
BRICS - One Trojan Horse is bad enough, no more.

 Lately, Western leaders are inviting themselves to Beijing (and BRICS), after the high profile visits of Elon Musk and Bill Gates. Most are uninvited, or self invited, but China will not decline receiving them if they insist on visiting. Even some are waiting to be invited like Joe Biden.

Macron invited himself to join the BRICS meeting in South Africa in August, but Putin disinvited his attempt. Japan is also making overtures about being interested in joining BRICS, hoping to get an invitation to join the BRICS meeting in South Africa. As an unfriendly country towards Russia and China, would Putin and Xi even think about accepting Japan into the group?

These are Trojan Horses, controlled by the USA, that BRICS must never admit at all cost. Already, India is a big problem for BRICS to resolve. Modi was summoned to Washington just recently, to brief barely-conscious Biden regarding what is happening inside BRICS. Of course this will never be admitted or revealed, but when snakes talk to each other in private, no one else must know.

All said, France and Japan must never, ever be inducted into BRICS. That would be a disaster of massive proportions. In fact every country in the EU vis a vis Nato, QUAD, AUKUS, Five Eyes group and G7 members must never be allowed to join BRICS. India, as an invitee to the G7 meeting, is also highly suspect, but India is already in, so great care must be taken to keep India at arms length.



Anonymous said...

Yes, one Trojan Horse is bad enough. If three Trojan Horses get into BRICS, all advantage is lost. It is a no brainer why France and Japan are up to, trying to raise overtures to join BRICS.

It does not matter how many new alliances the USA comes up with, by recycling old alliances with new packaging, and France and Japan can join in, but not about joining BRICS. BRICS must never ever let that happen.

Virgo49 said...

The French Caps Frenchies and the Japs are the Dangerous Ones.

This Macaroni went to see Xi for their sales of their AeroBuses

Took over their revenge on the UAss Boeings.

For also taking over their Subs deals with Auss Convicts land.

The Frenchies are accomplices to the many murderous wars on other countries especially the Arabs and now paying for their Evil acts of their own burning in riorts.

Do not trust all these Weasels when they are back they demonized China again.

Also that German Puppet who is a Shame to his Country.

Karmas worked in mysterious ways.

Even now the Murderous Americunts servicemen and women so proud to called themselves Wars Veterans are mostly killing their own in their mad mental states.

Their own Who are the main culprits who gave their murderous orders arw also now mentally unsound still yapping the Wars in Iraq where millions of the Iraqi Souls haunted them.

Screaming in the sleep seeing all the World's Natives they had killed and murdered.

The Japs are gonna to have theirs soon of their Evil Brutual Killings and Tortures of so many Human Beings.

So never ever have all these Charlatans in BRICs.

Anonymous said...

The USA is ostensibly trying a new trick by allowing TSMC and Samsung to return to the Chinese mainland to set up production of matured chips, not the high end ones.

This was one of the terms prohibiting them from doing so earlier, in return for the susidies to be given to them for setting up Chip Manufacturing facilities in Arizona. Why the sudden change of mind.

The USA now found out that their chip sanctioning move against China is backfiring badly, with USA, Taiwanese and Japanese chipmakers losing their pants. As the Chinese market for chip imports keep shrinking, who else is going to absorb the excess inventory going forward. Prices of some chips have lost as much as 90% of their value, some selling for US$200 before now kissing the bottom at US$20 due to excess inventory. How can the USA and other chipmakers survive like that?

They USA thinks that by using TSMC and Samsung to produce matured chips in the Chinese mainland to compete in the Chinese market, the Chinese Manufacturers will then not expand their production capacity to be self sufficient, by going back to the old option of depending on foreign chipmakers. Or lure them into cutting back on investing more funds into chip production as their priority going forward, which if it continues is going to kill off USA Chip Makers. The Chinese are not going to fall for this trick by cutting back on R & D in chip manufacturing. It is full steam ahead to be self reliant in all sectors, not just chips alone.

Anonymous said...

China's BYD not repeating Xiaomi's mistake with Indian Government

Full payment first, then we deliver goods!


Virgo49 said...


France burning. What's a beautiful sight!


Anonymous said...

India seizes USD725 million from Xiaomi, use some of Xiaomi's money to buy CNY2 billion (USD275 million) worth of new energy vehicles from BYD !

Anonymous said...

New Delhi si beh chau! Now India very bad global reputation to do business with! Even Moscow rejects outright the Indians' bid to pay for Russian oil with Indian rupees!

Anonymous said...

One important lesson I learnt from my uncle in the early 60s, "never ever trust a kelingkia (Indian), trust them at your peril."
Fast forward to 2000 onwards, it is emotionally painful to see China investing in India and getting sodomised.
- Naivety or silly greed to have more profits clouded good judgement ?

Anonymous said...

BRICs should insist no NATO members are invited. NATO are like gangsters and only militaries. To show sincerity quit NATO first.

Anonymous said...

Russia won't allow Singapore to join BRICS.

Anonymous said...

China tells the USA not to cause trouble when rejoining UNESCO. The USA left UNESCO in 2011,after the organisation extended membership to Palestine. What is wrong with Palestine joining the organisation? The USA wants to politicise every organisation, every sports body, everything under the sun.

So, China is again warning the USA not to be a trouble maker by rejoining the organisation that had been peacefully conducting its business for the last 12 years, without the USA involved.

What is feared is that the USA will be in it to cause trouble, not for other reasons. North Korea, Iran, Venzuela and Russia are members. You can guess what USA will be bringing into the organisation.

Anonymous said...

Nobody in UNESCO care two hoots when the USA left the organisation in 2011. This is the way to treat the 'pariah'. What they contributed are trouble and more trouble, creating friction, dividing loyalties, but contributing nothing to advance the objective of the organisation.

Now sheeplishly wanting to rejoin. They think that by having big money to crush others, they can call the shots. Not today.

Anonymous said...

The US left UNESCO because Palestine was admitted. This showed what the Americans think of Palestine. Now, why would the Palestine and Arab world still clinging to the hope that the Americans could be on the side of the Palestine? Trump was as good as taking Jerusalem and gave it to the Israelis.

If the Palestine and Arabs still think the Americans can be their friends, they deserved to be screwed by the Americans and no one shall sympathise with them. You can cheat some people some time. Only fools can be cheated all the time.

There is hope now with MBS as the leader of the Arab World. He saw through the insincerity of the Americans and is making a clean break. No longer would the Arab world trust the Americans and be made fools off by the Americans to fight and kill among themselves at the delight and pleasure of the Americans and Israelies.