
Why National Services? Sovereign state to Corporate State

 Why is there a need for National Service? Or why is there a need for a strong military force? And why is National Service called a sacrifice?

Historically country or nation state needed a defensive or offensive force to protect its territory and people or to attack another country to acquire land to expand its territory. Historically, nation states were quite homogenous, of one people.  Relationship between states was you or me, or you against me. The concept of invading another country to acquire wealth and slaves was taken for granted.  Today this is unacceptable and against international law and norms. But some rogue states still think it is their right, and some still hold on to their conquered land, under the pretentious lie of 'they found it' by planting their flags on the land. It was might was, and is still right, and countries can go around invading other countries to take over their land and everything in it, including the people. Some countries still practise this and needed a strong military force to invade and acquire land in deceptive ways, under fabricated excuses like fighting terrorism, liberation from autocrats or dictators, democracy and human rights violations.

For these same reasons, nation states need a strong military force to protect and defend themselves from such aggressors and potential enemies. Their land, people and resources when overrun, everything would go to the invaders, even their human rights to exist as free human beans. The victims or captives would be at the mercy of the invaders. Recent examples are Iraq, the Palestines, Kosovo, Pacific Islands, islands in the Indian Ocean, some African states, etc etc.

The concept of independent sovereign nation state is gradually being compromised when the meanings of nationhood and citizenship no longer have the same importance and relevance as in the past. People are migrating and taking on citizenship of another country quite freely and happily. And there are nation states that would be happy to bring in the best talents of the world to become citizens, in a way diluting their national core. Homogeneity, or one race, is no longer valued. Nation states can become multi cultural, multi racial and multi religious. A nation state can bring in mixed bags of foreigners to become citizens, and eventually the foreigners can become the majority and take over the state without the need for the consent of the original citizens.

In the past, when individuals of a country invited foreigners in, in a hostile takeover, it is treason. They were called traitors. In today's context, when foreigners are invited into a state, to become citizens of the state, and could take over the state if the numbers are big enough, it is seen as a benign migration policy. It is an economic expediency. It is a conscious choice, a national policy. Presumably this is for the good of country and people, everything done systematically, legally and peacefully. 

When a nation state is willing to bring in foreigners in large numbers, opening its doors widely and freely, the meaning of a defensive military force becomes meaningless in a way. There is no enemies anymore. The country and everything in it can be shared with foreigners turned citizens. The nation state can belong to anyone allow in as residents.

When this becomes an acceptable norm, does nation state still have any meaning? Is there still a place or a need for a military force to defend the country? Is there a need for National Service? What is there to defend when everything can be shared with foreigners turned citizens? It is like whatever is mine is yours, and whatever is yours is yours, as many countries would not share their country and wealth with foreigners. And for the latter, their citizens now residing in some willing states can own and share what is in the willing states, including the land and national reserves acquired over generations. 

Can a new term be coined to define such a situation? A sovereign state becomes a non sovereign state, everyone is welcomed if they fit the criteria or needs of the non sovereign state. This is in a way a kind of no ownership of the state. It is for everyone to share and to take. Public or universal property? The state belongs to the talented regardless of race or nationality, not to the citizens. The citizens would have to compete with the talents from the rest of the world for jobs and everything, except doing NS.

If all states subscribe to this practice, then it is fair game in a way. But if most states do not subscribe to such a practice, how would the non sovereign states, some casually call them corporate states, end up eventually? Would they be looted or taken over by the foreigners now called citizens? It is easy for the innocent and unwary to lose their states to foreign talents with an agenda to take over such states for themselves or their former states. What would be the fate of their original citizens when foreigners became the majority and seized the state as theirs, like 'I found it' in the past and deliver the non state to their motherland, or bring in more of their kind to share the land and everything in it, including the national reserves?

PS. Why would the Ukrainians want to fight and die to protect their lands? Why not be non sovereign states or corporate states as long as the people can live well and the GDP is growing?


  1. In his lecture during a meeting of the New York State Bar Association International Section, Shanmugam said that Singapore should be judged as a city.

    “…nobody questions whether there is a democracy in New York…. This is where most people make a mistake. I have tried to explain that we are different. We are a city. We are not a country.”

