
American Military Biolabs Discovered in Ukraine

Russian forces during their special military operation in Ukraine uncovered a network of about 30 biological laboratories that was formed in the country at the request of the United States.

On Monday, the chief of Russia's radiation, chemical and biological protection force Igor Kirillov, reported a network of more than 30 biological labs was formed on Ukrainian territory at the instruction of the U.S. Department of Defense's Threat Reduction Agency.

The discovery raised great concern as the biological laboratories were storing large quantities of dangerous viruses which the U.S. were using for its biomilitary projects.

The U.S. Department of Defense has absolute control over the biological laboratories in Ukraine. All dangerous viruses in Ukraine must be stored in these laboratories, and all research activities are led by the U.S..

The U.S.' biological military activities in Ukraine are just the "tip of the iceberg," said Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, noting that the U.S. Department of Defense controls a total of 336 biological military laboratories in 30 countries.

For two decades, the U.S. has exclusively blocked the establishment of the verification mechanism of the Biological Weapons Convention and refused to accept multilateral inspections of U.S. biological facilities within and outside its borders.

- RB News


PS. As usual, the thief shouting thief. Remember Iraq. With so many offensive biowarfare lab in another name, the Americans are placing them in strategic locations all over the world in preparation of a bio chemical attack on neighbouring countries. Russia and China must raise this in the UN to have all such labs close down. Insist on an inspection in all the labs.


  1. The main purpose of these bioweapon labs is to identify viruses in a region to modify into bioweapon that looks like from viruses in the region to cover their track.

    The virus they spread in Wuhan is from bat virus that they had modified to look like a local disease.

  2. The US is proliferating bioweapons everywhere. This is a fact.

    The whole world must wake up.

    These bioweapons are manufactured in small labs and can be easily concealed. The world must start detecting such labs and destroy them.

    These evil people must be exposed.

  3. The Coronavirus could be conceived at one of these 336 American biological military laboratories with the collaboration of UK and Australian scientists.

  4. The American playbook was revealed by ex-U.S. President Donald Trump:

    "We should take our F-22 planes, put the Chinese flag on them and bomb the shit out out of Russia. And then we say, China did it, we didn't do, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch."

  5. Exactly, take a virus from their bioweapon lab, paste China on the virus, planted it in Wuhan, then accused China for spreading the virus.

  6. The Coronavirus pathogen is very likely planted in Wuhan by the U.S. military during the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan in October 2019.

  7. US undersecretary of state Victoria Nuland in her testimony to Congress nervously said that she's now worried that the American biolabs in Ukraine had fallen to the hands of the Russians

    If the activities of these biolabs were basically health research for the betterment of mankind and nothing nefariious , why should she be worried about what the Russian would about to discover?

  8. For four decades the U.S. has tried to prevent the Biological Weapons Convention from establishing a checking mechanism. Of the 182 signatories to the convention, the U.S. is the only one that pulled out of negotiations for such a mechanism in 2001. It is clear that by doing so the U.S. wants to protect the secrets of its 336 biological labs worldwide.

    Latest reports say that the U.S. embassy in Ukraine hurriedly deleted information related to the biological labs there. But they cannot wash away the fact about the existence of such laboratories around the world.

    The world demands the U.S. to publish information about these biological laboratories, including what kind of viruses are stored there, what "research" is going on and what harm they pose to people in these countries and around the world.

  9. If they write their reports they would say they were trying to make the whitest washing powder to sell to the world.

    Russia should push for a visit and investigation in all the 336 bioweapon labs in the world.

  10. Not to worry people. Like COVID19 which they released in China, any other virus released in China or Russia will eventually find it's way to the USA and Europe. It cannot be avoided or contained. Doing evil begets evil.

    Just like a nuclear war. They can nuke China and Russia and obliterate them from the face pf the earth, but they will themselves suffer a worse fate, with all the radiation going round the earth. Just look at Chernobyl and Fukushima. These are just a tiny sample of the dangers of radiation.

    In the end the hegemon inherits nothing worth inheriting. 'Exceptionalism' is not going to help them either.

  11. Annihilation!

  12. Now the propaganda is getting extreme. Words like 'horrifying' is used to describe the situation and events in Ukraine. The more extreme with words they can think of, they will spell it out.

    Remember the picture of the girl running naked along the road, skin burning, after being attacked with Napalm bombs used by the USA in Vietnam? That is what horrifying means.

    The crackdown on sites reporting the truth have now been widespread and reported by many. Sites like RT, The New Atlas, Difference Frames The World, Gweilo 60, Cyrus Janssen and many others have been demonetised for trying to report the truth. But most are using several platforms, so they can still broadcast.

    What is left are basically sites like Channel News America, totally skewed news intent on demonising the Russians, with reporting from only one perspective and getting commentators telling only one side of the story. Nothing about the effects of the war in Europe and USA. They appear to be totally shielded from the events in Ukraine.

