
Would the Africans turn against China?

 Have the Americans make good their promises to Asean and the African leaders and send them the $150m and $350m respectively? Or still otan?

Many Africans are awaken and know who is helping them and who has looted and plundered their countries, enslaved them and make them poor till today. But not all Africans are enlightened and rational.

There is a popular modern day African Shamen called Prof Lumumba, preaching to the Africans to be united and to build Africa by themselves into a developed continent of African countries. He laid out the abuses of the foreign powers, and also included China into the same category as evil countries out to exploit Africa.

He could not distinguish China as a different civilisation that had not conquered and colonised Africa and regard China just as bad as the white man. He accused China for going after African resources. Sure, but what is he expecting China to be, Santa Claus? China did not rob Africa and does not owe Africa anything.

China is in Africa to trade, to help them to develop, help them build their infrastructure, cheaply but not for free. They cost China a lot of money, resources and manpower. It is only reasonable and respectable for the Africans to pay back in kind if they did not have the money. But if this Shaman is believed by the Africans, then China would also be their enemy and they would throw China out in a matter of time.

China got to be careful with what the Africans are thinking behind its back, just like Papua New Guinea. After helping PNG in infrastructure development, the PNG has invited the Americans to set up military bases to counter China.

Would the Africans turn against China like the PNG, believing in the Shaman that China was there to exploit their resources, that China must build everything for them for free?

Stupidity has no cure.



Anonymous said...

Wait long long. For Trump to cancel the deal, if he returns to power. USA Presidents can make deals giving the moon and the stars, knowing they only have four years to deal with it, and it becomes someone else's problem to fulfil.

That is the beauty of USA democracy that they want the world to follow.

Africa is done with the USA, no matter what happens.

Anonymous said...

If Africans wants to turn their backs against China they would have done that decades ago. China, Russia, Cuba and North Korea, poor as they were decades ago, had been helping Africans in their anti colonial fight for decades.

These four countries never turned their backs on Africa, and the Africans know that. They are grateful and do you think Africans are like the Anglo Saxon Whites, that makes use of countries when it is useful to them, and discard them as collateral damage material once the usefulness is gone?

In fact, Asians are more likely to turn their backs on China, forgetting that China had helped them before. Vietnam comes to mind and China better keep them at arms length as untrustworthy.

Anonymous said...

China's goodwill in Africa could be seriously harmed by a modern day Shaman called Prof Lumumba. He put China in the same group as the western colonialists, accusing China of interfering in Africa and exploiting Africa. He warned the Africans about China in the same vein as warning them about the West. In his view, China, Russia, the Arabs investing in Africa are just as bad as the West.

If the Africans listen to him, China and Russia would also be seen as enemies of Africa.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This Shaman only knows how to talk, calling for Africa to be united and build Africa independently. Who does not know that? But he has no formula, did not understand the economics and mechanics of turning Africa great. He is talking like Donald Trump, making America great again. But how?

Without the education base, technology, knowhow, a trained workforce, finance and resources and good leadership, and a people wanting and willing to work hard, not work blindly, he thinks it is so easy to turn Africa into a developed continent?

What Africa has is abundance of resources. But most of the resources are as good as dirt if no one is buying them or wanting to pay for them. The people are mostly illiterate and not working or thinking as one people. No need to mention about the corruption and infighting among the tribal chiefs, now all wearing uniforms of generals.

The basic foundation of Africa for economic growth into a modern industrial economy is not there and needs help from countries that are willing to help them. No one owes Africa a living. No one is going to throw money at Africa freely. Everyone country has its own problems and issues that need money and resources to get by.

The colonialists came to rob and plunder Africa without giving anything in return. Countries like China and Russia came for trade and may give some assistance. If the Shaman is going to condemn countries like China and Russia for trading, to buy the dirt in Africa and pay good money for them, then these countries would eventually wash their hands and be hands off from Africa. And Africa would again be at the mercy of the white vultures waiting to tear them apart piece by piece.

The Shaman must be clear what he is talking about and differentiate between the devils and the good guys. No one is going to help Africa for free. China offers infrastructures and knowhow and these needs to be paid in money or in kind. Africa does not have money but have a lot of dirt that China can convert to money to pay for the infrastructures. Is that unfair? Is that robbing or plundering Africa? If China is not buying the dirt from Africa, who is? If there is no buyers, the dirt would be dirt forever, worthless.

The Shaman must come up with a working formula to make Africa rich and developed. It is easy to shout and call for unity to make Africa great. If there is no working formula, he can shout for the next thousand years and Africa would still be the same. Maybe he can chant, wala, wala, wala and Africa would unite and become rich and developed.