  2. Remember Tun Mah still wanna that piece of rock called Pedra Blanca, and even wanto take back Sinkieland, he even argued with the Johor Sultan to one day take back Sinkieland no matter wat happen. He don't care whether Sinkieland is foreigners or not, he jus wan it back, alamak ! God or Allah bless Sinkieland lah.

  3. For a small island state like Singapore, it is so easy to be taken over by any country if Singaporeans are stupid enough to let it happen, unwillingly but due to their apathy and tidak apa attitude.

    Such a situation is what those who have intention to take over the island like best, a disinterested population walking around half asleep, not knowing what is happening.

  4. If Sinkieland is Corporatized, does it mean that any economic stronger nation can acquire Sinkieland any time? If that is the case, is ns still got relevance? Probably Sinkieland will become Slaves Land to serve ts Master mah.

  5. Singapore's history book said the British pointed all their big guns into the sea but the Japanese outwitted them by sneaking in from the north.

    Singapore has the strongest military force to prevent the island from being taken over by an invading force. On the other hand Singapore is bringing in millions of foreigners to become citizens, another way of taking over the island.

    Hypothetically, if 90 percent of the citizens are foreigners or new citizens, does it mean that Singapore now belongs to the foreigners, called citizens?

    What a joke.

  6. Hypothetically, if Singapore is happy to open its doors to more foreigners, to raise its population to 10m, 20m or more, big countries like China and India can keep letting their people to populate Singapore.

    Who owns Singapore then?

    Oh, they are all Singapore citizens, new citizens. So nothing to worry about. Nothing wrong with that. Singapore still belongs to Singaporeans.

    Brilliant argument.

  7. Look at France, the demographic had changed dramatically, it is too late for France to roll back their immigration policy.

    1. Hi Mr tanhh

      France with her black players ever won the WCup and our Lau Goh so proudly exclaimed that we must also let in all these talents so that Sinkieland will be like France.

      Never know that in time to come they will destroy your country with their roots and killings when they are been side lined.

      All these imbeciles thought that they can always jellied and assimilated into the society which are different in.cultures and lifestyles.

  8. Anyone willing to let in foreigners into their homes and eventually let the foreigners share their homes and properties...because they cannot afford to maintain their homes, maintenance cost too expensive, and cannot afford to pay property tax?

  9. Any reports of the Chinese seeing the USA flag on the moon? One day the USA would come up with the claim that they discovered the moon first, because they planted their flag there, like in North America.

    Holy shit, they are really in a hurry to plant another flag on the moon to lay claim, because the old flag, if it existed, would have turned to dust and cannot 'pa kay'. Die die cannot let China discover the moon.

  10. Hahaha, France would soon have a Muslim majority and become a Muslim state.

  11. Kosovo was taken out from Yugoslavia by NATO.

  12. Red Dot tried to follow the USA by letting in foreigners in large numbers, unknowlingly or knowingly diluting the core population. USA is different, as it has a large land area and population, and a few million foreigners is not a big problem, and the population is not so diluted as Red Dot. Even then, they are trying to cut down on immigrants from the South.

    France, with a much smaller population than the USA is already feeling the pressure. And Red Dot is not even as big as France in area and population. Is Red Dot trying to follow the USA by claiming 'exceptionalism'?

    In a sense, Red Dot is slowly being taken over in a sneaky way, but we keep on thinking that that is not a problem. At least not the ruling elites, but citizens have sensed the writing is on the wall. The fight for housing and living space is apparent. So, they are indeed questioning the relevance of National Service by citizens and sacrificing for whose real benefit?

  13. We need national service to protect us from invaders. Also Covid invaders.

    1. Brainwashed leashed Papies pups.

  14. Not possible. The Americans have at least 200m infected with Covid and coming in freely. And India has unknown numbers infected also coming in freely. Then the Europeans, Japanese, Australians, all battling surges in their cities, all coming in freely.

  15. Anything under CNN is fake news lah.

  16. Not to forget also Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

    1. U don't be stupid lar. It's fake news as no weapons were found

  17. We DON'T need national services period.

  18. We all know WMD in Iraq was fake news lah. But they conned the 'Coalition of the willing' and claimed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

    Not content with fabricating fake news to start the war, the old witch, Madeleine Albright had the audacity to even say that sacrificing 500,000 Iraqi children was worth the sacrifice. This goes to show how many millions of Iraqi innocents could have been murdered in Iraq. I think they are proud of that like Harry of Little Britain. Yet no war crimes?

