
One bomb every 12 minutes by the evil American Empire


The evil American Empire is dropping one bomb every minute without declaring war on 76 countries! And this evil warring Empire is accusing everyone of being aggressive and wanting to start a war. And there are many unthinking still believing in the lies of the evil Empire, that the evil Empire is a peace loving Empire and other countries that were not at war, but victims of aggression and war by the evil Empire are the aggressive countries. 

Listen to this 2 minute clip to rid yourself of the American lies.

How many more countries must they invade?

How many more wars must they start?

Hoe many more bombs must they drop?

How many more people must they kill?

...before the unthinking believers see the evilness of the Americans and call a spade a spade? 

The power of the media and the control of the media are so powerful that otherwise normal rational people could also be duped into thinking right is wrong, confusing black and white. To them, white is good, black or any other colour is bad. The whites can get away with murders, massacres, genocides, spreading virus and pathogens around the world, killing innocent people, but these unthinking would not want to know.

The country that is bombing the daylight out of 74 countries without declaring war is hyping about a China threat when China is not at war with any country for the last 40 years and did not invade any country in its entire history of a few thousand years, minus border conflicts to keep out the barbarians from its borders.

The evil Americans would keep on crying wolf, that other countries are the threat, while they go about invading countries and bombing countries with the western media pretending not to see, not to know and refuse to report on their war crimes against humanity.


  1. Are those bombs not killing civilians as well and not war crimes? When they used carpet bombing, that already are killing soldiers and civilians as well. NATO's continuous aerial bombing of Yugoslavia lasted for two and a half months with so much blood on their hands. What kind of nonsense are they now talking about Russian war crimes in Ukraine when they are doing it big time all over the world. And the ICC and UN had no clue about all that and suddenly so full of themselves by investigating war crimes by the Russians in Ukraine?

    Now, many people are saying the Bucha Massacre in Ukraine was a false flag committed by the Ukrainian forces and blamed on the Russians. The timeline and evidence at the scene do not fit and that is why Russia's call for an investigation was quickly quashed by the UK at the UN. No reasonable quarters were given to give it a fair hearing and the guilty verdict pronounce according the their 'Rule of Law'.

    From all the wars waged by the USA, how many millions of innocents have died and how much destruction they have done to others is beyond comprehension. And they are intent on continuing along this evil, vile and nefarious agenda without remorse.

  2. All those millions of innocents killed in wars started by the USA, they considered them as collateral damage.

    Madeleine Albright even said that killing 500,000 Iraqi children through sanctions is worth the price to pay. What a hideous witch of a woman!

    That spells all out the vile behavior of the USA throughout history. Evil Personified is all I can say!

  3. To the Americans, coloured people are subhumans, especially Arabs and Africans. Killing them is nothing, meaningless to them. War collaterals, not lives. No guilt feelings.

    See how strong they felt about the death of Ukrainians and Ukrainian refugees? Blue eyes, blond, like them.

    How many coloured people think their lives matter to the whites?

  4. All those war crimes committed by the Evil USA Armed Forces and Covert Elements have so far not been taken to task. These war criminals must one day be exposed and condemned.

  5. It's confirmed that the U.S. and NATO are very evil beyond any doubt, constantly seeking amoral means to desperately maintain their hegemonic grip of the whole world.

  6. "SAF must be prepared for all eventualities amid superpower rivalry, war in Europe: Ng Eng Hen"

    So stupid! If don't take sides in their rivalry, then don't have to defend against any of the super powers. Can condemn invasion of Ukraine, but why itchy backside join the West to further impose sanctions on Russia ?

  7. Wang Yi will not visit Singapore, will visit other Southeast Asian countries from July 3 to 14

    Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay official visits to Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia from July 3 to 14, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian announced on Friday.


  8. It is hilarious for the Sin Defence Minister to talk like an imbecile.
    Who and
    what is Sin ?

    It is a tadpole in a lake
    talking like it is one
    that matters to the Others in it.
    Sin got to know that it is just a tadpole and nothing more.
    Any moment it could be
    starve to death or gets gobble-up.



  9. The Conceit of the Sin Rulers is
    Just too hard for others to bear.
    It is also the Reason why they are shown the Cold Shoulders
    when attending lnternational
    Events, which are apparent.
    it do not piss off others too much.