    In between all this, the USA is putting pressure on countries like China, India, Pakistan among many others that abstained from voting at the UN, to make their stand against Russia. India is angry and Pakistan is furious. Pakistani PM Imran Khan shot back with 'we are not your slaves'. Most of the support at the UN appears to be all USA lackeys, but not the non aligned countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Is the USA again thinking of using the UN rubber stamp to legitimise and gather a 'Coalition of the Coerced' to take on Russia?

  13. Don't waste your time watching Channel News Asia any more. It is totally skewed to one side. It has no credibility whatsoever. Nothing! ZILCH!

  14. US Biolabs: One Goal Was to Create Bioagents That Can Target Certain Ethnic Groups

    The United States had poured money into biological research facilities in Ukraine that may have been used in order to create biological weapons and conduct bat coronavirus-related experiments, and the creation of bioagents that would be capable of targeting certain ethnic groups, Russian Defence Ministry revealed on Thursday.

    "The available documents confirm numerous cases of the transfer of biological samples of Ukrainian citizens abroad. With a high degree of probability, we can say that one of the tasks of the United States and its allies is the creation of bioagents that can selectively affect various ethnic groups of the population", said Igor Kirillov, the head of the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces.

    Kirillov said that 350 cryocontainers with blood serum samples were transferred from the Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to a reference laboratory for infectious diseases at Australia's Doherty Institute under the pretext of determining antibody titers.

    The Russian Defence Ministry has obtained documents confirming that the high-risk biological research in Ukraine is led by US specialists. According to Kirillov, the documents also showed that the US Defence Department funded the biological research in Ukraine.

    He also said that US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland "indirectly" confirmed American participation in the Ukrainian biological research when she said that Washington was concerned about the Ukrainian biolabs being taken over by the Russians.

    According to Kirillov, the Pentagon was also interested in insect vectors that can spread dangerous infectious diseases. Additionally, biological laboratories in Ukraine and Georgia are working on a project involving bats as carriers of bioweapons, Kirillov said.

    Similar concerns were earlier voiced by Major General Igor Konashenkov, the spokesman of the Russian Defence Ministry. He said that the US-funded biological labs in Ukraine were conducting experiments with bat coronavirus samples and studying the possible spread of pathogens via wild birds, migrating between Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in the region.

    - Moscow

  15. To stop and prevent the US and Others to make use of Russia's neighbours to create threat at the Region, Russia has to regain its' USSR Status. Those countries that broke away have to be brought back into USSR. This shall stop the US and its' Allies from lnstigating and creating trouble for Russia. Solution in once for all.

    斩草不除根,风吹它又生, 防不胜防。不如一次过解决后患。

  16. Victoria Nuland was saying that the bio labs were just conducting research on normal stuff like the flu virus or something, but according to George Galloway, why then is the USA so concerned about those labs falling into the hands of the Russians? That sounded really sinister and certainly contradictory.

  17. What's US Doing With Bat Coronavirus Biolabs in Ukraine ?

    There is no smoke without fire.

    With the revelation that US-funded biological labs in Ukraine were conducting experiments with bat coronavirus samples, the US owes the world an explanation.

    In 2020, the Trump administration and conservative US media made the conspiracy theory of COVID-19 escaping from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology. The hype of the lab leak theory has been an integral part of the US' overall China containment strategy.

    Trump inadvertently revealed the US playbook at the RNC retreat in New Orleans on Monday when he suggested that "we should take our F-22 planes, put the Chinese flag on them and bomb the shit out out of Russia. And then we say, China did it, we didn't do, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch."

    US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland on Tuesday told a congressional hearing that Ukraine has biological research facilities and that "we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of the Russian forces."

    Most of the documentation related to the research has already been evacuated from Ukraine by the Americans, says Igor Kirillov, the head of the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces.

    Many questions remain regarding the Americans' 336 bio labs across the world.

    The international community has no idea whether the US' 336 overseas bio labs and the labs on its soil such as Fort Detrick conform to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), while what is conducted inside these bio labs involves human security.

    The US has been standing alone in obstructing the establishment of a BWC verification mechanism and refusing verification of its biological facilities at home and abroad for the past two decades. It is the only country left that owns chemical weapons in the world, and its destruction of these weapons has been delayed twice.

    - RB News

  18. The matter about biolaps found inside Ukraine must not be simply ruled out by sensible concerns.

    Those 336 biological laps are part and parcel of the overall, and could be much more, due to the immediate destructions of vast quantities, if not more, of the same or similar.

    Why is the US keep denying if it is true? The fact that the US keeps denying the truth, indicates that there must be a certain degree of truth.

    It is therefore imperative that Russia gets to the bottom of these findings, failure would mean a big setback for the people of the world and the free.

    The US, through its consistency in hiding the truth from the rest of the world, must not be allowed to do as she pleases. From now on, both China and Russia must come together to target the US in every moves she makes, especially so with regards to the creation of chemical weapons!