    1. Sadamn Hussein wanted to dedollise the UAss $ and they had to find an excuse to destroy him.

      Also they had no qualms in killing their own Americunts by faking their own 911 crash so as to attack Osama and Afghanistan.

      These Evil Whites and Americunts had so many evil agendas just to control the World.

      But now Russia exposed all their Evil plans in the Urukians and Russians War.

  19. We also need to protect against the 1 billion Covid infected chinese.

    Kan Quancheng, director of the health commission for central Henan province, told a press conference that “as of January 6, 2023, the province’s Covid infection rate is 89%”.
    With a population of 99.4 million, the figures suggest about 88.5 million people in Henan may now have been infected.

  20. If the numbers are true, they are more than the worse days of USA and India. How come everything is fine in China? No sick queueing on the streets, no one dying on the streets, no panic, life goes on as normal, and the Chinese tourists going to visit the world to spend money?

    Why no mass protest and street demonstration? Why hospitals are full and shortages of masks, shortages of medicine, vaccines, shortages of doctors and nurses, all sick and tired, overworked?

    Is this another fake news? Who can verify?

  21. The US took 3 years to chalk up 100m infections. This case, it is like 88.5m in a month or two. Really? This is like an explosion of a nuclear bomb. And some even quoting 37m in a day!

    How much more would they want to exaggerate? 37m is nearly 2 times the population of Taiwan. It would be like a huge volcano eruption that could be seen from a hundred miles away.

    What is real, what is fake news?

  22. When the source of this news is the BBC, you better ask some serious questions.

  23. Ong Ye Kung said in Parliament, the number of inflow visitors tested positive, Chinese visitors only made up 5% of the total. For sure, the data is real, not massaged. Visitors from some countries tested positive are higher than 5%.

    How come if China is having a surge in infection over the whole country, tens of millions daily, so few were tested positive on arrival here?

  24. In the four weeks up to Jan 1 – one of the most difficult periods of the epidemic in China, said Ong – about 200 travellers from China tested Covid-positive, representing less than 5 per cent of Singapore’s imported infections.

    Asean countries accounted for more than half; the rest of Asia, around 15 per cent; Europe, 11 per cent; and the Middle East, 9 per cent. Out of seven severe imported cases in this period, only one was from China. There have been no severe infections from China since Jan 1.

  25. If they USA and the UK can fabricate WMD in Iraq, what else can they not fabricate?

    How believable are their ridiculous fabrication about China's Covid spread is really laughable. Why not just put the whole of China's population as being infected, all 1.4 billion, to make it more sensational. Or put it at 2.8 billion, with all Chinese citizens now being infected twice because of just opening up, to make it sound even more dire.

    At least have some sense of proportion when trying to fabricate, not make it utterly ridiculous to the extreme, that those who come across such news will know it is all horse shit.

    The situation as reported over the last few days by some Westerners in Chinese cities does not support the lies being created. Oh, please not the same shit accusing those Westerners of being paid by the CCP to tow the Chinese line. We do know, for a fact, that the the USA Government sets aside US$300 million just to provide funding for MSM and others to generate fake news to demonise China. Were those now generating the fake news about COVID in China on the bandwagon? If you believe, no proof is necessary and if you do not believe, no proof is possible.

  26. MELBOURNE :The developer of a $21-billion project aiming to deliver solar power to Singapore from Australia has collapsed as its two main backers, Australian billionaires Mike Cannon-Brookes and Andrew Forrest, failed to agree on a new round of funding.

    Singapore-based Sun Cable said it had appointed voluntary administrators less than a year after raising A$210 million from the two billionaires for the Australia-Asia PowerLink project. CNA

    This is a case of, if one can scratch the right ear with the right hand, why use the left hand to scratch the right ear, or why use the leg to scratch the ear?

  27. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/business/sun-cable-collapses-voluntary-administration-clean-energy-funds-3197731

  28. War is young men dying and old men talking”
    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.
    Herbert Hoover
