
Salient truth and Facts: The Sins & Evil Deeds of Anglo-Saxons are Beyond Redemption: PART THREE

 PART      THREE:       The Anglo-Saxon Americans are the greatest perverts of human rights and democracy. 

The United States is an illegal, illegitimate and illicit savage barbaric state that has been causing endless monstrous crimes, turmoils, choas and perennial wars in this world for over two hundred years since 1776.

The Anglo-Saxon Americans have been using 'Human Rights' and 'Democracy' as part and parcel of their hybrid warfare against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. These American political thugs and hoodlums have for years and decades been abusing human rights and democracy by  committing the worst and most sinful unpardonable criminal acts against other people and nations and then fallaciously turn around to accuse others like Russia or China of doing what they have been guilty of doing all the time. Trying to hang the label of criminal abuse of human rights and democracy on others does not in any way lighten their weight of criminality or lessen the sins of their abominable acts against mankind.

The Anglo-Saxon United States has always been an illegal illicit state founded on the genocide of native Americans. Thus the US is not only an undemocratic state but in every sense it is a heinous criminal state. In genociding the natives to almost total extinction the Anglo-Saxon Americans the marauding criminal invaders from Europe have committed the most brutal and lethal abuse of human rights. As it is they have never stopped in their ill-treatments of the native Americans even to this very present time. They have never shown any remorse or contrition for their atrocities against the natives of America. To add insult to injury they like to hypocritically lecture to other people or countries about human rights and democracy. To show their sincerity which they actually have none they must practise what they preach and atone for their criminal breach of human rights and democracy against the natives by giving back the lands to the natives and return to their original abode in England and Europe.

The Anglo-Saxon Americans have carried out myriads of  lethal crimes against humanity with their diabolical perversion and abuse of human rights and democracy against non-white people and countries. Their means of abusing human rights and democracy under the guise of protecting democracy and human rights are vast and varied and more so to principally serve as vehicles to maintain and secure white power and hegemony led by the Anglo-Saxons in collusion with the zionist Rothschild's Illuminati cabal.

There is no decency in all Western pseudo democratic governments . It is more appropriate to label them as demoncrazy. For hundreds of years since 1492 when the most notorious European pirate Christopher Columbus with support and collusion from the Pope of the Catholic Church started the beginning of the invasion and genocide of non Christians in the Americas which was then followed by endless streams of brutal invasions of practically all the countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand.  Following these invasions they robbed, steal, looted and plundered the wealth and resources of the victimized natives and finally butchered and genocided the natives brutally and mercilessly. These plundering of other countries resources have never stopped and is still happening now as is happening in the Middle East Arab muslim countries, in Africa and South America. The white, men especially the Anglo-Saxon Americans and England, France, Belgium, Holland, Spain and portugal have been taking all the oil, gold, diamond, copper, iron, coal, lithium, tin, bauxiite and uranium ores practically for free from the countries they invaded.

Another of their criminal act is to exploit local differences among the natives and incite them to fight among themselves. This was what happened to the hundreds of different American native tribes who were unsuspiciously led to fiight and destroy among themselves before white men went for the final kill to take over all of America. During the last seventy or eighty years after the Second World War , the West led by the Anglo-Saxon Americans and England managed to sow dissension among the Sunni and Shia muslims in the Middle East and incited them to fight among themselves. In the meantime during this choatic time the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the West are able to grab all the Middle East oil practically for free. Now the Americans are sowing suspicion and dissension among the littoral states in the South China Sea to go against China so that it can eventually take control of the region not only to grab all the oil resources in the region but also to contain China's development. 

The West especially the Anglo-Saxon America has no ethics, morals or conscience at all. They will do all their worst diabolical criminal activities to make others suffer and destroyed in order to achieve their ultimate motive of world dominance and hegemony by the white cabal led by the United States. Of course all non white countries must ensure that this diabolical plot of the United States will never succeed but in turn cooperate to bring down the evil West led by the Satanic and criminal United States.

The United States always use CIA and NED via NGOs to subvert and bring choas and turmoil to other countries which don't follow US dictates. By using CIA and NED via NGOs to subvert and carry out color revolutions to topple democratically elected governments which refuse  to tow US dictates is a very undemocratic hideous crime. USA had carried out over eighty regime change since the end of the Second World War. 

Another US revulsive abuse of human rights is the  constant  use of perennial plots to murder and assassinate political leaders like presidents, prime ministers and other influential ministers of countries which are adverse to US dictatorship. Many attempts were carried out by CIA to assassinate President De Gaulle of  France, Premier Zhou En-Lai of China, President Soekarno of Indonesia, President Chavez and Maduro of Venezuela and President Evo Morales of Bolivia. But fortunately they were all unsuccessful. These are hideous crimes and most undemocratic way of US and the West in their attempts to control and dominate the world under US hegemony.

The use and weaponizing of the US Petro Dollar is a vile and vicious scam to subvert the economy of countries which are adverse to US dictates. It has been a dirty scam of over seventy years in which US just print dollars out of thin air to pay for all the tangible assets of other countries resources like oil and mineral products and agricultural resources practically for free. The filthy US petro dollar is a fiat currency not supported by gold or other resources. It is a scam to impoverish other countries and make them forever indebted to US hegemony. Isn't this petro dollar scam a serious vile abuse of human rights. It is time the BRIC countries take down this toxic American toxic petro dollar.

The use of sanctions by the US and its Western allies on other countries is in actual fact a declaration of war. By sanctioning other countries both on the economy and on the important personnels of other countries the US hope to bring these countries down to their knees. The sanctions cause a lot of pain, death and suffering to the hundreds of millions of ordinary citizens of the victimized countries. These sanctions are a grave perversion of human rights and democracy. For these insidious crimes the United States and its horde of Western allies must be punished and make to pay a heavy price commensurate with the severity of their crime against humanity.

