
USA /Western savage governance of Darwinism :- Survival of The Fittest.

 The United States and the Western countries practice of their insidious political Doctrine of Darwinism in its entirety has vast negative effects and consequences not only for their own countries but also for the entire world. They say that in the wilderness savage animals batter each other and kill each other to survive. They call this brutal struggle among wild animals as the survival of the fittest and refer to it as 'The Law of The Jungle.

They maintain that under Charles Darwin theory  mankind as one of the biological species are no different from the animals of the jungle and therefore should also be subjected to The Law of the Jungle for survival. This is a very inhuman, selfish, self-interest and self centered  evil mad man's idea. Under this diabolical doctrine the state will not care for the citizens and men will eat men in their struggle for survival just like the savage beasts in the wilderness. This is already reflected iin the Western world especially in the barbaric state of America.  So in furtherance to this theory which has become their savage doctrine of survival of the fittest they are strongly against government's help to the people in their struggle for survival.

This is very controversial and hypocritical because if government is not helping the people then it should also not burden the working people with taxes. Thus to give relevance to their Darwinism Doctrine they institute an extreme capitalist type of government and is deadly against socialism or socialist type of government.

In the capitalist system the rich and powerful is free to exploit the people and society to the fullest for their own selfinterests and benefit. Whereas  socialism believes that the wealth of the country should be distributed equitably and fairly among the citizens of the country.

This extreme capitalist system is strongly reflected in the governance of the United States. Similarly its contradiction is also clearly reflected. Since the US capitalist government is against helping the people why then does the US government help big banks and large corporations or business conglomerates in their time of failure when they are showing visibly signs of going bankrupt. Why does the US government use quantitative easing or qualitative easing to give  hundreds of billions of dollars to help these failing banks and big corporations from collapsing under the spurious reason that they are too big to be allowed to fail. Isn't this highly hypocritical and contradictory to its capitalist practice and governance. They claim these banks and large corporations are too  big and should not be allowed to fail. So isn't 'too big to fail' a slap on their capitalist governance. It shows their hypocrisy and double face on socialsim. In other words they are not against socialism per se. To the capitalist government socialism is not for the common people but for the rich and powerful in their hour of need. What a damn and shameless hypocrisy.

In the United States the one percent elitists control ninety-eight percent of the country's wealth and richess at the expense of the vast majority of the citizens. The top elitists through manipulation establish themselves and their proxies in all key positions of power where only they can decide on the state's governance and decisions to their advantage. 

The fact that in the United States there is extreme poverty among a large section of the people with millions suffering from hunger and homelessness, with no social welfare and hospitals to cater for their needs and with rundown dilapilated infrastructures in the midst of the rich one percent elitists living in ostantatious glory and splendour attest to the evil aspect of their extreme capitalism. The United States need a reformation and revolution. The vast majority of the American citizens must rise up to overthrow this present evil capitalist government and replace it with a socialist government that cares for the country and the welfare of the people.

The Evil Empire which is governed and controlled by the demonic Anglo-Saxons and the satanic Jewish Zionist Rothschilds and Illuminati cabal has  been extending its toxic claws across all continents with ill intention to bring the whole earthly world under American evil hegemony as well as under its horrendous Darwinism doctrine and  governance of  'Survival of the Fittest  The non-Western world especially all the countries of the south under the leadership of Russia, China, Iran, South Africa and Brazil must resist this diabolical Evil Empire's attempt at world hegemony and bring down this Evil Empire and its proxies before it is too late.

On the contrary China, under a socialist system with Chinese characteristics,  is showing the world the great benefits and care that socialism can benevolently bestow on every citizen in the country irrespective of social status. The lifting and elevation of over 800 million Chinese citizens out of poverty, the tremendous development and construction of modern and futuristic Chinese infrastructures and the extraordinary innovation and development of the latest and most modern Chinese science, high tec and tehnology attest to the supremacy of the socialist system of government comparing to the natural decline of the US Darwinism injurious capitalist system which benefits only the selfish rich and powerful elitist class.

China is now extending the benefits of its socialist system to all poor countries of the south. China is more humane and open hearted with its benevolent socialist system of governance. China believes in helping fellow human beings in lifting poor countries out of poverty through win-win cooperation unlike US and Western diabolical savage exploitative system of Darwinism of survival of the fittest in which winner takes all and losers  may perish without any of their concern.

The satanic United States has never given up its evil objective of world hegemony through its diabolical Darwinism capitalist system. The free world of the South led by Russia, China, Iran and the BRICS organisation must strongly resist  Anglo-Saxons American aggression and bring down the American warmongers so that the world may have peace and harmony .


Sunday, 19th May,2024


  1. https://youtu.be/mw-ZNLzF_po?si=2zTfnuB20IdwSEwk

    This Mr Fong's video shown their BS DEMOCRAZY.

  2. https://youtu.be/JCnvVaXEh3Y?si=7mgSvePKyNSjrQR2

    One Fine example of a Capitalists Country with Lots of Sucidies due to their Capitalists System

  3. https://youtu.be/HY2N1aJ2bAE?si=gR1po4wXEyIzdGj8

    Another in Japan


  4. The USA / Western fake pseudo democracy guided by its monstrous Darwinism governance paddles gloom and doom and destruction to the world. On the contrary the Chinese socialism with its practice of socialist democracy brings hope, faith and charity and development and progress to all countries of the south big or small.

