
Covid-19 Singapore: The Scanty MOH New Normal Report 8 March, 2022

INGAPORE: Singapore reported 22,201 new COVID-19 cases plus 15 deaths, as of noon on Tuesday (Mar 8), comprising 21,986 local cases and 215 imported infections.

This is the sixth consecutive Tuesday that case numbers have gone up from the day before. Health Minister Ong Ye Kung had previously referred to such a pattern, writing on Facebook in October 2021 that numbers would "always spike after the weekends" and he has been doing nothing about it at all. Just talk talk only, same as NATO.

There were also 15 fatalities added to the escalating death toll that the health ministry could have prevented but let the infections led to coronavirus complications, and brought the total to 1,099 dead people. Every death is a heartache to some family members and relatives. Some of them are sole bread-winners, who may have to leave they young, still schooling, dependentless children behind. This is the cruel reality of life in the richest city on Earth, where ministers make themselves multi-millionaires at the stroke of a pen.

According to MOM statistics, there are 1,499 patients in the hospitals, and a total of 190 patients require oxygen supplementation.

Forty-nine patients are in the intensive care unit, fighting for their life.



  1. The facts given by MOH are actually partial facts only. They are never the truth, and never will be. Why?

    Very simple. There are many infected people not recorded.

    There are many people not registered. So, how are they going know?

    The main question is:

    Do they reaĺly want us to know?
    I think not. Why?

    Because they will show us that they are not able to know.

  2. Why worry? Still better than many surrounding ASEAN countries. Singapore is still OK. More VTL and more tourists and more business activities for the GDP growth. Otherwise how to have ministers' salary increases and big end of year bonuses? People who die because of COVID-19 are all with underlying diseases. So Sinkies, please do not worry too much.

  3. Singapore recorded 39,252 infections on March 9, with 26 deaths, both are records, that, on hindsight, is going to be broken soon. What is the new target? They should spell it out so Sinkies can prepare themselves mentally once again.

    If translated into a population like India, it means a daily infection of more than 9 million. OK, not to worry, Omicron is mild and not that deadly and we can continue living with the virus.

  4. Now it is Omi-Delta, the Two have merged. Infections in Europe, South Korea, Japan and China are rising and some are at record high. The Pandemic is fluid and is likely to turn worse as most countries open-up for economy viability and even survival.

    Sin the Tiny Barren Dot is most fragile and vulnerable as it depends on others to survive. All essentials such as food, water, fuel and even worker, are all dependent on other countries. Luckily, it is so tiny with just about 6 millions in population, the Need is miniscule.
    And also that the older generations have accumulated some wealth, Sin is currently able to survive. Unfortunately, wealth will be easily depleted if growth cannot be maintained and sustained which is certainly going to be the Case if the Pandemic lasts for another few years.
    The Only Hope is that a cure be found. But, even then, it will only merely provides a little comfort. The Future for Sinkies shall be bleak and gloomy till the Sampan sinks completely.

  5. The sampan is going to sink in one way or another. The way forward is to slash all the pay at the very top. They have been enjoying the long-drawn pay for a very long period of time now. If they still do not slash it down, we are heading for disaster. That's for sure.


  6. "Singapore recorded 39,252 infections on March 9, with 26 deaths, both are records, that, on hindsight, is going to be broken soon.

    What is the new target? They should spell it out so Sinkies can prepare themselves mentally once again.

    If translated into a population like India, it means a daily infection of more than 9 million.

    OK, not to worry, Omicron is mild and not that deadly and we can continue living with the virus".

    And get killed in the process, if you are not so lucky.

    For once, it has put DIABETES INTO ME ALREADY! Previously, I don't have Diebetes.

    WHAT ELSE? I Still have to find out.

    Maybe my heart will give way too? So, think about it. Omicron is MILD?

  7. Plus, I have high cholesterol problem now. Previously, I don't have.

    It seems the problems are creeping in one by one. There seems to be no end in sight.

    So, if you start thinking that Omicron is mild, wait until you get it, then you can tell me about it. Good luck! You need it!

  8. A-Non-Yes-Mouse, you could be right that other sickness will surface after those jabs.

    The point is, mRNA, besides tricking the body into producing all the anti-bodies to fight the virus, is inadvertently also waking up all the latent viruses that causes other sickness.

    I am not an expert in such stuff, but the fact that many people have been talking about it, with some already experiencing it, how to translate that into evidence? Saying so immediately elicit denial and you don't win arguing with the experts standing on the other side. They have the support of the Government, Big Pharma, Big Investors with big interest.

    The world is today in the era of 'Money Talks and Bullshit walks'

  9. A non yes mouse is a living case study of what would happen to an infected case, even after being vaccinated, by mRNA vaccine. He is the living proof, the evidence that cannot be denied or hidden. He can report everything, a live account of what happened to him from his hospital bed.

    Keep briefing us of your condition to make people more aware of the virus and the vaccine efficacy.
