
How much the Americans love the Muslim 1.01


A 1 minute clip showing the brutality of American gangsters in police uniform. They are vicious beasts that would not give any chance to the blacks and the Muslims.  See how the brute attacked a Muslim woman to remove her hijab in the police station and how he slam dunked this little woman violently on the ground when there was absolutely no threat to him. He was just a big bully, like all the burly white American police force. And they are the pride of the USA.

Are they the protectors of Americans or terrorists on the streets?

The black woman was Dalia Kali. The white office was Alex Dunn. Very brave taking down a black woman half his size.


  1. This is nothing compare to the thousand of innocent people the USass killed over the pass years in other countries. I only hope that the non-white races will start a colour revolution in heart of the evil empire.

  2. Yep. They are also very good at slitting the throats of Muslim boys in Afghanistan and the Middle East, just to get pass the rites of passage, to kill and to be acknowledged by their peers as a confirm killer, with a few innocent lives taken with their hands. Savages.

  3. The American police are the worst in the world. Most of them are poorly educated, power hungry, quick to use their guns for any stupid reason.

  4. I accidentally deleted a comment by an anonymous, that the prince killed 25 Afghans. He was referring to Prince Harry.
