the hundreds of millions of Native Americans and eventually took over their lands to populate it with white immigrants. 

So 911 was a diabolical plan to destroy seven Arab countries viz Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Sumaria, Lebanon and Algeria and to ultimately decimate the Arab populations in their own native lands. Zionist Israel is planted in Palestine as a Western vanguard to spearhead the Anglo-Saxons cum Zionist horrible satanic plan to genocide all the Arabs in the Middle East.

 Mostapha Subir - A Palestine patriot

1 comment:

  1. Of the seven, Iraq and Libya have been destroyed. The USA is now conducting regime changing activities in Syria and Sudan. In the midst of the Hamas/Israeli war, Lebanon is in their sight.

    What we have not yet seen is the changing geopolitical situation in the oil producing Gulf countries. The USA's macabre plan had not considered countries like UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, which are now not as cozy friendly with the USA or the West as in the past. Their friendship and co-operation with China put them as potential targets that the USA needs to take down as well. It is a whole new ball game for the USA now that Israel is in the Middle of the quagmire.
