
Zakir Hossain - All the fuss for nothing

 Why waste so much time and attention for a wildlife that came here to make a living and thinking too highly of himself, that Singapore owed him a living?  Why shed crocodile tears for the hundreds of thousands of workers when many Singaporeans are suffering in silence, in debt, unable to feed themselves, jobless, trying to make ends meet? Did any Singaporean care about Singaporeans in bad shape, in trouble?

These foreign workers are suffering, victimised, badly treated? Come off it, the condition in Singapore is paradise on earth for them. It could not be better if they remained in their home countries, no job and probably die and fade away in the same state as they are in for the rest of their lives. In Singapore there is hope, there is work, money to be made and if they are thrifty, become rich when they got home, on top of providing for more than the basic needs of their families which they would not be able to do so, if they are not here.

What is the basis of comparing what is good and acceptable to the foreign workers? With the life of Singaporeans today, or Singaporeans in the 30s, 40s or 50s? Or with what they would be if they did not come to Singapore? Many of our forefathers went through more shitty times than the foreign workers today, no laws to protect them, at the mercy of colonial masters and local thugs. They accepted the life and risks and discomfort then, and tried to make the best they could for a better tomorrow. There were no crocodile tears, no eat too full socialists to cry for them, to champion their cause, their inequalities and poor living and working condition.

Today, foreign workers like Zakir Hossain think they are ill treated here and full of grievances. Go back home and cry out your grievances and see who in the world or in your home countries would care a dime for your complaints, to show pity on your sorrowful state of joblessness, poverty and neglect. You and your foreign workers are not the responsibility of Singapore.  Singapore and Singaporeans are not responsible for your well being other than to provide you with a job, pay and a decent roof over your head, that is much better that the squalid slums from where you came from.

Singapore and Singaporeans have more problems and responsibilities for the well being of Singaporeans. Singapore and Singaporeans don't owe you a living or your welfare. You come here, get to work, get paid and get lost when there is no job for you. We have enough Singaporeans to worry for.

All foreigners and wildlife must not take it for granted that they could make demands like Singaporeans. You are not citizens of this island.  And no silly Singaporeans, including silly politicians, should think it is their duty to look after the well being of foreigners and wildlife. If you have nothing better to do, think of what you can do for Singaporeans, especially those Singaporeans that needed you and your help, desperately.

Your own house is on fire and you worry about houses hundreds or thousands miles away in other countries.


  1. After more than 60 years of Nation Building, yet Singapore still needs "Strengthening Singapore Identity"? Why?

    When and by Who did the strength of the Singapore society been eroded?

    Who was the biggest culprit to have created this predicament for the Singapore Society?

    It has to come right from the very top, is it not?

  2. Due to invited presence of 2.4 million foreigners here, homosexuals attitude is changing in conservative Singapore. They may legalize man have sex with man due to foreign influence . . .

  3. This is like digging holes on the road, dig and patch up, dig, patch up. Forever digging and patching and did not know why.

    Singapore identity or resident identity?

    Selling out to foreigners and residents?

  4. As a singaporean born n made in sg from kampung.jobless since 2006 due to severe illness...made to wait for 3 mths initially to get a $250 voucher during those critical times from cdc...till now not working.this fellow has a better live it seems...sigh gone is spore when the locals are gone....sigh....

  5. Why is Zakir Hossain still appealing and hoping to be allowed to continue working in Singapore if the conditions of work here are so bad and he is treated like slave labour? Why are thousands upon thousands of people still queueing to come here to work, willing to pay thousands of dollars to greedy agents for the right? I do not condone exploitation but they are paid to work and there are laws here to protect them.

  6. If the conditions in Singapore is so bad, why is Zakir Hossain still appealing to work here?

  7. Comment posted in TRE

    Harder Truths:
    July 1, 2022 at 10:17 am (Quote)
    Tang Li – again you talk cock sing song.

    Peope do not do his job because they are not paid to do so by $inkie standards. if $inkies get sick or die there is no hope for the families. This FT is adequately rewarded in his own currency. No one forced him to come here and work. He has been here for nineteen years.

    $inkies are not responsible for his situation in his own country nor that of any FT in their own countries. He came here because he could achieve something he could never dream of at home. For the majority of his time here he must have been well treated – or why would he stay? And to be ungrateful for that opportunity is a human quality.

    Does it mean he was ill-treated for nineteen years? If so, why are we only hearing about this today, when he has earned enough and is leaving anyway? By making it seem he was tortured his whole time here shows he is not worth keeping around.

    If the roles were revered and a $inkie made a big fuss in his country or India or china or USA, I doubt the $inkie would be treated well or be able to leave without being harmed in some way. Other countries do not take kindly to foreigners doing this kind of thing. But in $inkieland, for the sake of criticizing the ruling party, $inkies have would kill each other off to protect this liar.

    It just shows there is no nation called $inkieland. Just various groups vying for power. And a foreigner’s word is so powerful that it makes the locals hang their heads in shame. Fine. The FT are all laughing right now. With this kind of mentality in $inkieland it is no wonder the FT are in charge of almost everything.

  8. Comment posted in TRE

    July 1, 2022 at 12:10 pm (Quote)
    Without FWs,could we have our HDBs,our condos,our MRT,our *Jewel*,and,even our *CUSHY* JOBS?!
    BUT,even without fake n arrogant FTs,we still could have all these minus JOBLESSNESS!!!
    Fws,including Domestic Helpers do the work we dont want to do so that we can go to work in the banks,the aircon offices and not having to go on our bicycles to DELIVER FOOD to eke out a living.
    Be a hawker,a food panda or a toilet cleaner.
    We will be with you n for you.
    We will protect your *rainbow* jobs?

  9. Comment from TRE

    Harder Truths:
    June 27, 2022 at 9:30 am (Quote)
    If guys like him go to a foreign country they take whatever is given to them or go back. No one owes him a living. This is why his country is a useless terrorist camp. Complain about everything and then start blowing things up when they can’t get what they want. Now starting their shit here. Just like Tekka riots, you treat them well and they will create havoc. No, this guy is a trouble-maker. And if one guy says things like this you can be sure there are another 400 somewhere ready to riot. He is not a $inkie. If he wants rights he should try it at home. Most likely they will have killed him off long ago.

  10. Sg are exceptional tiny in land areas. These Foreigners coming here for works are idiots smarts, or desperados. Many float by grabbing on seaweeds. No future type, other smart nations would never hire them. An espisode working in sg would sploit their credential. Bad for resume.