Thus by using the mechanism of murders and assassinations of foreign countries leaders, the vicious weaponizing of the Petro Dollar and SWIFT, the lethal use of sanctions and trade blockades and the brutal subversion of other countries viz regime change are a great grievous travesty of human rights and democracy by satanic Anglo-Saxon US and its Western allies. The countries of the free world led by Russia and China need to immediately put a full stop to all these Western hubris and monstrous designs to conquer the whole world under Western cabal domination led by the vile demonic United States. 

Having committed  the most brutal and dastardly criminal acts against all the non-white countries they now shamelessly put on a straight face and try to talk and lecture to them about human rights and democracy. Its high time all the non-white countries unite and kick these white hypocrites in the face and send them to burning hell forever. Any way the BRIC countries led by China and Russia are leading the way to destroy these satanic Western countries now led by the most arrogant and satanic Anglo-Saxon white Americans and the British.


Saturday, 1st July, 2023



Anonymous said...

Death to the atrocious evil Anglo-Saxon Americans and its cabal of Western allies including the vile Rothschild Illuminati cabal of Jewish world exploiters and murderers and killers.

Victory, peace, harmony and security to the free countries of the world.

Arthur Domingo : A peace loving Philippino

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Arthur.

Anonymous said...

Lately, Western leaders are inviting themselves to Beijing (and BRICS), after the high profile visits of Elon Musk and Bill Gates. Most are uninvited, or self invited, but China will not decline receiving them if they insist on visiting. Even some are waiting to be invited like Joe Biden.

Macron invited himself to join the BRICS meeting in South Africa in August, but Putin disinvited his attempt. Japan is also making overtures about being interested in joining BRICS, hoping to get an invitation to join the BRICS meeting in South Africa. As an unfriendly country towards Russia and China, would Putin and Xi even think about accepting Japan into the group?

These are Trojan Horses, controlled by the USA, that BRICS must never admit at all cost. Already, India is a big problem for BRICS to resolve. Modi was summoned to Washington just recently, to brief barely-conscious Biden regarding what is happening inside BRICS. Of course this will never be admitted or revealed, but when snakes talk to each other in private, no one else must know.

All said, France and Japan must never, ever be inducted into BRICS. That would be a disaster of massive proportions. In fact every country in the EU vis a vis Nato, QUAD, AUKUS, Five Eyes group and G7 members must never be allowed to join BRICS. India, as an invitee to the G7 meeting, is also highly suspect, but India is already in, so great care must be taken to keep India at arms length.

Anonymous said...

Brazil President LULA: "They accuse us of being communists, as if we would be offended by that. We are not offended. We would be offended if they called us Nazis, neofascists, terrorists, neocons. But never a communist, a socialist. That doesn't offend us. It makes us proud many times. And many times we know that we deserve to be called that."

Anonymous said...

When the G8 threw out Russia and became G7, Macron was involved with that decision. Putin will never forget that.

As a matter of comparison, would the G7 allow China or Russia into the grouping? Of course not. Their vile conspiracies will all be exposed.

Anonymous said...

What human rights are the shameless and faceless Anglo-Saxon white Americans talking? Every day they are killing the African Americans, the Mexican Americans and the Chinese Americans in the most brutal and merciless manner. They should stop all these killings and stop being hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

What is so democratic and what kind of democracy are the Anglo-Saxon Americans so proud in uttering to the world when they have been indulging in attacking and invading other countries with impunity and plundering their wealth and resources. This is shameless and hypocritical without precedent. The callous United States and its cabal of Western allies should be destroyed for the safety and security of the world.

Anonymous said...

What democracy and human rights is the United States practising when it has over 800 military bases around every corner of the world intimidating both big and small or weak countries. It's high time for US to face Karma or retribution for creating all the wars, choas and turmoils and destructions in the world.

Anonymous said...

The USA's 'Rules Based Order' that they tried to imposed on the world is all based on their human rights unilateral musings, which is the only avenue left for them to leverage on. And they are also bringing into focus the LGBTQ issues in dictating to the Africans, which failed miserably.

The USA's committing of war crimes in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan is clearly untenable for them to utter or hang on to bear on others, particularly China or Russia. So they want to change the narrative to focus on 'Rules Based Order' instead.

Just revisit the My Lai massacre alone is enough to tell the world that the USA has no moral right to accuse any other country of war crimes. Hence they made use of the ICC instead, where it suits them.

That is why they invented the 'Rules Based Order' horseshit to upend the UN's rulings based on International Law that have be abided by others for decades.

Anonymous said...

The United States is a godless uncivilize barbaric country. It can never change its aggressiive warlike nature. Wherever it goes it must bomb and invade and plunder to secure American primacy, dominance and hegemony. Nevertheless Karma will soon destroy America through lmplosion of its myriads of unsolvable internal problems and debacles of its own making.

Anonymous said...

Wherever America goes it destroys and plunder. Whereas, wherever China goes it builds and constructs and conducts trade and business in a win-win situation with other countries.

Anonymous said...

The satanic USA has always been using its so-called 'rules based order' as its long arm jurisdiction of other countries and to exert its extra territorial control on countries which are opposed to US dictates.

However being hot headed it tries to take down Russia and China too. But Russia and China is no easy meat for US aggression. It is more certain that in attempting to take on Russia and China the evil empire of US will meet its nemesis and face total destruction into oblivion.

Chen Han Lin : A Taiwan Chinese compatriot

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Welcometo the blog, Chen Han Lin.

You are living in a hot potato. Taiwan is going to be the centre of the world's attention.