
Israel - Western aggressiveness and double standard

Israel could launch a military offensive targeting Iran’s nuclear sites within a two to three-year timeframe, Defense Minister Benny Gantz told a class of graduating Israeli Air Force cadets on Wednesday, boasting that the country had “significantly increased its preparedness in recent years and is preparing for the possibility of an attack on Iran.”

Outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid clarified that such an attack would be a response to “threats that we see as existential,” assuring the newly-minted pilots of Israel’s military superiority while warning the country’s “enemies” that “no Israeli government will agree to Iran becoming nuclear. If it is necessary to act, we will act.” RT

The above is quoted from an article in RT. Such statements by the Israelis or America would get by without any criticism or condemnation. It is the right of the West, especially the Americans and Israelis, to openly declared their intent to attack another country and no one is to say this is outrageous and unacceptable. Only the West can attack any country they want with impunity. It is their rule of law.

Can you imagine what the western countries and media would report if China or Russia or any non western country would to say so? Hell would break lose if North Korea or Iran would to say so.

In this case, Israel can arrogantly say that Iran cannot become a nuclear power. Can Iran say that Israel cannot become a nuclear power and threaten an attack on Israel's nuclear facilities? By the way, the Americans and the western world have quietly accepted nuclear as a nuclear power, with nuclear weapons.

Iran must quickly go nuclear. Iran must possess nuclear weapons to protect itself. Only with nuclear weapons would Israel and the Americans be detered from attacking Iran. In the meantime Iran must prepared a plan to strike at Israel's nuclear sites once Israel mounts an attack on Iran. This must be made very clear to Israel, a red line. Once crossed, Iran would launch everything into Israel. Only such a position would be taken seriously by the Israelis. Otherwise, Israel would think Iran is easy meat, can be hit and would not hit back. It is war when Israel strikes, all out attack on Israel.

The aggressiveness of the Americans and the Israelis to conduct wars, to start wars, must be condemned to the fullest extent. Unfortunately, condemnation would be just words. Countries that want to avoid being attack by the Americans and Israelis must be armed to the teeth, like North Korea. And the message to the warmongers and white savages must be, 'You can hit me, I can hit you'. Period.

Being meek and weak would be invitation for an attack by the white savages.

2 Jan, 2023 
Israel strikes Damascus airport – Syria
Two people were killed in the attack, according to the Syrian military


Israeli national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has reportedly banned the flying of Palestinian flags, claiming that they “encourage terrorism” and should no longer be allowed in public places.

“It is inconceivable that lawbreakers will wave terror flags, incite and encourage terrorism,” Ben-Gvir said on Sunday night in a statement cited by the Jerusalem Post. “I have issued instructions for the removal of the flags, which support terrorism, from the public space and to stop incitement against the state of Israel.”  RT

The Israelis arbitrarily branded the Palestinian flag as terrorist flag when the real terrorists are the Israelis.


  1. US-led ‘rules-based order’ is actually code word for US global hegemony . .

  2. Agree. Anyone that openly support this 'rules based order' is openly admitting that he is an American stooge.

  3. Those people that wrote or talked about 'rules based order', debt trap, CCP, Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan violation of human rights or democrac, freedom of navigation,etc, are like wearing these as badges of honour of the evil American Empire... shamelessly.

    They are telling everyone who their paymasters were.

  4. Do watch the video cast by Scott Ritter on 'Russia is on the right side of history' on Youtube. It may soon be taken down by Youtube as some have predicted. The truth unveiled by Scott Ritter may not be to the liking of the USA.

    Scott Ritter detailed the whole history of why the USA had all along tried to take down Russia. Not just the present USA leadership is doing that, but it all started the moment Putin assumed leadership of Russia, they realised Russia is in good hands and will ultimately rise to be a serious competitor.

    After Gorbachev, Russia had been lead by corrupt Presidents like Yeltsin, and the USA was hoping the same type of leaders will continue to rule Russia, and Russia will never be able to rise to compete with USA in any way. Money to buy over such leaders was never a problem with the USA.

    This is also the same reason why the USA wants very much to change the leadership in China and is making all kinds of doomsday predictions since Xi was given the lengthy Presidential job by the CCP. Now that Xi had solidified his position, surrounding himself with like minded aides, the USA is becoming more hysterical and paranoid.

    Russia and China are not that easy for the USA to swallow, unlike Iraq, Libya and most countries in Africa. And these two powers have been planning their moves, not just yesterday, but probably decades ago, while the USA concentrated on the Middle East and took its eyes off them, thinking that these two big countries are unable to rise from poverty strickened conditions since the 1980s and 90s.

    Never would the USA expect China could rise so fast and gaining so much influence right after the BRI initiative. Soft power was laughed at, and thinking that playing hardball with military might takes the cake, but now they can laugh no more and are desperate.

    It was all out demonisation by the USA, in every thing that China does, and in every direction that China choose to move. They still are playing the same game of fabricating lies and depressing truth with regard to China's right to rise and create influence. But there is no stopping that.

  5. UNITED NATIONS (Nov. 04, 2022) — The U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for the 30th year to condemn the American economic, commercial and financial embargo of Cuba. The vote in the 193-member General Assembly was 185 countries supporting the condemnation, the United States and Israel opposing it, and Brazil (then under Trump's far-right ally Bolsonaro) and Ukraine (under US puppet Zelenskyy) abstaining.

  6. Hi Anon, the UN must be overhaul to recognise the majority voting decisions of the members nations in voting the yes or no of any resolutions.

    Not majority voted against and been override just by ONE veto vote by just one of the Security Council top Five Permanent Members.

    What's the Fark for?
    Talk until no saliva and until the cows come home and then 185 voted No out of 193 and they still passed the Resolution.

  7. Right now, the UN cannot change because it is under the control of the Anglo Saxon clique and their doggies.

    Change, not only within or without the UN, but other world bodies can only hope to come after BRICS is able to provide the alternative in giving rise to a new global reserve currency and a new rival to the SWIFT system. Until then, the world has to suffer the injustices of the UN, IMF etc. These are just rubber stamps to provide cover for the USA to act as it wishes.
