
A chicken rice stall is a chicken rice stall. Why need foreign talents for chicken rice stalls?

 Many businesses operating in Singapore, including GLCs are no different from a chicken rice stall. When their products and services are for Singaporean customers, who are they competing against? Why is there a need for foreign talents?

A bank branch manager in Ang Mo Kio, Toa Payoh or Jurong, is still a bank manager providing about the same services and products.Would a foreigner add much value to the job, or would a Singaporean be more suitable for the job? In all aspects, it is just another chicken rice stall.

Similarly, why the need for a foreigner to run the post office? Who is he competing against, what value add to the mail and parcel delivery services? Managing funds and investing surplus funds, borrowing funds, any MBA graduate can do the job just fine. Why the need for a foreigner?

Running a bus service or a train service, need to have foreign talent? For what? What value add? To compete against Malaysian or Indonesian train operators, or Japanese Shinkansen?

Oh, what about running a provision shop? Need foreign talent? A provision shop, big or small, called it supermart, supermarket, hypermart, is still a provision shop. What can't such jobs be given to a Singaporean but to a foreigner?

I would be laughing until my denture falls on the ground if the likes of Gain City, Creative, Courts, Yu EanSan etc etc would want to hire foreign talents to run their outlets because of value add. And kopitiams too, Ya Kun or Bak Kut Teh stalls. 

There are many jobs that have no need for foreign talents and Singaporeans can be given priority for them. Jobs like HR, Admin, Finance, Safety, Operations etc etc unless they are competing in the international market. There are plenty of jobs available for Singaporeans and Singaporeans are quite capable and qualified to take them on. Why give these jobs to foreigners and cause unemployment and underemployment to Singaporeans?  Oops, oops, I must not use the term 'Singaporeans'. It is taboo, a bad word, politically incorrect!

Then there is the biggest elephant of all, the Civil Service and Stats Boards. The jobs in these organisations should be reserved for Singaporeans, not foreigners, not PRs, not locals, not residents. This is the last refuge for unemployed and underemployed Singaporeans. Singaporeans sacrifice their lives for NS. The State must do NS for Singaporeans, to provide jobs for Singaporeans in return.


  1. Singapore is like the UK today. Even the PM's job has to go to an Indian. Imagine that! But the Whites are perfectly happy with that.

    The Brits ruled India for centuries, from 1757 to 1947. In fact, India had been under foreign rule earlier and longer than that. Now the last foreign ruler of India is being ruled by an underling. Never say never!

  2. RB, unfortunately whatever you mentioned will not be considered relevant by miw. For them, sinkies & residents mean the same thing as long as they are here to be taxed in whatever form. The more the merrier, as long as miw are still in power. Look at the 2 snake, got own property don't want to stay but can rent discount gcb to live & rent out the own property to earn extra income. If Lawless wong can stop this nonsense of importing more ft as well as chase the 2 snake out of rideout, then he will definitely earns lot of respect. No point saying he is not afraid to make tough decision, but no action taken.


  3. Don't worry, Singapore has laid the foundation for future poverty and endless thousands of homeless people in homelessness hell. That is what scam fake dragon articulated.

  4. Singapore is the last safe bastion for overseas Chinese, especially the western educated elites. Losing Singapore they will have no where to go.

  5. Can you imagine what would happen to our western educated elites when they are kicked out of Singapore and have to settle in US, UK or Australia?

    Even all the millions they bring along, the money cannot protect them when they are ordinary PRs in white countries without the power they have here.

    The white mafia in uniforms, in power, and the Asian mafias would gobble them up and all the millions, in no time. If they ever lose control of Singapore.

  6. Hi Anon 12.57

    Not to worry, time shall come.

    The day of Reckoning be here.

    They think that they can enjoy their wealth and luxurious lifes there in their White Masters Abodes.

    Be called chinks chinks squid squint eyes and gunned down without knowing what's happened.
