
Random Thoughts, Facts And Truths :- ( 2 )

           Taiwan - an integral part of Mother China                                                      _________________________________________________

The issue between Mainland Mother China and Taiwan is strictly a Chinese internal affair and it brooks no foreign interference.

Western countries headed by the United States and Japan have been interfering non-stop in China's internal affairs since the 1930s. In fact China was vastly impoverished  by Western and Japanese invasion and exploitation since the 1830s and largely devastated by the British and American imposed Opium Wars on China from 1839 to 1860s. It was a period when China was very weak and could not put a stop to such insidious foreign interference.  

 US has been carrying out serious provocations against mainland China across the Taiwan Strait. It has been illegally supplying military weapons to the Chinese traitors in Taiwan. The US is using Taiwan to contain China's national development. But this vile US stratagem will never succeed in view of China's ever increasing   strength. 

The vile and demonic Anglo-Saxons United States have been trying every way and means to contain China and bring China down. From the 1950s to 1970s the US and its allies started a naval and trade blockade against China trying to destroy China and the Chinese people. In 2016 the Americans imposed a trade war on China by illegally and unilaterally imposing high tariffs on Chinese goods. When that failed to destroy China they started cyber and electronic warfare against China. They sanctioned China on semiconductor and computer chips by forbidding US and all Western countries to sell to China those chips. They even arbitrarily sanctioned Chinese high tec companies like Huawei, Tik Tok and many others forbidding US and other Western countries from dealing with these companies. The US even went to the vicious extend  of criminally kidnapping the Chief Financial Officer of Huawei, Meng Wan Zhou but was forced to release her after China's serious protest and demands for her release. 

Now the US is using all kinds of hybrid warfare against China. It tried to stir up riots and turmoils in Hong kong hoping it would have a contagious effect on mainland China. It has never stopped trying instigating and fomenting troubles and turmoils in Xichang and Xinjiang. So far they have failed miserably in trying to create umbrella revolutions against China. On the contrary all the bad and evil deeds they engineered for China may soon come home to roost in their homeland, the United States of America.

However, in desperation the satanic Anglo-Saxons Americans are trying to use their last but dangerous card of starting a war against China thinking that a war would not only destroy China but would help to stop US decline. They are trying to instigate and foment a war in the Taiwan Straits between Mainland Chinese and the Taiwanese Chinese traitors. They are trying their best to lure China and entice Taiwan into open combat and when a war starts the Evil Empire will push its proxies like Japan and the Philippines into the frontline to fight against China  while it enriches itself by selling weapons to the warring partis. But China knowing their diabolical intrigue will not fall for the trap. Should the desperate US starts a war in the Taiwan Strait, China will definitely destroy the Evil Empire and Taiwan will eventually reunite with mainland mother China. However, China must adopt the policy of dealing strictly without mercy with the shameless Taiwanese Chinese traitors by arresting them and shooting them on sight. Without these shameless self-interest and self-aggrandized traitors the evil Anglo-Saxons Americans and their proxies cannot do much to harm China and the Chinese people.


Saturday, 18th May, 2024


  1. If the Evil Empire starts a war in the Taiwan Strait, China must make it clear that the war will have no borders. China will bring the war to the United States homeland, to Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. Japan and the Philippines will be bombed to smithereans in minutes and America will for the first time enjoy the devastating bombing by China via its conventional and nuclear armed hypersonic missiles, rockets and unmanned AI controlled bombers. They can be sure China will not be fighting America alone. Russia,Iran, DPRK, Serbia, Cuba, Venezuella, Bolivia and many African countries will definitely fight along side China against the despicable warmongering Anglo-Saxons Americans.

    Thus in starting a war against China the US for sure will meet its nemesis and be destroyed forever so that the world may have everlasting peace and harmony.

    A proud Malaysian Chinese : Wong Chong Sheng


  2. The central government of China must send to Taiwan commandos to arrest Twiwanese Chinese traitors and Japanese wrapped under the veil of Chinese names to conceal their Japanese identity and despatched them forthwith godspeed without mercy. Traitors, espionage agents, spies, CIA agents and Japanese personnels with false Chinese names must be identified and castigated or despatched off immediately.

  3. Some of the Japanese descendants of former Japanese occupation army officers who did not want to be repatriated to Japan after the deafeat of Japan in the Second World War in 1945 but chose to stay back in Taiwan under camouflage Chinese names. These despicable Japanese descendants with camouflage Chinese names are now working actively as leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party, a very anti-China organisation. Below is a short list of some of these Japanese descendants.

    1. Hsu Hsin-liang, 2. Hsieh Tsung-min, 3.Lin Shui-chuan, 4. Tsai Ing-wen, 5. Lai Chin-te, 6. Wu Nai-ren, 7. Chiou I-jen, 8. Lin Cheng-chieh, 9. Hsu Hsin-liang, 10. Shih Ming-teh, 11. Chang Chin Cheng, 12. Chen Shui-bian, 13. Frank Hsieh, 14. Yu Shyi-kun, 15. Chai Trong-rong, 16. Wong Chin-chu, 17. Su Tseng-chang, 18. Koo Kwasng-ming, 19. Wu Shu-jen, 20. Chen Ming-wen, 21. Kuan Bi-ling, 22. Lin Hsi-yao, 23. Ker Chien-ming, 24. Hsiao Bi-khim, 25. Peng Ming-min.

    The list is not exhaustive as there are still thousands of these evil Japanese descendants hiding in Taiwan under camouflage pseudo Chinese names hoping one day to stage a take over of Taiwan for Japan through deception and subterfuge means.

    If China and Taiwan are reunified one day the central government of China must identify these Japanese descendants and send them back to Japan. Should any of these Japanese descendants refuse to be repatriated they must be arrested and despatched off immediately without any further question.

    Yang De Xing : whose family of four generations suffered Japanese brutal invasion and wanton atrocities from 1880s to 1945.

  4. Don't want to be repatriated then firing squads.

  5. https://youtu.be/MgNfu25Mt2w?si=a71ekL5AxUHejU_U

    Video of Traitor Willam Li.next Taiwan Doggie President of UAssA

  6. https://youtu.be/NfYlL_r5xKk?si=Unzf_x1SdEMCwhSF

    Brawls in Taiwan Pantomime oops Parliament

  7. https://youtu.be/Db5DKX7NDkg?si=Hn3hfqMM10awxTwL

    Part Two

    1. Had also one on the UAss Bitches Senators insulting each other in the Senate.

      Wah Sama Sama both Taiwanese and Americunts Disgraceful So called Leaders.

      This they called Democrazy.
